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John Furlong's Closing Ceremony speech

February 28, 2010

Excellencies, Chiefs, President Rogge, Members of the International Olympic Committee, Prime Minister, Heads of State, Premiers, Mayors, Ladies and Gentlemen, Athletes of the World,

Good evening.

The 2010 Olympic Winter Games have taught us that we are not 6 billion people. We are all members of the same family. Over these remarkable 17 days we have together demonstrated the remarkable powers of sport to the human world. We have seen first hand that there is indeed a beautiful force that can unite, inspire and liberate - a force that can replace despair with hope and ignite the human spirit. This force is sport in the arena of the Olympic Games. And because we had sport here - we too had peace. And because these Games took place in the spirit of peace, they took place in the spirit of friendship.

But the time has come to say goodbye – to say thank you. And to perhaps compare for a moment the Canada that was……with the Canada that now is.

I believe we Canadians tonight are stronger, more united, more in love with our country and more connected with each other than ever before. These Olympic Games have lifted us up. If the Canada that came together on Opening night was a little mysterious to some it no longer is. Now you know us….eh?

If we were once the few we are surely now the many. That quiet, humble national pride we were sometimes reluctant to acknowledge seemed to take to the streets as the most beautiful kind of patriotism broke out all across our country; so many new and dazzling applications for the Maple Leaf - so many reasons to smile and be joyful.

Canadians you joined each other and our colourful international visitors in common celebration – radiant, jubilant, spontaneous, peaceful. For us you were the wind beneath our wings. You did not just cheer – rather you lived every glorious moment as if you yourselves were competing for gold. You were the bench strength we had hoped for – the difference makers at these Games.

Alexander - your first Gold Medal gave us all permission to feel like and behave like champions. Our last one will be remembered for generations.

To the Men and Women in the Blue Jackets, you are the undisputed heroes of these Games. The class of 2010. A perfect team – you have behaved with great dignity, poured your hearts and souls into every task. You smiled - you cheered and you filled the hearts of our visitors with friendship and good will. For many of you who toiled behind the scenes no thanks will ever be enough. You took on a stubborn mountain with all your might. The result -- Blue Jackets 1 -- Cypress Mountain Weather zero. You were tested again and again and reminded us all every day that there is no force that can sustain itself against the full thrust of a determined human heart. May your contribution here be worn as a badge of honour for the rest of your lives. For you have -- through your service -- defined for all to see what it is to be a proud, generous Canadian.

To our many friends and trusted partners, we tip our hat to each of you for a magnificent contribution. To our leaders – sitting over there – full credit for believing in and empowering this great adventure. To those who built the venues, drove the busses, cooked the food, and toiled day and night to complete a million tasks -- may the success of these Games be your reward for all your days to come.

To the people of the host region -- you were magnificent. Your contribution was magical.

To our International visitors you were gracious, thoughtful, spontaneous guests and spirited fans…Thank you very much. To our security team for keeping us safe – you were in a word “terrific.” To the IOC – thank you for trusting us and investing so passionately in our success. It has been our great honour to host the world and we thank you for believing in our vision…we did our best. To our friends from Sochi we are in your corner and wish you every success in 2014.

To the people of Georgia, we are so sad and so sorry for your loss. Your unimaginable grief is shared by every Canadian…and all those who have gathered here. May the legacy of your favourite son Nodar Kumaritashvilli never be forgotten and serve to inspire youth everywhere to be champions in life.

Athletes of the world you promised you would play fair and you did. At your hands and through your determination and tenacity we have felt every imaginable emotion. We have lived the agony and the ecstasy with you as if we ourselves were competing. By your example you have injected hope into the lives of youth everywhere – youth that will rise tomorrow ready to emulate you. Boys and girls you will never meet now know that it is possible to achieve greatness through the power of a dream. You have set the course for the next generation of great champions. You return to your homes as the best ambassadors we have for a better world…you are the future. The youth of the world await your leadership and your example.

And finally to those who have watched us all over the globe we hope you enjoyed these Games and the telling of our humble Canadian story. The young men and women you sent here are coming home – you can be very proud of them. The Games will have many wonderful legacies. I wish but for one.

That every Canadian child - be they from Chicoutimi - Moncton – Grand Prairie – Squamish or Niagara Falls will have the chance to grow up to experience the pleasure of sport … no one left out. And that we of the Global Olympic family will not rest until the right of every child to play across this planet is secured. Good bye to you all…

As Robert Charlebois said “Farewell, you will always be my best memory.” Thank you very much, good bye. Long live Canada. Thank you, Canada.


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