寻找听着很阴森的英文歌。。。。拜托各位了 3Q

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寻找王老先生有块地英文歌词。谢谢了!忽然想起听过的第一首英文歌就是这首。拜托各位了 3Q~

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O! With a chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there Here a chick, there chick, everywhere a chick-chick! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O! With a moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there Here a moo, there moo, everywhere a moo-moo! Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there Here a chick, there chick, everywhere a chick-chick! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O! With a quack-quack here, and a quack-quack there Here a quack, there quack, everywhere a quack-quack! Moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there Here a moo, there moo, everywhere a moo-moo! Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there Here a chick, there chick, everywhere a chick-chick! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O! With a oink-oink here, and an oink-oink there Here a oink, there oink, everywhere an oink-oink! Quack-quack here, and a quack-quack there Here a quack, there quack, everywhere a quack-quack! Moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there Here a moo, there moo, everywhere a moo-moo! Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there Here a chick, there chick, everywhere a chick-chick! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! Well, Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had a dog, E-I-E-I-O! With a bow-wow here, and a bow-wow there Here a bow-wow, there bow-wow, everywhere a bow-wow! Oink-oink here, and a oink-oink there Here a oink, there oink, everywhere oink-oink! Quack-quack here, and a quack-quack there Here a quack, there quack, everywhere a quack-quack! Moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there Here a moo, there moo, everywhere moo-moo! Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there Here a chick, there chick, everywhere a chick-chick! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O!

这里都是我喜欢的英文歌曲,希望你能喜欢 歌曲名-歌手 1。《即使知道要见面》- SARA 2。《California》-akia 3。《Bye Bye》-mariah carey 4。《hollandback girl》-gwen stefani 5。《4 in the morning》-gwen stefani 6。《Skin Deep》-Natasha Thomas 7。《Best friend 》- 天王星 8。《I still miss you》-akia 9。《Touch My Body》-Mariah Carey 10。《Candy Toy慢嗨》-Raveparty 11。《Creepin' Up On You》-Darren Hayes 12。《If I Talk To God》-The Last Goodnight 13。《Dilemma》-Nelly 14。《Day By Day》-As One(韩) 15。《通话连接声音》-(韩) 16。《坐着地铁》-(韩) 17。《Traveling Light》-Joel Hanson & Sara Groves 18。《Ye Ye Ye》-Gangster(韩) 19。《Find A Way》-J-Five 20。《sarvar》-ABV by 21。《question 》-河佑善(韩) 22。《Teenage Life》-Daz Sampson 23。《Seven Days》-Craig David 24。《I'm All About You》-Aaron Carter 25。《It's Ok》-Dj Maxwell Video Mix 26。《Smak slow》-Goya 27。《JubJub》-NEKO JUMP(日) 28。《The Magic Key 》-One-T And Cool-T 29。《Tell Me》-Sandy 30。《Stand》-Jewel 31。《Aiwa》-Darine(日) 32。《Ein Kleines Lied》-Candee! 33。《If Everyone Cared》-Nickelback 34。《I Never Have A Dream Come True》-S Club 7 35。《Melt The Snow》-Shayne Ward 36。《Play With Fire》-Hilary Duff 37。《Where'd You Go》-Fort Minor 38。《Gotta Have You》-The Weepies 39。《Gomenasai》-T.A.T.U. (TATU) 40。《Fire Fly》-A Teens 41。《Feat.kai》-Jey(韩) 42。《Nothing in the world》-atomic kitten 43。《Carcrashes》-Standfast 44。《bum bum (R & B)》-valentina 45。《Negative Things》-Selwyn 46。《Born to make you happy》-Britney Spears 47。《Arash Feat Helena》-Arash 48。《Be My 1004》-iM & ?? & ???(韩) 49。《Born To Try》-Delta Goodrem 50。《Because I am a girl》-Kiss(韩) 51。《Un'emergenza D'amore》-The Best of Laura Pausini(法) 52。《Do You Know (The Ping Pong Song)》-Enrique Iglesias 53。《Japanese main current》-king(日) 54。《peerless》-darin zanyar 55。《En Dag Tilbage》-Nik & Jay(丹麦组合) 56。《A Better Day》- JTL (韩) 57。《I’m still loving you》- Baby vox(韩) 58。《Game over》- Baby vox(韩) 59。《不落的太阳》- 张佑赫(韩) 60。《Flip reverse》-张佑赫(韩) 61。《Bump》- Lee Minwoo (韩) 62。《Battle(Jump!Jump!) 》- Lee Minwoo(韩) 63。《Paradise》- Shinhwa(韩) 64。《yeah》- usher NBA比赛专用 65。《Superwoman》- karyn white 66。《Love Is Color Blind》- Sarah Connor 67。《Hey oh 》- trag(法)(昨天在网上听到2008搞笑版的,有周星弛的…) 68。《From the Bottom of My Broken heart》- Britney Spears 69。《Run away 》- Janet Jackson 70。《I COULD BE THE ONE 》- Donna Lewis

