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My hometown is LangZhong, LangZhong is located in the north of sichuan province 860000 people, there are many beautiful buildings white tower, GongYuan, flower and fruit mountain LangZhong ancient city of the ancient city, the most famous LangZhong LangZhong is a city surrounded by water, jialing river around, LangZhong characteristics snacks is zhang fei beef and protect better vinegar, LangZhong people are very warm, it is a long history, beautiful scenery tourist resort, you are welcome to LangZhong

Langzhong city has a very long history. It was once the capital of Ba Zi kingdom. Ba nationality lived very closely with Han nationality since many years ago, through exchange between them, a very unique folk-custom was formed, which was also an important part of historical culture of Langzhong city. The folk-custom culture of Langzhong is very characteristic; include the orthodox folk genre light opera, shadow play and paper-cut. All of them are important parts of Chinese folk arts. There are more than two hundred historical sites in the city. Some of them, such as Zhangfei Temple, Yongan Temple and Wulong Temple, have been listed as important cultural relic sites under state-level protection by the central government. Others are under province-level protection by the Sichuan Provincial Government. There are also more than thirty historical courtyards located in the downtown, living in them will definitely leave you a pleasant memory.

Bayu Dancing-a cherished part of traditional culture of Ba nationality
Bayu Dancing is a kind of group fighting dancing, formed by ancient Ba nationality during their tribe war and struggle with beast of prey. At the end of Shang dynasty(lasted from 1600BC to 1046BC), Jifa(also known as Zhou Wenwang)is the leader of a big tribe, who launched the Muye Battle against the king of Shang dynasty. The Longben Army, which was composed mainly of Ba nationality peoples, was very fierce during the battle. They not only singing folk songs but also playing folk dance while fighting with the enemy. The soldiers of Shang dynasty were so frightened by their high morale that they didn't want fight any more. With the help of Longben Army, Jifa won the war at last. At the end of Qin dynasty(lasted from 221 BC to 207 BC),Fanmu led seven Ba nationality tribes to help Liu Bang(who was the first emperor of Han Dynasty) attack the army of Qin dynasty. Bayu Dancing also played an important role in the battle field. According to the Annals of Ba, which was part of the Annals of Huayang Kingdom, there is a river called Yu in Langzhong area, many people lived near the river. These people were very brave,they acted as the vanguard of the army of Han dynasty and defeat the enemy several times. They love dancing very much and their dance entered the stage of the imperial palace.

The main musical instruments for the Bayu Dancing are drum and gong. This kind of drum is also called as the Ba Elephant Drum. Among the Ba nationality, some tribes worshipped snake, some tribes worshipped elephant, so the story about "snake eat elephant" came down from generation to generation. It is very probably that Ba Elephant Drum has some relationship with the totem worship of Ba tribes. Later on, the Ba Elephant Drum was also called as "Eight Immortal Drum", because Zhang Daoling once cultivated himself according to the religious doctrine of Taoism in Yuntai Mountain. There are eight immortals in Taoism, so Ba Elephant Drum, which name sounded very like "eight immortals"in Chinese, got a new name of "Eight Immortal Drum". During the folk performance, women can also playing the Bayu Dancing. While dancing, men leave their arm uncovered, women bundle their hair with a band, all of them wearing masks while dancing with the accompaniment of drum and gong. According to the ancient annals, the leader holds a long-handle hide drum, beating it with a whip. Other people followed him, with bow or spear or shield in their hands. They jumping and crying while embattle tidily. It can be divided into several parts, such as greet immortals, wait for fight, combat, drive away the devil and celebrate the victory. Ba people use this kind of dancing art to hold their tribes together and invigorate their fighting spirit. They help each other and treat each other very friendly at peaceful times, while mobilize every member of their tribes into fight to protect their hometown at wartime.

