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回答者:wangda989 - 试用期 一级 10-13 21:31


回答者:wallyy - 经理 五级 10-13 21:34

如果澳大利亚也算岛 那明显最大的岛是亚欧岛吗 亚洲和欧洲加在一块 绝对是最大的面积
回答者:cannavaro82 - 首席运营官 十三级 10-13 22:05




I am glad 把酒问谁 asked an excellent question, but disppointed with the responses.

There is no common sense in the world. The purpose of education is to develop an individual's potential to challenge our current knowledge body or common sense.

One of the major differences between students in China and those in North America is we don't challenge common sense but they do.

Geographically, a continent is a huge landmass surrounded by ocean. The question is how huge is huge enough, which is very subjective. Greenland and Newfoundland, for examples, are not as huge as Australia, but large enough for everything else. Such a definition is probably wrong because Europe and Asia are linked and so are North and South America.

Take a look at the world map. Atlantic Ocean is at the middle, so we can see Europe and North America. The traditional world map is wrong, because Africa should have been much bigger.

Why? Map is an art of presentation, and a tool for geo-politics. When the Europeans first made the world map, they had to put Europe and North America at the middle because such a geography makes sense to them. China, of course, is put aside. Australia, though further away from the rest of the world, received the title of continent because of its historical link with the United Kingdom, then the mighty power of the world. By designating Australia as a continent will help promoting such an agricultural developing country then to everyone.

Map drawing is politics and continent classification also had a hidden political agenda.

Do not take it for granted as common sense. Behind the name, we can learn a lot. Also keep challenging the socalled knowledge, which to a large extend a body of western knowledge.

When China beomes a super power in the future, it is time for us to re-draw the map to put us at the middle.

如果澳大利亚也算岛 那明显最大的岛是亚欧岛吗 亚洲和欧洲加在一块 绝对是最大的面积






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