my possible future英语作文 我想当一个老师,应该怎么写?

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my possible future英语作文 我想当一个老师,应该怎么写? 快一点,只限十分钟~


My dream is to be a dubbing. Although it can not stand and show coquettish, in front of a public occasion but, silently as essential seiyuu cartoon role behind.
I have a very good voice, singing very well, will learn all kinds of sounds, I hope I can when the voice actors! I will strive towards the dream!
As dubbing, not good voice can be. To play. I in this aspect is also thriving. I wish to see their own voice in the anime!

From small to large, I have too many "want to be......" But now, I want to be a teacher.
大家都知道,老师的职责就是给同学们传授知识。人们经常把老师比作辛勤的园丁,而学生就是祖国的花朵。我们这些花朵难道不需要辛勤的园丁来浇灌吗?正是因为有了这些辛勤、无私奉献的园丁,我们的祖国才会有娇艳而美丽的花朵。 假如我是一名教师,我一定不会整天板着脸,让学生们怕我。虽说是严师出高徒,但我不想严厉过头。可是也不能过分和蔼可亲,不能让他们胡作非为。那就合二为一,五分和蔼,五分严厉,不仅能成为学生们的好朋友,而且能成为一名出色的教师。 假如我是一名教师,我一定不会留很多抄抄写写的作业。因为,这些简单的作业没有什么意义,只能换来同学们的抱怨。 假如我是一名教师,我一定要让学生们懂得学习是一件快乐的事,作业只是课堂后的一个复习。课堂上,我用生动幽默的话语讲解课文。瞧!讲台下,一双双渴望知识的小眼睛正聚精会神地盯着我看呢!
As we all know, it is the responsibility of the teacher to impart knowledge to students. People often compare teachers to hard gardener, and students are the flowers of the motherland. We don't need these flowers gardener watered? It is because of the hard work and selfless dedication of the gardener, our country will have a fresh and beautiful flowers. If I were a teacher, I will not be serious all the time, so that students are afraid of me. Although it is a tough nut, but I don't want to severe head. But also cannot too be courteous and accessible, not let them play the gangster. It is one kind of five points, five points, tough, not only to become the good friend of the students, but also can become an excellent teacher. If I were a teacher, I will never leave a lot of copy copy homework. Because of the simple operation, has no meaning, only in exchange for the students complain. If I were a teacher, I must let the students a happy thing to know how to learn, work is just a review after class. The classroom, I use vivid and humorous words to explain the text. Look! Under the platform, a keen knowledge of both eyes was staring at me!
If I were a teacher, I will put the students into the nature of the classroom. In spring, I take them to fly kites, butterfly; summer, I took them by boat, catching dragonflies; autumn, I took them fruit picking, collecting leaves; winter, I brought them snowball fights, snowmen, it can increase the extracurricular knowledge. I do not believe that such a life, students write a composition of no words can write; I don't believe it, so the childhood life, students will easily forget.
I really want to become a glorious people's teacher, want to experience the taste of the teacher's day, I want to put all my knowledge to others. So, now I have to study hard, to strive for the ideal, I will realize my dream of future teachers.

分都不给,还十分钟?!NO WAY

my possible future英语作文 我想当一个老师,应该怎么写?视频




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