Bayu Dancing is very popular in Langzhong City. During the spring festival, not only in downtown of Langzhon, but also in villages and towns of Baita Mountainous area and Jinping Mountainous area, there are Bayu Dance performance and playing of the Eight Immortal Drum. Many ancient literators wrote articles on these local folk culture traditions. At the end of Qing Dynasty, the famous scholar Wu Mi also described the Bayu Dancing in his poems. Recently, the Bayu dancing has regained its former vigor and energy after it has been recovered by experts. In 1991, during the Silk Art Performing Festival of Nan Chong City, domestic and foreign guests appreciate the Bayu Dancing very much. The China Central Television also broadcasted the Bayu Dancing during the festival.

North Sichuan Light Opera
North Sichuan Light Opera is also called "Guyuesheng". It is a folk dancing and singing opera popularized in north part of Sichuan province. It has a long history, originated from the end of Ming dynasty. North Sichuan Light Opera is one of the "three flowers of north Sichuan opera", the other two are North Sichuan Great Puppet Show and North Sichuan Shadow Play.

Langzhong is the hometown of North Sichuan Light Opera. When harvesting season arrives, actors hang the big red lantern in farm fields or courtyards. There are propitious words write on the lanterns, such as "wish a good harvest of grain." or "longevity for the people and harvest for the crop." When peasants see the bright lantern and hear the sound of drum, gong and Chinese violin, they know there is a performance will be hold. The North Sichuan Light Opera is very humorous and lively.

The content of North Sichuan Light Opera has a close relation with folklore and living of poor people. Most of them are comedy, few are tragedy. All of them have a joyful spirit. The pattern of the North Sichuan Light Opera is not fixed; it has absorbed many different art forms into it, such as Bayu Dancing, kid show, monkey opera, puppet show, shadow show and ghost dancing. The romance, realism, exaggeration, humor and folk-custom have combined into the North Sichuan Light Opera harmoniously.

There are many high-level troupes in townships of Langzhong City. In 1984, at the Sichuan provincial non-professional trouper's contest, the light opera of welcome Qingjiamu to get on the palanquin won the excellent play book award, the light opera of festival of town god won the excellent performance award. In 1987, the troupe of North Sichuan Light Opera were invited to act at Beijing, they are warmly welcomed by their audience. They are also invited to give a special performance for the national leaders at Zhongnanhai(central headquarters for the Communist Party of China and the Central People's Government of China).In 1989 they act as delegation of Sichuan opera and took part in the Shanghai cultural exchange performance. The audience praised the North Sichuan Light Opera as "unsophisticated sounds of nature, heritage of ancient times and origin of all Chinese opera".


My home town is a beautiful place.It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.


But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work.They lived a hard life.


Since then great changes have taken place there.The streets have been widened.Factories,schools,hospitals,cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another.The life of the people is greatly improved.


I love my hometown.All the more I love its people.They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.


Guilin is one of the four municipalities in China. Its name means 'the place where the emperor crossed the river'. In recent years Tianjin has received more and more attention from both tourists at home and abroad due to its numerous travel resources and rich history.

It is no exaggeration to say that Guilin bears a splendid historical background. However, it was desecrated by foreign invaders long before the foundation of People's Republic of China. Tianjin was shared by nine countries: Italy, Germany, France, Russia, Great Britain, Austria, Japan and Belgium. This marked an extremely hard period for Tianjin and her people because those imperialist countries left permanent marks in her body, most notable of which were thousands of villas. Today those villas provide an exotic flavor to Tianjin, enhancing the beauty of the entire city.

Blessed with variety of tourist attractions, Tianjin is a good place to explore. The top ten attractions in Tianjin, known as Jinmen Shijing, are Gu Wenhua Jie, Dagu Emplacement, Huangyaguan Great Wall, Dule Temple, Haihe River, Water Park, Panshan Mountain, Hotel Street and Food Street, Tianjin TV & Radio Tower and Zhonghuan Cailian. There are also many natural scenes of beauty as well as great historical events.

Getting in and out of the city is convenient because of the well-planned transportation system. If you want to come by water, there are a series of international and domestic sea routes in the port of Tianjin, which is the biggest man-made port in China. If you plan to arrive by air, Tianjin Binhai International Airport offers excellent service. Planes have routes that reach most of the major cities in China and also cities in Europe and America. Of course, arriving in Tianjin by land is another option, while trains or long-distance buses


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