
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

就是说 我非常爱你
i love you so much
i just love you
i love you forever

He has a very sensible perception,he always knows how to make me feel happy.I wish i could stay with him for a long period!


1. today's weather? It's cold and sunny .
2. What day is today? Today is Wednesday. Yesterday, a few weeks? Yesterday was Wednesday .
3. What's today? Today is December 22, yesterday was the number? Yesterday was December 21, tomorrow is the number? Tomorrow is December 23.


What is the weather today? It's cold and sunny.
What day is today? It's Wednesday today.
What day was today? It was Wednesday yesterday.

What date is it today? It's December the twenty-second today.
What date was it yesterday? It was December the twenty-first yesterday.
What date is it tomorrow? It is December the twenty-third tomorrow.


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