
来自:潮流生活    更新日期:早些时候




  Good morining!Ladies and gentlemen!This class will be your stage to show your shrong ability in debating,and I'm your host again!

  I think you all have known the topic today,now just look at the blackboard,you can see it,"Watching a film at home and watching it at a cinema,which is better?"

  Last time,I just forgot to introduce myself,so today,first,my name is (xxx)And then,today's chief judges:everyone here.

  As this debating is the third match,I think you all have known the rules of this debating because it's as same as before's.

  OK,I don't want to waste of more time.Now I'd like to intoduce the members of each side to you.

  This is Affirnative position.Lead debater,XXX;second debater,XXX;third debater,XXX;forth debater,XXX.(Applaud)They hold the view that"watching a film at home is better than watching it at cinema".

  This is Negative position.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Applaud).They think cinema is better.

  ok,as everyone is ready now,here starts the debate!


  Hello everyone. In the first place, we indicate our position: College is a transitional period in our life. We are supposed to adapt to the society and amativeness is an important part of it. We hold the view that amativeness among the college students does more good than harm.

  The first reason: A College is a society in miniature. Anything reasonable is allowed to happen here, so it’s no wrong to fall in love

  Furthermore, it can build up our sense of responsibility. When two people fall in love, they’ll learn to care, to be lenient and to take on responsibility gradually. Besides, it contributes to our maturity.Those are such essential qualities and act as preparation for our future life and work.

  What’s more, it will be a memorable experience and add a sweet flavor to our life. It will be the most colorful period of our life. Anytime we look back upon it, we will always feel very eudemonic

  In a word, love on campus is beneficial.

  I think rather differently. Amativeness among college students does more harm than good. We hold this view basing on the following reasons:

  First of all, it affects our studies. The students in love often spend much time in dating, even when taking tutorial classes, they are still chatting. Most of the time they will stay together, but what’s the time for studying?Secondly, it will cost you much money. During our college life, it’s our parents who pay for both our living and schooling. We are not independent in economy. Think about it,How much of your parents' sweat can purchase you the momentary sweetness of insane love

  Last, when two students fall in love, they’ll lose the enthusiasm in group activities to some extent. It will lead to a distance with the classmates, and do harm to the harmony of the collective.

  All in all, we stick to the point above.








  在英语辩论赛的时候尽量要以短小、简短的句子为主,用词要简单,道理浅显,别人一听就知道你在说的话语,而不是要想半天才明白你在说什么,如可以说you are bad,就尽量不要说you are not good。




  在进行比赛的时候,可以多用一些反问句来增加气势,让对方觉得你准备充足,如经常用到don't you think that。



1. 英语辩论赛辩论稿

2. 英文辩论稿

3. 精选英语辩论赛辩论稿

4. 英语辩论赛辩论稿范文

5. 英文辩论稿样本

6. 顺境出人才辩论稿

7. 善意的谎言辩论稿事例

8. 反对善意的谎言辩论稿

9. 关于善意的谎言辩论稿

10. 努力比机会更重要辩论赛辩论稿



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