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~ once upon a time,there was a parrot named Blu lived with its master Linda,with the time goes by,it couldn’t fly.then a doctor found it and told Linda,in order to find it they arrived in Rio.To their surprise,the two parrots were seized by a bad guy,he was gonna sell them.but at last Linda and the doctor saved them wisely.and Blu discovered the talent deep inside him,he could fly finally.
About Rio adventure
Rio adventure is a very nice cartoon.It is suitable for all people watching.After the movie about Rio adventure,my feeling is very deep.Now let me briefly introduce the content of the movie and tell you my feeling.
A parrot named Blu lives in the U.S.state of Minnesota with the owner of Blu who named Linda.76iBlu is the rare male macaw in the world.A study of the bird expert told the owner of the Blu who named Linda that if they don't give them an artificial breeding and macaw will become extinct.And in his graduate students there is a female macaw,it is named Jewel.In order to save the blue macaw,they began adventure.On the way they met with many difficulties.Three bad men caught Blu and Jewel.They not only escaped by their own wisdom and also saved the other being caught birds.And Blu overcomes its psychological fear,can fly finally.At last Blu and Jewel take them with three children happiness of life.
In the film,I found several windows.The first,beautiful tropical forest is colorful and it’s the birds’ heaven.Birds are singing and dance in this beautiful world.It leads the audience into nature wonderful magical place.Second,the carnival of Rio is grand and joy.The film producers caught details make the carnival vividly lifelike.Then I hope if I have a chance I will go Rio and take part in carnival.The most important is the music of the movie.It is said that music is the soul of a film.In the movie,the music for each scene is very decent.It is very wonderful.
After the movie,I realize that the human should protect birds.We can’t hurt them.Birds are friends of human beings,all animals are friends of human beings.Humans and animals need to live in harmony.And then,persistent
spirit of Blu touched me.Today's society,People are lacking perseverance.We need to reflect upon your own,and learning to Blu.The movie may want to express birds like free,including all animals and human.They want to break through cage,fly to the sky.As we want to free,open up new thinking.In the movie also showed great love.The love of Blu and Jewel are reflected in
difficulty.They overcome difficulties because of love.Blu can fly because of love.The birds return to forest because of love.Love is a kind of what a magical power,love is full of warmth.Because of love,the world is so beautiful!We will start to love.


  • 18215301235里约大冒险1的英文观后感
    裴柿费答:once upon a time,there was a parrot named Blu lived with its master Linda,with the time goes by,it couldn’t fly.then a doctor found it and told Linda,in order to find it they arrived in Rio.To their surprise,the two parrots were seized by a bad guy,he was gonna sell...

  • 18215301235求一篇里约大冒险的英语观后感
    裴柿费答:he could fly finally.

  • 18215301235写一个《里约大冒险2》的观后感100字(中英都行)
    裴柿费答:The movie is about a blue and Pearl was a few blue macaw world only, they are one family lived a comfortable life in the city. When they know they have the similar in the Amazon jungle. She decided to let the children learn how to when the real birds, adhere to the fami...

  • 18215301235电影《里约大冒险》的200英文观后感
    裴柿费答:This movie is about a blue macaw who is the last male of his kind.He travels with his owner Linda to Rio where the last female blue macaw lives.Some of the main characters in the movie are Blu,Jewel,and Rafael.Rafael is a toucan played by George Lopez.One of the best li...

  • 18215301235急!!!求一篇里约大冒险2的英语观感
    裴柿费答:The movie is about a blue and Pearl was a few blue macaw world only, they are one family lived a comfortable life in the city. When they know they have the similar in the Amazon jungle. She decided to let the children learn how to when the real birds, adhere to the ...

  • 18215301235里约大冒险英文观后感 100词左右 简单一点 谢谢~~有加分

  • 18215301235求一篇里约大冒险的观后感,英文的,150字以上,第一部,第二部皆可。要原...
    裴柿费答:诚如先前的旅程讲述带给我的感受,由《冰河世纪》原班人马制作的《里约大冒险》——两只大金刚鹦鹉的浪漫冒险记,令我快乐依旧。 在电影院里的观众几乎从开场笑到结束,每一刻的欢声笑语里似乎大家都能找到属于自己的那份快乐。 记得老师曾经说过,电影之所以感人或得到观众感情上的认同,是因为电...

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    裴柿费答:《里约大冒险》观后感1 首先,由于我们好朋友的邀请,我们享受了这次视听盛宴。 原来世界上有40多种不能飞的鸟,包括鸸鹋鸟(注:一种脖子大而不能飞的澳大利亚鸟)、动物园里看到的鸵鸟,以及这幅漫画的主角——美国明尼阿波利斯小镇的一只蓝色金刚鹦鹉(BLUEmacaw),被称为“蓝色”或蓝色。 与从未在[翱翔的鸸鹋和鸵鸟不...

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