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endangered wildlife in China有哪些~

endangered wildlife in China的意思是中国濒危野生动物,目前中国十大濒危动物:朱_、华南虎、白鳍豚、扬子鳄、大熊猫、金丝猴、麋鹿、黑颈鹤、藏羚羊、褐马鸡等。中国是濒危动物分布大国。据不完全统计,仅列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》附录的原产于中国的濒危动物有120多种(指原产地在中国的物种),列入《国家重点保护野生动物名录》的有257种,列入《中国濒危动物红皮书》的鸟类、两栖爬行类和鱼类有400种,列入各省、自治区、直辖市重点保护野生动物名录的还有成百上千种。 20世纪80年代以来,中国进口了不少动物,如湾鳄、暹罗鳄、食蟹猴、黑猩猩、非洲象等。这些外来的濒危动物,也受到国家的重点保护。由于我国人口众多,活动范围广,使许多珍贵的野生动物被迫退缩残存在边远的山区、森林、草原、沼泽、荒漠等地区,分布区极其狭窄。随着经济的持续快速发展和生态环境的日益恶化,中国的濒危动物种类还会增加。

First of all, "The People's Republic of China Wild Animal Protection Law" provides valuable and endangered terrestrial and aquatic wildlife and beneficial or have important economic, scientific value of wild animals protected by state laws, so indiscriminately eat wild animals is illegal行为.
First of all, "The People's Republic of China Wild Animal Protection Law" provides rare and endangered terrestrial and aquatic wildlife and beneficial or have important economic, scientific value of wild animals protected by state laws, so indiscriminately eat wild animals is illegal行为.
Damage caused by this is that we will never be irreparable.
Second, the protection of wild animals is to protect humanity itself. Due to environmental degradation, human Luanbulanlie, all kinds of wildlife are facing various threats. Nearly 100 years, species extinction rate has exceeded 100 times the natural extinction rate, and now every day, more than 100 kinds of creatures from the earth. China also has more than 10 kinds of mammal extinction, there are more than 20 kinds of rare animals facing extinction. And their extinction will lead to many new drugs that can be used to make molecular attributed to disappear, but also caused many crops to overcome adverse weather conditions contribute to the gene attributable to disappear, and even lead to a new plague,
Moreover, the consumption of wild animals, highly infectious diseases. Wild animals and human beings were suffering from more than 100 kinds of diseases such as rabies, tuberculosis, plague, hepatitis and so on. Their internal organs, blood, muscle and even contain a variety of viruses, parasites, such as B virus, toxoplasmosis, tapeworm, Trichinella, and some even in the low temperature of minus 15 ℃ or 100 ℃, under high temperature can not be killed or Clear. Slight mistake, they will have to haemorrhagic fever, psittacosis, rabbit fever, cerebral cysticercosis, paragonimiasis, schistosomiasis, intestinal parasites. For example, one of China's major macaque monkeys with 10-60% carry B virus, and raw monkey brains were a great possibility of infection,
Once infected with B virus, others dead. Then let's use the most people eat snakes, it's a very high prevalence, such as cancer, hepatitis, parasitic diseases and other diseases have almost anything Moreover, in the Guangdong region, due to seek fresh food, edible raw food and half-food, which makes the incidence of food-borne parasites increased year by year. According to a recent survey, the parasitic diseases in Guangdong Province reached 16.7% infection rate. On the other hand, all kinds of domestic animals can provide us with adequate nutrition, so there is no need of mankind to eat wild animals.
They think it is perfectly justified and natural. In the production of this television program, Mr. Sima Nan performed the strongest. At that time I was anxious, and loudly shouted: "Man can not protect people based only protect the ecological in order to protect people!" He said one blurting out: "I agree with you this view." Then he corrected himself, and his speech again in three Repeat the sentence: "I still insist on people-based."
Ten years ago to answer this issue, I wrote an article entitled "Why should we love wildlife? "Available on the Science and Technology Daily, many newspapers and books have been reproduced in this article. We did not expect that ten years later there is still so much in understanding the differences. The differences do not mean to do to protect animals, but why to protect the animals? One is from a human-oriented point; a departure from the ecosystem. Many people, including some people who do the work of animal protection, still persist in people's point of view, still believe that animal protection is to people, is to the interest of humanity and development, protection is to use, otherwise there would be no need to protect, and
In fact, the problem is not difficult to explain. No matter how Yehao animals, plants Ye Hao, all life, all living together in an organic unity among the eco-like is our nest, our green home, we have Noah's ark. "Nest, security there is no eggs will survive? Not protect ecology, how can there be animals, plants and all life, but also how can there be people? Blindly emphasis on people, stressed that the interests and development, only the protection and development of a species, the species can protection against unemployment? You may quibble, said: "I have to protect the people, so I protect animals, protect the ecology. "This statement goes a step further though, after all, is still upside down.
For example, human invention of pesticides, which is to protect a great achievement, you can win the Nobel Prize, but the ecological point of view, it opened got into an era of environmental pollution not only harms animals, plants, ecological harm, but also harm with people.
What is the ecology and ecological point of view? Simply put, we must follow the original features of nature and their own laws, to understand nature, nature study, protection of nature. The Earth is itself an organic unity of all living things grow, multiply and evolve into this continuum. The great poet Li Bai said: "The moon to be useful." Probably it is expressing his own feelings, naturally I Li Bai, it should be useful; also can be said, naturally we humans, it should be useful; also be applied look, natural animals, plants, health of all life, are useful. Their existence, it shows useful.
Some of us also said that "useful", one can see the forest, they think of wood; one can see the river, they think of power generation; one can see grasslands, grazing on the thought into beef and mutton, one can see animals, I thought I could not to eat, can not use, can not be used as medicine. Not to say that think wrong, to do wrong, but is too narrow, too one-sided, from the ecological point of view, the problem is much more complicated, much more profound. Some say that ecological wealth climax of wealth, which many people do not see this point. As the forests of the ecological benefits, scientific benefits, social benefits, including economic benefits, its value is infinite,
If you have only the forest as a timber, it is only seeing a few percent of full benefits of forests to the forest cut down, it means only a few percent, while the destruction of several of the 90. Therefore, we should learn to use the ecological point of view observation that any form of natural communities of species, are the product of co-evolution process, the existence of the various biota and the role they are in the great treasure trove of natural selection, all species and human Like humans and all species, are both a part of nature, in the long evolutionary process of development co-maintained the stability of nature, harmony and development of
. In this wide variety of the biosphere, who can adapt, who play to their advantages, who was eliminated, this is the natural history of the long process of natural selection, evolving, and constantly optimize results, neither created by God, but not by human beings come to dominate. That is why nature has a species diversity, genetic variability and ecological complexity of the system of roots.
Looking at the universe, the size of the planet countless this, which can be compared to the Earth? In the past history of infinity, what kind of wonderful imagination may be compared to today's world? Armstrong, the first American astronaut on the moon, when the stand more than 380 thousand kilometers in the distance see the small planet, he deeply felt the earth is not only an oasis, an island, but more importantly, up to the present knowledge, it is the only place suitable for human survival. He said: "I have never been done here and now suddenly alert to protect and save the homeland is so important." Essence of who we, as mortal beings in the biosphere, a member of



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