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初二下册牛津英语第六单元单词(8B 第六单元全部单词)~

natural disaster mop earthquake
大自然的 灾难 用拖把拖洗 地震
accident crash wash storm
]事故 猛撞 冲掉 风暴
rainstorm thunder typhoon slight
暴雨 雷,雷声 台风 轻微的
shaking body fear scream
摇动 身体 害怕,恐惧 尖叫,惊叫
bomb shake direction wildly
炸弹 摇动 方向 失去控制地
brick calm over be trapped
砖;砖块 平静下来 结束的 陷入因境
moment since somebody chocolate
片刻,瞬间 由于;既然 某人 巧克力 [01:35.56]hurry daylight loudly everywhere
急忙,匆忙 日光;白昼 大声地 到处
cloud wind windy fog
云 风 有风的 雾
foggy frost frosty temperature
有雾的 霜 有霜的 温度
drop as snowy excuse
下降 因为 下雪的 借口
hurry advise warn lock
赶紧 建议 告诫,警告 锁,锁上
]order condition cover victim
嘱咐 状况 覆盖 受害者
arrival heavy hotline mobile phone
到达 大量的 热线 手机 03:06.28]serious terrible hit cause
严重的 可怕的 打,撞 引起
lady remove nearly sandstorm
女士,夫人 除去 几乎 沙尘暴
signal warning roll
信号 警告 卷(起)

On Saturday morning, every boy in town was happy, except Tom sawyer. 一个星期六的早晨,镇上的每个男孩都很快乐,除了 Tom Sawyer。 Tom's anut said he had to paint the fence. It was thirty yards long and three yards high! Tom painted a small corner, and then he sat down under a tree to have a rest. Tom 的姨妈给他说他必须去给家里的栏杆刷漆。那栏杆有三十码长,三码高!Tom 漆了一角后,就坐在树下休息。 Soon the boy who were free would come along and make fun of him. Just then, he had a wonderful idea. He picked up his brush and went back to work. 很快,那些没事干的男孩们就过来嘲笑他。然后,他有了个很棒的主意。他拿起他的刷子,继续工作。 Ben Roers came along the road. He sang happily, with an apple in one hand. Ben Roers 从路边走过。他快乐地唱着歌,一手拿着个苹果。 ' I'm going swimming, ' said Ben. ' Do you want to come? Oh, but you have to work, don't you?' “我要去游泳。”Ben 说。“你想来吗?哦,但是你还要工作,不是吗?” 'Work? ' he said. 'I don't think that this is work. It's fun. Does a boy get a chance like this every day?' “工作?”他说。“我可不认为这是工作。这是我的乐趣。不是每个男孩每天都有这机会的。” Ben thought about this. Tom went on painting. Ben was watching Tom's every move. He was getting more and more interested. Ben 想了一下。Tom 继续刷漆。Ben 看着Tom 的一举一动。他开始更加地感兴趣了。 After awhile, he said, ' Tom, will you let me do some painting? ' 过了一会儿,他说,“Tom,你能让我也来刷漆吗?” Tom said, ' No, Ben, I can't. Youy see, Aunt Polly wants it to be done properly. I'm the only one that can do it right. ' Tom 说,“不,Ben,不能。你看,Polly 姨妈希望这工作被好好儿地完成。而我是唯一可以把它做好的人。” ' Oh, please, Tom, begged Ben. ' I'll be really careful. I'll give you half of my apple. I'll give you all of it ! ' “噢,求求你了,Tom,”Ben 央求道。“我会很小心的。我可以给你半个苹果。我可以全都给你。” ' Well, all right, Ben, ' said Tom. ' But you must be careful. ' “嗯,好吧,Ben。”Tom 说。“但是你一定得小心。” He gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. He sat down again under the tree, and started to eat Ben's apple. 他把他的刷子给了Ben,一副担心的样子,但其实他心里很高兴。他又坐在树下,开始吃Ben 的苹果。 All day, boys passed by and wanted to paint. When Ben got tired, Billy Fisher began to paint. He gave Tom a kite which he liked. Then Johnny Miller gave him twelve marbles, and so on. 整整一天,男孩们都走来给栏杆刷漆。当Ben 累了的时候,Billy Fisher又来了。他给了Tom 一个他喜欢的风筝。然后Johhnny Miller 又给了他十二个玻璃弹子,等等。 That afteroon, Tom got many toys, and the fence gained three coats of paint. Aunt Polly was so pleased when she saw the painted fence that she gave him a large cake! 那个下午,汤姆有很多玩具,和篱笆涂上了三层油漆。波莉姨妈很高兴,当她看到油漆栅栏,她给了他一个大蛋糕!


blind瞎的,失明的 deaf聋的 disabled 有残疾的 elderly年老的 homeless无家可归的 group分组,组成小组 tough困难的,费力的 hike远足 trail路线 within在...之内 hill小山 mountain 高山 excellent chance spirit team spirit record of course training fitness takeplace aim aid first-aid airline country side gentleman grandchild hangwriting headache overcoat pancake postman toothbrush upstairs weekday ache look down on only flat perfect attention rainy umbrella wise mobile phone lost vet vest verse wine vine violin fund certificate contact further download


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