求英语辩论赛有私家车好吗 正方辩论词!急

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应不应该买私家车的辩论赛 英文版~

Should not buy a private car debate


With the development of economics as well as the improving life standard, more and more people possess private cars.

As each coin has two sides, there are also disadvantages in such a trend. First of all, the air and noise pollution is undoubtedly going from bad to worse. The poisonous gas the private cars send out is not only of great harm to the environment around us, but to our human bodies as well, especially to the respiratory systems. Private cars, of their owners most are new drivers, meanwhile, are consequently easy to result in traffic jams or even accidents. You can imagine how worrying the situation can be when you are in a hurry!

Such being the case, some immediate measures must be taken to prevent it in my opinion. For instance, we should pay more attention to the environmental protection to refresh the air, if possible, to reduce the noise level. It is expected that more advanced technology can make it a reality to replace the poisonous gas with one which both saves energy and causes no harm, thus making our daily life more satisfying!Nowadays , there are more and more people owning private cars. on the one hand, some wealthy people who either are the boss of the private company or the white-collar managers in big companies have their private cars. on the other hand, some young people who are future-minded buy private cars ahead of their income by loans from banks.

is it a good or bad thing to have a private car? just as a coin has two sides , so there are both advantages and disadvantages of having a private car. so far as its advantages are concerned, there are two examples for this. first , it plays a very important part in providing its owner with convenience, enabling the owner to go where he wants to quickly and easily. second, it can help its owner to save a lot of time which may be wasted by waiting for other vehicles. however, it also has its disadvantages . for one thing, it will have a negative effect on both the crowded traffic system and the environment in the long run. for another, it places burden on the public utility in providing more parking lots.
in short , owning a private car has both its advantages and disadvantages. it is advisable that we should pay much attention to the environmental protection by not having a private car if we have little or no practical use of the private car.

1, 有关新闻说“元旦凌晨广州市民步行7公里回家,有的干脆在麦当劳坐到天亮”。看来私家车不能没有啊,关键时候就发挥作用了。
The related news said “Guangzhou residentswalk 7 kilometers to go home on the New Year's Day before dawn, some simplysits to dawn in MacDonald” It seems can't dowithout private cars.
On the public transportation, there are mang thieves, especially when you late, it will bring the inconvenience to your person and property.. When you carry a lot of things on the side of the road waiting for more than half an hour and there is no taxi,you will know what are the advantages of private cars..have.

24 hours a day ,the privatecars can service for you, but the provisions of the buses will have the time totravel, when you have long distance travel, senior station wagon seat can beused as a bed, don't need to go to the hotel
Had the private vehicle, no matter its strong winds or the rainstorm, we all do not need the hard sledding to support the umbrella to go to the station and make the whole body soaked, Had the private vehicle, don’t need stand in the station waiting for the buses in the future in the cold or the sun, Had the private vehicle, regardless of far apart, we can drive the car at everytime and in everywhere.
总结: 出行方便、快捷、舒适、干净、是您拥有私家车的选择,
Goes on a journey conveniently, quickly, comfortably, cleanly,choose a private car is a good choice for you. more and more families have the private vehicle . the private cars as a product of modern civilization, has acted the important role in the people daily life.First, the private vehicle is the very convenient transportation, you can drive everywhere run; then, there is no doubt that private cars play a big role to economic growth In the near future, the fast development of automobile industry will make a big contribution to the maintenance country by the high speed growth aspect.Have the private vehicle bring happy to you.

当然好 有了私家车就可以泡妹妹,就可以。。。。。这是区别吊死与高帅富的方法之一。


求英语辩论赛有私家车好吗 正方辩论词!急视频




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