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~ 【 #英语资源# 导语】认真品味一部名著后,相信大家都增长了不少见闻,不妨坐下来好好写写读后感吧。现在你是否对读后感一筹莫展呢?以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Andersen is a well-known fairy tale writer. He has many works, among which the story of the ugly duckling is a household name. The ugly duckling finally showed her own beauty after suffering.

  Isn't this "white swan" who has undergone hardships and metamorphosis and grown up exactly the author of this book, Mr. Hans Christian Andersen? He grew up from a poor shoemaker's child to the most famous fairy tale king in the history of the world with his own interest and adherence to his ideals. We are familiar with Mr. Hawking, the ability of the body did not give up learning and scientific research, and finally became the greatest physicist after Einstein; Beethoven, the great musician, lost his hearing at the age of 28. However, Beethoven did not give in to his fate and eventually became a great musician of the century; Edison's invention of electric light experienced thousands of failures, but he did not give up, and finally brought light to mankind.

  Yes, the real wise will not be afraid of physical deformity and barrenness of life! The body is just an external form, it is always attached to our mind, only the inner strength, will not be destroyed and destroyed by anything, only the inner height, will let us become great and bulky, always exist in the vast universe.

  Everyone is an ugly duckling, and everyone can be a swan. If you pursue your ideal all your life and try to create your own life, you will not be far away from success. When you are so tired of climbing that you almost want to give up, persistence will give you the pleasure of "going to the top, looking at all the small mountains". We should learn to face difficulties, persevere and always keep an optimistic heart. Believe in life, believe in yourself, happy day is coming!


  Everyone has a dream, and they fight for their dreams. The ridicule of others turned into the motive force for them to move forward.

  One morning, a great duck mother gave birth to seven lovely babies, but they were still in the eggshell, and the mother duck was happy to wait for the birth of the babies“ Ga "a sound, the first duckling was born, plush yellow hair, very lovely, let people look very happy. Each baby appeared one after another, and the face that made mother duck laugh was blooming.

  Only one egg stood there. The mother duck was very strange. Just to see, a gray duck came out of the head. Other duckling felt that he was ugly and satirized it desperately. Everyone named it "ugly duckling". The ugly duckling was lonely. He left the Duck Club alone. On the way, she was ridiculed by many, but it didn't care. The poor ugly duckling grew up slowly, and its wings grew longer and the feathers began to turn white, and finally became a beautiful white swan, which made everyone marvel at it!

  Everyone is striving for their dreams. The ugly duckling is the same. Dream is a kind of thing to prove themselves, and it is the pursuit of the high distance that all people yearn for. Ugly duckling does not inferiority because of his ugliness, does not put others' words on the heart, that is enough. In the road of growth, despite many difficulties and many ridicules, we should insist on ourselves, like ugly duckling, not to abandon due to setbacks, and finally to get our own beauty.

  The success of the ugly duckling is not only a beautiful dream, but also perseverance and confidence.

  A tiger waits for prey in the jungle. If it has perseverance and confidence, it will surely have a good meal. Not only animals, but also humans. Whenever, there is a world of perseverance and confidence that will never go out.


  Ugly duckling is born ugly, parents hate it, brothers often laugh at it, the animals in the forest look down on it. In cold winter, other animals have warm homes, but the ugly duckling doesn't. At night, when other ducklings are sleeping in their mother's arms, the ugly duckling can only sleep in the frozen river. How many times, the ugly duckling was frozen fainted, in order not to be frozen to death, it only ran back and forth on the ice, very poor. But the ugly duckling has a tenacious fighting spirit. He has tried to jump and fly thousands of times. I don't know how many times he has fallen, but he still keeps on jumping and flying. Finally one day, a miracle appeared. The ugly duckling flew up and became a beautiful swan, flying freely in the blue sky

  After reading the story of duck and duckling, I understand a truth: no matter what you do, don't be afraid of difficulties. As long as you study hard and work hard, you will surely succeed. Diligence can make up for clumsiness!

  In fact, I am also an "ugly duckling" - a thin and black girl. However, I am not as poor as the ugly duckling. I have a father, a mother and a warm and happy home. I hope I can fly high and fly into the blue sky with my own efforts to see the vast world, but my parents won't let me do anything.

  I want to be a doctor when I grow up. My father said, "no, patients will have infectious diseases." I want to be a diplomat. My mother said, "no, you can't leave me." When I grew up to be a businessman, my parents said, "no, it's too hard." When I grow up, I want to be... "No, no..." Alas, the wings of the ugly duckling will never grow up. Dear parents, please release your wings, let me fly!

  The blue sky is the playground for the brave; The earth is a classroom for explorers. I want to study and exercise by myself. I have my own ideal. Let me go alone! Wind and rain will not break my wings, but will make me stronger. Only then will your "ugly duckling" become a swan. This is not only my hope, but also the hope of all the only children!


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