01 all the thing she http://www.parvie.com/Files/BeyondPic/ysp/all%20the%20things%20she%20said.mp3 AlltheThingSheSaid这首歌讲述两个女同性恋女孩的故事,让她们开始受到注目,且其前卫大胆的MTV(片中有两位女孩互相拥吻的镜头)更是在国际间刮起一阵炫风. 02 mirror mirror http://www.wap.mobi/article/upload/2007/08/29/15631678.mp3 布兰妮的~!M2M的组合~!曾经轰动的超级组合~! 03 boulevard of broken dreams http://v.xihabang.com/UserShow/music/2007-04/20070402BH4K8G.mp3 2006第48届格莱美音乐奖年度最佳唱片: 04 just one last dance http://lily.yon.com.cn/lily/attachments/month_0610/e2006101204539.mp3 龄23岁的德国女生SarahConnor,以甜美、带劲的节奏蓝调歌唱实力开始征服欧洲乐坛 05 Darin peerless http://www.sinoutrust.com/xj/Uploadfile/zhouyong/peerless.mp3 DarinZanyar,2004瑞典偶像亚军,成名于瑞典PopIdol2004(2004年度瑞典流行偶像大赛,类似美国偶像和超女的节目)《Peerless》选至其05/09/28发行的同名专辑《Darin》登上瑞典排行榜冠军。 06 A Perfect Indian http://www.unicnu.com/music/indian.mp3___20057288481449025.mp3 90年代最具个性并最富争议的流行音乐巨星之一。在整个十年里涌现的无数女歌手中,她无疑是最具有影响力的。孤傲直率的言辞、倔强的光头、愤怒的面容以及不修边幅的行头---矛头直指长久以来大众心目中女性柔弱性感当初唱片公司想把她包装成一个金发碧眼的女歌手,她却把自己变成了一个光头女歌手,这不啻是对传统唱片业包装、运作的一个极大讽刺和挑战。此后她的不羁性格和标志性的大光头便成了她最大的特色,而她在电视上接受采访时当众撕毁罗马教皇肖像的行为更是把这种状况推向了极端。, 07 breaking my heart http://english.netsp.com.cn/materials/music/breakingmyheart.mp3 唱吻别的组合~! 08 as long as you love me http://www.txyz.cn/student/wemay/music/bsb/As%20Long%20As%20You%20Love%20Me.Wma 路人截知 我就不多说了~! 09 God is A Girl http://www.jz88.net/soft/God_is_Girl.mp3 路人截知 ~!~! 10 anyone of us http://bbs.e222.com/Media/107/Anyone_Of_Us.wma 该歌是一首欧美情歌,创作的背景是一个曾经患有口吃的男孩从歌声中找回自信,并藉由歌声感动全球乐迷,葛瑞盖斯创造了21世纪的歌声奇迹,自从2002年从英国选秀节目'PopIdol'比赛赢得亚军荣衔后,葛瑞盖斯歌声传情的功力所向披靡。17岁的他便以超龄的纯熟情感重唱正义兄弟合唱团经典歌曲"UnchainedMelody"而改写金氏世界纪录史上英国金榜最年轻的冠军单曲歌手纪录,并获百事可乐选为英国地区广告代言人。 11 Far Away From Home 乐队出道时间虽然不早,不过以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧!略带沙哑颗粒状的声线非常独特,让人流下深刻的印象! 12 As I Moved on http://bbs.hndt.com/uploadfile/2006-10/2006102615561199520.mp3 阴郁迷离的氛围,收缩自如的刮碟技巧,一吹即散的低吟美声,时躁时缓的颓靡饶舌,这正是BlueFoundation的魅力所在,一队融合各种不同音乐影响的跨国组合 13 my love http://jyx.xgu.cn/soft/uploadsoft/mylove.mp3 路人截知~!