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Online games bring serious harm to teenagers. So I advise friends: "don't indulge in online games."


Once you become addicted to online games, you can't control yourself. When you don't surf the Internet, you always want to surf the Internet. I can't control the time of surfing the Internet. I think about things, plots and characters of online games all day. And it will make people depressed, so that physical and mental health have serious harm. In a word, "indulging in online games is harmful but not beneficial to you."


Here I still want to advise our young people "do not indulge in online games", it will bring infinite harm to themselves. ". We are the pillars of the future world. Let's be teenagers in a new era and make good use of the Internet to bring us endless knowledge.


In the future, we will use our own strength to make our country more beautiful, prosperous and powerful. Let yourself grow up healthily and study hard!



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