将下列汉语翻译成英语: 1杂技演员走钢丝的时候观众们屏住了呼吸 2我逐渐认识到只要你多练习,学英语一点不

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不需要 这样浪费时间效率低下 可以找出生单词进行积累 分析重难点句子 不需要全篇都分析的

He spends more than twice the time I spend in learning English in teaching it.
His teaching age of English doubles much that of my English learning career.
The time he spends in teaching English is more than twice that I spend in learning it.


1.The audiences all hold their breath when the acrobate is performing wirewalking.
I realize gradually that so long as you practise more,learning English is not difficult at all(我逐渐认识到只要你多练习,学英语一点也不难)

将下列汉语翻译成英语: 1杂技演员走钢丝的时候观众们屏住了呼吸 2我逐渐认识到只要你多练习,学英语一点不视频




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