英语翻译句子 你认为我该怎么办? 除今天以外,我哪天都有空。 不要到处张贴。

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Yes, whichever day is ok. No, It must be today.

Consultative mechanism of government decision-making is now at home and abroad under the new situation, an inevitable requirement. Government to strengthen the building of mechanisms for decision-making advice for improving the decision-making authority, and reduce the cost and improve the government's public management capability, and enhance the party and government's ability to govern and so on is of great significance. However, at present, China's government decision-making still exist in the many outstanding problems. Can be realized as soon as possible from the decision-making procedures of the legal system, their own decision-makers clearly positioning, and perfect the social hearing system, and improve the system of expert advice, training of high-quality decision-making talents, in opinion polls and innovative "decision-making tool", further enhance the scientific decision-making level. In this paper, in Shanghai as an example to talk about how to promote the building of government decision-making advice.

What do you think i should do? I'm free except today. Don't put it up everywhere!

英语翻译句子 你认为我该怎么办? 除今天以外,我哪天都有空。 不要到处张贴。视频




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