假如我是市长 英文

来自:韩乐坊    更新日期:早些时候

If anyone asks me, what is your greatest wish? I will think without hesitation: "I want to be a mayor. You must not misunderstand, I want to be the mayor of the people who do not scourge the people, but an official The mayor is clean, the mayor who helps the people, and the people who live a happy life.
If I am the mayor, I will send food to the poor people .If I find out what people lack of food, living in difficulty, can not work under the ground .I will call people to feed the poor people, then, people will Gobble eating, no one hungry, and people get a peace of mind.

If i’am a mayor.....以下内容回复可见、、、

If I were the mayor, environment is very important for us, but we step by step in the earth, because we are green. So, I hope I can, I came to the citizens of the environmental protection work to create a beautiful city...
If I were the mayor, in economic development and at the same time, I'll call attention environment, many citizens, let the green trees to protect our homeland, I will attract the world and developed a car, let it out of the exhaust air pollution. I have a strong system, people like to environmental hygiene, consciously make our city is like a big garden.
I want to go to the citizens and clean streets, flowers and trees, cherish them. Give them a fresh air environment make them well.

假如我是市长 英文视频




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