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Hello ! my name is XXX ! and today I want to talk about ‘My present for the 70th birthday of my country’.
2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China . We are very happy about that because our country is so mighty! People are happy and their life is enrich. As a Chinese, I am sincerely proud of my motherland. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and through 70 years of reform and opening up, our great motherland has gradually moved from poverty and backwardness to prosperity.
Nowadays, it is not difficult to "do something for our country". After growing up ,to be a person who contribute to the country , change yourself, change the country, even the world . Of course, don't think about it so long ago. Although we are just students , Now all we need to do is good good study, day day up ,and set up correct values, develop more internationally and become a person with quality ,in the future, We need to achieve more things.

Chinese Food Chinese are famous for their cuisine. Chinese are the ultimate gourmet. Especially in south China, they would say they'd eat everything th at has four legs besides the dinner table, ever ything that has two wings besides a plane. M any of the dishes served in China may really s urprise newcomers. And many of these dishe s are so called medicinal dishes believed to h ave extraordinary nutritional value, including Shark Fin, Swallow Nest.

Snake soup is among the most treasured sou ps in China. Then there are also snake gall an d blood mixed in liquor which supposedly will brighten your eyes. Some "westernized" Chin ese would suggest that if Adam and Eve had been Chinese we humans would still be in the Garden of Eden as they would have eaten the snake.

Chopsticks are the main table utensils in Chin a. Chinese children starts with a spoon but wi ll adapt to chopsticks as early as when he jus t turns one. As a gift chopsticks symbolize str aightforwardness, because of its shape. Chin ese chopsticks don't have pointed tip, unlike t he Japanese style that is refined to pick out t he bones for their main diet, fish. Chinese cho psticks are mostly of bamboo, but today there are more and more wooden ones and plastic ones.

Foreigners are not expected to use chopstick s proficiently, but if they do, they will give a mi ghty impression. Therefore before you go to C hina, go to the local Chinese restaurant, if not to find authentic Chinese food, at least you ca n practi ce the use of chopsticks. If in your fir st meal in China you don't have to use chopst icks, then if you still can't handle the two stick s to pick up a big shrimp in your tenth meal, y ou show your incompetence in learning and t he willingness to learn.

our national day is coming soon, it's our country's 70th birthday, in the past 70 years, our country has changed greatly .


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