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知识改变命运 这句话英语怎么翻译~

Knowledge upgrades one's life.
It is knowledge that upgrades one's life.(此句为第一句的强调句型)


In the face of various and complicated requirements of employment market,some students begin to question the significance of learning basic knowledge and skills,just as what is exposed in the cartoon above.
However,it is absolutely wrong to hold that idea.Owing to the fact that we are living in a competitive society,the development of our society demands that we arm ourselves with basic skills and up-to-date knowledge so as to keep up with the pace of our society.An investigation shows that millions of people spend time and energy grasping skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market or enhance their opportunities.While focusing on creativity,innovation,management and leadership skills,we should never forget the fundamental importance of the more basic,essential skills.



I often say to myself, "knowledge changes destiny."


Only by widely learning scientific knowledge can we change our destiny!


Looking back at the long history of 5000 years, how many ancients, through learning knowledge, either became a generation of famous officials or made contributions. Under Sun Quan's persuasion, LV Meng learned the art of war strategy, and eventually crossed the river in white, captured Liu Bei's Jingzhou, and killed Guan Yu, who was a powerful Chinese. Kuang Heng chiseled a wall to steal light and finally became a famous Prime Minister of the generation.


Song Lian braved the snow to study, studied hard for decades, and finally helped Zhu Yuanzhang to create a new dynasty. During the Warring States period, Su and Qin had a long way to go, worked hard to study, and then used their extraordinary ability to unite the six countries to attack Qin and worship the six countries.


However, some people do not learn knowledge, even if they are gifted, but in the end they are dim in the mediocre crowd. Fang Zhongyong was gifted and intelligent. At the age of five, he could "write four lines of poetry and make his own name", but he didn't learn knowledge, and finally "lost everyone".


It can be seen that even in feudal times, knowledge was imprisoned by rulers, but it also played a key role in a person's success or failure. People with ordinary talent become famous with it. People with extraordinary talent are buried in the crowd without it.


Knowledge is power, is completely changed the first driving force of personal destiny. In today's increasingly competitive society, who has the knowledge and talent is equal to grasp the fate of their throat; the contrary, who's knowledge of the poor and white can only lose to others. Napoleon once said, "The real conquest, the only unacceptable conquest, is the conquest of ignorance." Can be seen, the importance of knowledge. Napoleon in the conquest of ignorance, access to knowledge after the revitalization of the French, with his own living story interpretation of what he said. In the twentieth century, the great land of China, a great man Mao Zedong wrote in his history the glorious chapter with his wisdom. Can you remember how many young Mao Zedong Library in the Peking University, "pick up the lamp," reading, Heiner Sea, extensive access to knowledge and nutrition. It is with a wide range of knowledge, talented, only the Republic of the founders, only the modern Chinese politicians, revolutionaries, military strategists in one, and in literature, calligraphy, poetry and other aspects are very high Of the attainments. Comrade Mao Zedong glorified history with the wisdom of his wisdom. This also shows that knowledge can change the fate

The importance of learning basic skills
In the face of various and complicated requirements of employment market,some students begin to question the significance of learning basic knowledge and skills,just as what is exposed in the cartoon above.
However,it is absolutely wrong to hold that idea.Owing to the fact that we are living in a competitive society,the development of our society demands that we arm ourselves with basic skills and up-to-date knowledge so as to keep up with the pace of our society.An investigation shows that millions of people spend time and energy grasping skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market or enhance their opportunities.While focusing on creativity,innovation,management and leadership skills,we should never forget the fundamental importance of the more basic,essential skills.
It is universally known that opportunity is important,but you could do nothing with it if you are not equipped with competitive forces,such basic reading and calculating skills,to seize it.


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