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~ Perhaps most people would love the mouse much more than the cat after watching the programme on TV.But I love the cat more.First of all,to catch mice is the nature responsibility of cats.It isn't to blame.Besides,the cat is also very lovely.It isn't clever enough but has passion.What's more,it is very loyal to its master. So I prefer the cat. 简介:Tom and Jerry (MGM) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article or section does not adequately cite its references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. (help, get involved!) Any unsourced material that has been or is likely to be challenged may be removed at any time. This article has been tagged since February 2007. Rare Tom and Jerry title card from the 1940s, no longer seen on re-issue prints.Tom and Jerry are an Academy Award-winning animated cat (Tom) and mouse (Jerry) team who formed the basis of a successful series of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) theatrical short subjects created, written and directed by animators William Hanna and Joseph Barbera (later of Hanna-Barbera fame). The series was produced by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio in Hollywood from 1940 until 1957, when the animation unit was closed down. In 1960, MGM outsourced the production of Tom and Jerry to Rembrandt Films (led by Gene Deitch) in Eastern Europe. In 1963, production of Tom and Jerry shorts returned to Hollywood with Chuck Jones' Sib-Tower 12 Productions; this series lasted until 1967. Tom and Jerry later resurfaced in TV cartoons produced by Hanna-Barbera (1975 - 1977; 1990 - 1993) and Filmation Studios (1980 - 1982). The original MGM shorts helmed by Hanna and Barbera are notable for having won seven Academy Awards, tying it with Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies as the most-awarded theatrical animated series. 米高梅破产了!   《猫和老鼠》观后感 刚才我看了一个好玩的动画片叫做《猫和老鼠》,这是一个大型的美国动画片,里边的情节经常出人意料。今晚这一集《老鼠麻烦mouse trouble》我曾经看过,其实差不多都看无数遍了,因为这个动画片是那么的搞笑和精彩。 猫和老鼠相比占了很大的优势,但是每次都是老鼠赢了猫,这是怎么回事呀?你听( 看)了之后就知道了:老鼠个头虽然小,但是特别机灵。其实他俩也是很好的朋友,就是有时候会闹些别扭。经常在一起打打闹闹的, 我就说说这一集的详细内容吧: 讲的是一天猫收到了别人邮寄来的一个包裹,打开一看是如何抓住老鼠的宝典:第一招,找到老鼠的住所,第二招,放个老鼠夹子,第三招,用奶酪做诱饵,用绳子捆老鼠, 第四招,利用老鼠的好奇心来抓它----于是汤姆拿了一本书,就放在老鼠洞口故意大笑不止,害的好奇的老鼠杰瑞探头出来看,结果老鼠反而利用这招打了猫的眼睛。 第五招:角落里的老鼠最容易抓住,第七招:利用科学(用听诊器) 第九招:把自己当做一个礼物,可是杰瑞不吃这一套,它相信天下没有这等好事,敌人给自己送礼物,它认为这个华丽的礼物肯定有诈,于是用很多大头针扎礼物,结果礼物发出痛苦的尖叫声。它确信肯定是汤姆。还用电锯锯开礼物,打开一看,的确是猫。 老鼠杰瑞太聪明了,猫汤姆太笨了,虽然书本里有很多捕捉老鼠的妙招,可是猫有时太贪心,有时太笨,总是抓不到老鼠,而且自己还受到伤害。老鼠总是用其人之道反治其人之身,猫总是搬起石头砸自己的脚。看来不能有害人之心呀!等着我写这个的续集吧!


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