
来自:百韵    更新日期:早些时候

1.The old man was famous as a scientist and famous for his great books as well.
2.Tom believes that he knows everybody's business more than themselves.
3.Ever since the beginning of this century, too much natural resources have been used.
4.He's the only student who was late for class in the morning.
5.As far as I know, Africa is the second largest continent in the world.

You need to provide them with some books.
或You need to provide some books for them.
provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth为某人提供某物

1)The old man was famous for his great writings/works,meanwhile,he was famous as a noted scientist.
2)Tom thought that he knew more about everybody's business than what they knew.(这句有更简单的说法,不过很久没碰英语了,汗。。)
3)So much natural resource have used since the start of the century.
4)He's the only one who be late for school today.
5)As far as we know,the Africa is the second largest continent in the world.

1.The old man was famous as a scientist and famous for his great books as well.

2.Tom believes that he knows everybody's business more than themselves.

3.Ever since the beginning of this century, too much natural resources have been used.

4.He's the only student who was late for class in the morning.

5.As far as I know, Africa is the second largest continent in the world.

1.The old man was famous as a scientist and famous for his great books as well.
2.Tom believes that he knows everybody's business more than themselves.

1.The old man was famous for his great works, meanwhile he was famouse as a scientist.


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