大一英语口语对话, 10段对话

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A: That girl looks very attractive, doesn’t she?
B: do you think so? I don’t like girls who look like that. I like girls who aren’t too slim. If you like her, go and talk to her.
A: I’d like to, but there’s her boyfriend. He’s very broad-shouldered. B: he’s huge! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that. A: do you prefer tall girls or short ones?
B: I don’t mind, but I like girls with long hair.
A: we have different tastes. I like girls with short hair. I like tall girls- probably because I’m so tall myself.
B: have you ever dated a girl taller than you?
A: no, never. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl taller than me! Have you gained weight recently?
B: yes, I have. Perhaps I should go to the gym, like that girl’s boyfriend. A: I ‘m getting a bit plump myself. Perhaps I’ll go with you

A: I’m going to the beauty parlor. Do you want to come too? B: sure. Let’s go. What are you going to have done? A: I want to have a foot massage and haircut.
B: a foot massage sounds like a great idea. They are very relaxing. I’d also like to have a mudpack on my face. It’s supposed to help with your complexion. A: good idea. We should also pedicures and manicures.
B: this could become a very expensive trip to be beauty parlour!
A: I think it’s a good idea to pamper yourself occasionally. Don’t you agree? B: oh, I agree. We both work hard and a little beauty treatment can relieve stress. A: maybe we should try a thai massage too. B: what’s special about a thai massage?
A: that’s when the masseuse walk on your back and massage you with her feet. B: sounds painful!

A: when you are in a restaurant you want the waiter to bring the bill, what do you do to attract his attention?
B: I just make eye contact with him and nod my head. Then I tell him when he comes over to the table. Why do you ask?
A: I went out with my girlfriend to a nice restaurant last night and I noticed that many people shouted for the bill.
B: that seems a little impolite in such a restaurant.
A: that’s what I thought. I just thought I’d ask you and see what you thought of it. Anyway, what did you do yesterday evening?
B: well, it was a warm evening, so I stretched my legs. I walked along the canal for a couple of miles. Actually, several other people had the same idea. I saw bill.
A: did you? How is he these days?
B: he seemed ok. We didn’t stop and chat because we were on opposite banks of the canal. We just waved at each other.
A: I need to move some furniture. Could you help me to lift is?
B: of course. What do you want to move first?
A: let’s move the sofa. Can you get a grip on the bottom at that end? I’ll lift this end. I want to move it sideways in that directon.

A: who is cindy’s husband? B: cindy’s husband is ron.
A: how many children do cindy and ron have?
B: they have two children-one son and one daughter-as well as one daughter-in-law and one son-in-law.
A: do they have any grandchildren?
B: yes, they have three grandchildren-one girl and two boys.
A; does their daughters get along well with her in-laws?
B: yes, she gets along with them quite well.
A: do they have a large family?
B: their family is very similar to cindy and ron’s family.

A: how old is Keith?
B: he’s 21. how old is James?
A: he’s a year older than Keith, but he looks younger. B: how’s your father?
A: he’s fine. He retired last week. It’s turning poing in his life. Now he can relax and enjoy his retirement.
B: he can spend more time with his grandchilder.
A: oh, I don’t think he wants to. He wants to travel to several different countries around the world.
B: so, he wants to have a more active retirement. Good idea!
A: how do you want to spend your old age?
B: in the same way, probably.

A: do you like Barry?
B: no, not very much. He’s too ambitious and dishonest.
A: I agree. I like his brother, Paul. They are not alike.
B: yes. They are completely different. Paul is very sociable and much more honest than his brother.
A: what kind of person do you consider yourself to be? B: I think I’m polite, careful, relaxed and shy.
A: oh, I don’t think you’re shy! You are always chatting with new people when we go to a party.
B: well, yes, but those people always start talking to me. I never talk to them first. Perhaps I’m not as shy as I think. Anyway, you’re certainly not shy! A: You’re right. I love going out and making new friends. B: so, you’ll be at my birthday party on Friday? A: Of course!

A: how are you wedding plans going.
B: very well. We started organizing everything early to avoid a last minute rush to get things done. The only thing that isn’t ready yet is my wedding dress. A: when will that be ready?
B: the dressmakers said that is would be ready in two weeks.
A: you’re getting married in three weeks. So that should be ok. So, you’ve prepared the church, catering, transport, hotel-everything.
B: yes. We’ve taken care of all of that. We decided not to get married in a church though. Neither of us is very religious.
A: which hotel will the reception be held at?
B: the palace hotel they’re taking care of the catering, including the wedding cake. I’m sure they’ll do a good job.
A; oh, yes. It’s and excellent hotel. A friend of mine had her wedding reception there and said it was perfect, though very expensive.
B: yes. It will be expensive, but we think it will be worth. It gives us great peace of mind to know that our reception is in the hands of experienced people. A; I think you make the right decision.

A: I had a big argument with david yesterday. I hope he’s not still mad at me. B: what did you argue about?
A: he borrowed some money from me and I needed it back. He said he didn’t have the money yet.
B: well, he should pay out back. It’s only fair.
A: yes, but is got angry with him too quickly. He probably thought that I mistrusted him. I shouldn’t have got angry. B; did you lend him a lot of money?
A; not much. I had to pay an unexpected bill, so I needed the money back.
B; well, talk to him about it next time you see him. He probably feels as bad about it as you do. Close friends sometimes have disagreements. It’s nothing unusual. Neither of you said anything really nasty, did you?
A: no , we didn’t. I guess you’re right. We should patch things up.
B: of course you should. You wouldn’t want a silly argument to ruin a long friendship, would you?

A: are you going to helen’s birthday party on Friday evening?
B: I wouldn’t miss it for the world! It’s sure to be fun. She’s invited a lot of people. Do you thind everyone will be able to get into her house?
A: if everyone turned up, it would be a squeeze, but a feww people said that they couldn’t go, so I think it should be ok? B: are you taking anything?
A: I’ve got her a birthday present and I’ll take a bottle fo wine too.
B: that’s a good idea. She told she had bought plenty of food and snacks. I think it’s going to be a noisy party. I hope her neihbours don’t mind too much.
A: helen gets on very well with her neighours. I wouldn’t be surprised if they went to the party too.
B: I’m ready looking forward to it. This party is going to be a blast! A: well, don’t be late. I’ll see you on Friday at helen’s.

a: what kind of place shall we rent?
b:it should be close to the universtity. neither of us are good at getting up in the morinings and closer it is, the later we can get up.
a:asolutely. that's the most important thing to take into consideration. i'm not too worried about the size of the flat.
b: neither am i. so a small place is ok, but we'll get a bigger one if it's not expensive. do you mind if it's in a noisy area.
a:i don't mind. i'm not a light sleeper, but quieter is better for when we have to study at home.
b: good point. ok, let's go to the estate agent and see what they can offer us.
a: yes, if we're lucky we'll find something in the next few days. i think you had a good idea to start flat hunting early.
b: how much do you think the rent will be?
a: i asked a few people who are already living in places near the university and they said it would cost about one hundred pounds a month.

大一英语口语对话, 10段对话视频




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