~! 14 月光女神 路人截知!~!毕业生 15 I CRY 日本的小妞~!~! 16 Traveling Light http://www.wuqiang.net/music/index.files/music/Travelinglight.mp3 美国的乡村音乐~!轰动一时~! 17 yellow http://www.jxyzsy.com/cms1/xuesheng/0236/mvandmp3/20051202224900305.mp3 这是beatls的一首歌叫YELLOW SUBMARINE(也是专辑名) 18 pretty boy http://www.cestlavieyun.com/Music/pretty.mp3 m2m 19 BRESSANONE http://www.qd666.com/user0/107/img/bressanone.mp3 马修连恩 最悲伤的男歌声 20 moonlight shadow http://dx.pjjcy.gov.cn/bbs/images/upfile/2006-5/2006530135246.mp3 一首从20世纪到21世纪历久不衰的经典歌曲!现在翻唱这首经典的歌手很多,在这里我要介绍的是比利时女歌手danawinner演唱的版本,希望大家喜欢。danawinner声线甜美柔和,很适合表达这首歌曲所代表的寓意。歌曲旋律优美,节奏由慢而快,开始的时候感觉很柔和很舒服,当渐渐步入高潮时,节奏便开始变的轻快起来,轻快地让人随之而偏偏起舞... 21 You can't say http://alexhuang.org/music/ycs.mp3 这是一首韩国的歌曲!~~!是<夏娃的诱惑>中的~!~!比较好听所以收藏~! 22 JUST ONE LAST DANCE http://chongchong.blog.zbinfo.net/UploadFiles/2007-2/217217976.wma 这是一部电影里的歌``` 叫最后一支舞```男主角在跳完最后一支舞之后死在了女主角的怀里``我觉的知道了背景再听歌是最爽的 23 all rise http://blog.qingdaomedia.com/uploadfiles/2007-4/43525538.wma 还可以~! 24 I want it that way http://bbs.qcheng.com/Upload/UID_99_20074618024652_nrd3p6.mp3 都知道性的@!@ 25 seasons in the sun http://kjzy.yxyczx.com/xxjs/up/dj/20078845435393.mp3 后街~! 26 Thank you http://bbs.it.com.cn/UpFiles/200508/22/14457.wma 知道性的!@`1 27 Under A Violet Moon

寻找听着很阴森的英文歌。。。。拜托各位了 3Q视频

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    秋和沿um..曾经听过很诡异的一张专辑,是radical face 的 Ghost。我爱上了里面的Sleepwalking和Homesick。感觉也是像念叨。不过这只是路过随口说说,觉我所知那两首歌里面没有以上歌词。anyways..如果你感兴趣可以去听下。

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    秋和沿是不是Avenged Sevenfold的nightmare?

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    秋和沿推荐个 Marilyn Manson 的 if i was you vampire 试听:http:\/\/www.haoting.com\/htmusic\/157293ht.htm

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