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高分悬赏!求英语高手!帮忙翻译一下一个实验的论文 悬赏有追加~

1. The surface pressure - area isotherm measurement
At room temperature, the use of Langmuir monolayer trough, respectively, in pure water and aqueous solution subphase surface PbCl2 spreading arachidic acid on the chloroform solution, compressed to be the surface pressure - area isotherms.
By the isotherms, select solid-state membrane region, calculated interfacial reaction should be imposed on the amount of chloroform solution. At the same time to compare different subfacies on the isotherms obtained differences in understanding of sub-phase metal ions with the interface of molecular interaction between both parents.

2. Interfacial reaction
Take a dish, cut-off area of 25.5 square centimeters, by adding 10 milliliters PbCl2 aqueous solution, and then rolled out a certain amount of arachidic acid in chloroform solution. After complete evaporation of chloroform, placed one sealed container. At the same time, another beaker add a certain amount of Na2S aqueous solution, and adding a certain amount of dilute sulfuric acid, placed in the same sealed container. Response within one hour


Goldman Sachs Group (GoldmanSachs), a leading international investment banks and securities firms, to provide a wide range of global investment, advisory and financial services, has a large multi-industry clients, including private companies, financial institutions, government agencies and individuals.

Goldman Sachs Group was established in 1869, is the world's oldest and largest investment banks, based in New York and in Tokyo, London and Hong Kong, has branches in 23 countries with 41 offices. All of its operations are both built on the basis of close one of the world, from experts to provide customers with excellent service. Also has extensive knowledge of regional markets and international operational capacity.
With Lehman's bankruptcy, the United States is now the only remaining top five investment banks Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the financial crisis in the U.S., the trend of further spread. Worry out of financial crisis, people have speculated: Will the last remaining investment banks, a top five?
Analysts said Morgan Stanley may have been acquired, but the most likely acquirer Barclays Group (Barclays PLC) and other large foreign banks, rather than U.S. commercial banks. They think the U.S. has none of the large banks have the ability to acquire Morgan Stanley. Wells Fargo (Wells Fargo & Co.) And USB (US Bancorp) might be able to buy an investment bank, but both seem to have no desire to carry out such a large transaction.Barclays may be interested in acquiring Morgan Stanley is a lot of foreign companies. NAB Research, said a banking analyst Nancy Bush, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs may also be combined, so that only a large Wall Street investment bank.

First, the investment bank for a variety of enterprises, financial institutions, governments and individuals to provide a wide range of investment banking services. Second, trading and direct investment

On the one hand to help customers (including businesses, financial institutions, governments and individuals) trading, on the other hand through the market making, trading and investment in fixed income and equity products, foreign exchange, commodities and derivative products, with the self-financing transactions. In addition, we also participate in the stock and options exchanges and market making dealers licensed activities, and the world's major stock, options and futures clearing transactions for customers. For our merchant banking and other investment activities, we not only direct investment, but also through our recruitment and management of funds.
Third, asset management and securities services to various institutions and individuals worldwide to provide investment advisory and financial planning services, and provide all major asset classes of investment products (primarily through separately managed accounts and compliance tools, such as mutual funds and private investment funds) . We also to the global mutual funds, pension funds, hedge funds, foundations and high net worth individuals to provide prime brokerage services, financing and margin services.
Fourth, investment holding shares of Goldman Sachs Group, China Petrochemical, COFCO, Jinlong Yu and many other large enterprises, and possession of the shares of China Mobile to launch the financial crisis, topple China's largest city to support their singing - the United States rise.

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