根据图画内容及所给提示词,写出完整句子 必采纳

来自:    更新日期:早些时候
根据图画内容及所给提示词,写出完整的句子。 小题1: 小题2: 小题3: 小题4:~

小题1: She is good at swimming.小题2:He had a cough yesterday. He coughed yesterday.小题3:Don’t read in the sun. You / we mustn’t / shouldn’t read in the sun.小题4:They are playing soccer now.小题5:He is going to be a musician in the future. He will be a musician in the future. He wants to be a musician in the future. 试题分析:小题1:所给短语 be good at 的意思是 擅长做某事。所给图片为女孩游泳。所以要写出的句子的意思是她擅长游泳。She is good at swimming.小题2:图片为小男孩咳嗽。咳嗽的英文表达有两种,一种 cough 直接作为动词 咳嗽的意思。第二种短语 have a cough。另外,题中给出yesterday,所以时态要用一般过去时。小题3:图片中男孩在太阳底下读书,题中给出 not。所以可以理解为不要在太阳底下读书。可以用祈使句来表达这一行为是有害的。Don’t read in the sun. 也可以用情态动词 mustn’t 和 shouldn’t。小题4: 图片中为两个小男孩在踢足球。题中给出了now,所以要用现在进行时。踢足球短语为 play soccer。小题5:图片是一个人在弹钢琴,提示语为 musician(钢琴家) in the future 可以看出 这是在表达将来要成为钢琴家的梦想。要用一般将来时,或者表达想要 want to do。

The mascots are meaning that Welcome to Beijing


1.We should't play too much computer games.
2.He had better stay because of his foot and he had better not move too much.

we should not play too much
you had better not stay mov ing your foot too much

4-we shouldn't play computer games too much。


答案都要啊 你

根据图画内容及所给提示词,写出完整句子 必采纳视频




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