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各位老师,或者英语牛x人士,请帮帮忙,帮我出几道题目,用下边的短语出单项选择题:seem to do send out

in one’s opinion

try one’s best to do

die out

in addition

due to

such as

set free

agree with

its no use doing


as a result

as a matter of fact

it is reported that

it’s no good doing

respect as



1. It ____ there is ranny yesterday since it is wet on the ground.

a. seems that b. must rain c. look like d. seem that


2. The email has been____.

a. send out b. sent out. c. sent over d. send to his friends.


3. ________, the movie is interesting.

a. In his opinion. b. To his opinion. c. On his opinion. d. Under his opinion.


4. They did _____________ to pass the final exam, but unfornately no one did.

a. did them best c. use their best d. them best d.do their best


5. Some scientists believed the dinosaur _______ because of the aerolite's strike to the Earth.

a. die off b. died off c died out d. died over


6. ____ to the above information, I have to say....

a. In addition to b. In addition c. besides d. except.


7 _____ to his recreance, his freinds look down upon him more and more.

a. Because of b. Because c. Due d. Thanks


8. He likes insects, ______ ant, spider, bees and so on.

a. Such b. for example c. such as d. bat


9. The prisoner has been ____ because his relatives had bribed the judge

a. killed b. free c. made free d. set free


10. He _____ the doctor's suggestion even if he doesn't like him.

a. agreed with b. disagreed with c. received d. receives


11. It is _________ when there is a result.

a. helpful in regreting. b. useful regreting

c. helpless to regret d. no use regreting.



1. 所有人都冲到广场去看XX歌星的演唱会,交通因此而堵塞了6个小时。

2. 虽然每天晚上学生都有3-4小时的自习时间,实际又有几个人能保证呢?

3. 据报道,下周末,2月5日将会有一个叫“SARAS”的台风登陆沿海地区。

4. 学而时习之,是好事,临时报佛脚是没用的。

5. 尊敬别人要像尊敬自己一样。

补充: 累死了,光打字就打了半天,别忘了你承诺的追加分哈。



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