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简介:"Rio adventure" tells the story of a blue macaw living in a small town in Minnesota. It has always been the only male macaw in the world. 

Until one day, a bird research doctor turio came here and told the parrot owner Linda that if she didn't breed them artificially, the blue macaw might become extinct, and there was a female blue macaw in their institute. 

So, in order to save the Blue Macaw, they flew from the United States to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and an exotic adventure began.








Blu is a domesticated Macaw who never learned to fly, and enjoys a comfortable life with his owner and best friend Linda in the small town of Moose Lake, Minnesota. Blu and Linda think he's the last of his kind, but when they learn about another Macaw who lives in Rio de Janeiro, they head to the faraway and exotic land to find Jewel, Blu's female counterpart. Not long after they arrive, Blu and Jewel are kidnapped by a group of bungling animal smugglers. With the help of street smart Jewel, and a group of wise-cracking and smooth-talking city birds, Blu escapes. Now, with his new friends by his side, Blu will have to find the courage to learn to fly, thwart the kidnappers who are hot on their trail, and return to Linda, the best friend a bird ever had.
布鲁是一只家养的金刚鹦鹉,从未学会飞行,与他的主人和最好的朋友琳达在明尼苏达州小镇Moose Lake过着舒适的生活。布鲁和琳达认为他是他这个品种中的最后一只,但当他们得知在里约热内卢还有另一只金刚鹦鹉时,他们前往这个遥远而神秘的地方寻找其女性伴侣珠宝。不久之后,布鲁和珠宝被一群笨拙的动物走私者绑架。在聪明的珠宝和一群口若悬河、顺口溜舌的城市鸟的帮助下,布鲁逃脱了。现在,有了新朋友的陪伴,布鲁将不得不找到勇气学会飞行,挫败那些跟踪他们的绑架者,并返回琳达身边,这位是一只鸟所拥有的最好的朋友。


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    缪重咏答:This movie is about a blue macaw who is the last male of his kind.He travels with his owner Linda to Rio where the last female blue macaw lives.Some of the main characters in the movie are Blu,Jewel,and Rafael.Rafael is a toucan played by George Lopez.One of the best ...

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    缪重咏答:This movie is about a blue macaw who is the last male of his kind. He travels with his owner Linda to Rio where the last female blue macaw lives. Some of the main characters in the movie are Blu, Jewel, and Rafael. Rafael is a toucan played by George Lopez. One of the...

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