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~   人教版新目标初一(七年级)上册英语unit4知识点,是由中考网我特整理的,主要包括句型、主格、句式、词汇及相关的练习,适合新初一同学们学习,也适合教师教学使用,供大家参考!

  Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?


  1.本单元出现的家具类词汇:table桌子 bed床 bookcase书橱,书柜 sofa沙发 chair椅子 drawer抽屉

  2.表位置的介词短语:under the table在桌子下面 on the sofa在沙发上in the backpack在双肩背包里 under the bed在床下面 on the chair在椅子上 on the dresser在梳妆台上on the table在桌子上 in the drawer在抽屉里 on the floor在地板上3.math book数学书 4.alarm clock闹钟5.computer game电脑游戏6.video tape录像带7.take sth. to sb.把某物带给某人

  take these things to your sister把这些东西带给你姐姐8.ID card身份证9.bring sth. to some place把某物到给某地bring some things to school把一些物品带到学校10.pencil case铅笔盒11.in the bedroom在卧室12.in the kitchen在厨房

  句型:Where’s the baseball? It’s in the backpack.

  Where’s my computer game? It’s under the bed.

  Where are his keys? They’re on the dresser.

  Where are your books? They’re on the chair.

  Where are her keys? They’re on the table.

  Where are you? I’m at school.

  Is it on the dresser? No, it isn’t.

  Please take these things to your sister.

  Can you bring some things to school?

  The book is on the floor.

  语法: 1,询问人或物品在哪里,我们用Where, 结构为 where+is/are+人/物品名称? “……在哪里” 回答用 主语+is/are +in/at/under/on/near +地点

  注意:表示“在……地方”地点前要用定冠词the 或者形容词性物主代词my/your/his/their修饰,但是两者不能同时出现,我们可以说in the room, in my room 但是绝对不可以in the my room.

  词语用法:1, take v.带走, 把人或物品带到别的地方去,take …to… 把……带到……去

  bring v.带来,把人或物品从别的地方带到说话的地方来 bring…to… 把……带到……来

  2,please 后接动词用原形。

  句式:1.询问地点——Where + be动词 + sth. 答语——It is/They are + 表位置的介词短语—Where’s my backpack? —It’s under the table.

  —Where are your books? —They’re on the chair.


  —Is the baseball on the sofa?—No,it isn’t. It’s under the chair.

  —Are they on the bed? —No,they’re not.

  3.祈使句——Please do sth. Please take these things to your sister…

  4.can引导的一般疑问句 Can you bring some things to school?

  5.倒装句——Here + be动词 + 主语 Here is my pen.

  Here are some apples.

  1)_______(this) are my parents.

  2)_______(that) are his friends.

  3)Is this his father? No,_______ isn’t.

  A.it B.this C.he

  4)Is his mother your friend? Yes,________is.

  A.he B.she C.you

  5)Thanks _________your interesting book.

  A.for B. very much C.a lot

  6)There _______ a photo of my friends.

  7)My parents are _________teachers.

  A.both B.all C.each


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