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The new journey of three ____
Monk Tang dubbing, but of course to play extremely monks is really in to see the new version of journey to the west, very admire the director's eyes, Tang's monk too good! Victor is a monk, he distributed the temperament fully comply with the new building full of love of the image than the old version of the stiff face such as cement and pedantic old tormentor Goku's uncle who is strong too much. People say that he is really a handsome man, who said the monk is not handsome? You can't because the old version of the pick a few middle-aged uncle that monk is not good-looking. Victor interpretation, there are many need to place in perfect cooperation, Chen version than the old version of the more human nature more warm more lovely, it was my heart.
The new journey of the monkey ___
Since the new version, it is inevitable to get out and Liuxiaolingtong. I think, Liuxiaolingtong is no one have no predecessors after. Don't forget to him from the chapter's monkey family, the house was playing monkey, even in the absence of a journey to the west, is worthy of the name of the monkey king. So, any one Sun Wukong can not go beyond the old version! To understand this, Fei Zhenxiang's performance would not have so many carp. Sun Wukong this role, the general actor is not an actor, because he is a monkey, to the people to play monkey but also play the image, it is not too difficult. And Fei Zhenxiang is born drama, solid foundation, on the role of figure in place, and dubbing perfect, shaping the a human of the monkey king. By the way, the red dress is much more beautiful than the old version.
The new journey of pig _
New pig eight quit from the appearance of look than the old version of the good-looking, double fold eyelid, as a man, the old version of the shape really like a pig... Because the old version of the children's route, role thinking is very simple, the new version is obviously in the adult line, each character have normal thinking the. So the new pig is not the old version of the pig to eat, drink, and be merry, but a glib covet pleasure extremely smooth. Although he has consistently is the love to escape saw the wind began to rudder, but can also in long westbound on the road to see and professional brothers gradually deep feelings, more in line with the lover.
The new journey to the west of _ shaceng
Sand monk is definitely a big breakthrough, the change and I like it very much. Sand monk in the old version is superfluous, he doesn't make a difference, too failed. People is somehow the shutter general, how can we become a useless? New sand monk finally brain will speak. Amitabha! Thank you for writing and director! Thank you!
The beauty of the new journey to the West
When I was a child to see the journey to the west, that really is a crowd pleasing. Grown up a sensible anti Seoul don't love to watch, because the fairies long too scary. New version of journey to the West saved me. As a girl, I like all the beautiful things. New women flowers beauty clothing, is very pleasing to the eye. Especially the elegant and snake king's daughter, modelling is beautiful. This, of course, be like a new version of one of the reasons. Fairy Ma, since formation humanoid that must be stunning, or how to seduce people?

   在看新版西游记,很佩服导演的眼光,唐僧选的太好了!陈司翰实在是很唐僧,他散发出来的气质完全符合新版塑造的充满大爱的僧侣这一形象.比老版那面部僵硬如水泥又迂腐至极老折磨悟空的大叔们强太多.有人说他太帅,谁说唐僧就是不帅的?你不能因为老版挑了几个中年大叔来演就以为唐僧是不好看的.. 当然陈司翰的演绎还有很多需要努力的地方,但在完美配音的配合之下,陈版唐三藏比老版更人性更温暖更可爱,很得我心.
   新猪八戒从长相上看比老版的好看了,双眼皮,像人了,老版的造型真像头猪... 由于老版走儿童路线,角色思维都很简单单一,新版明显是成人路线,每个角色都有正常思维了.所以新猪八戒不是老版那个只知吃喝享乐的猪,而是一个油嘴滑舌贪图享乐圆滑至极的人.虽然自始至终他都是最爱逃跑见风始舵,却也能在漫漫西行路上看出与师兄弟们渐深的感情,更具人情人性.
   沙僧绝对是个大突破,这个改变我很喜欢. 老版里沙僧就是个多余,有他没他没区别,太失败了.人家好歹是卷帘大将,怎能变得一无用处? 新沙僧终于有大脑会说话了.阿弥陀佛!谢谢编剧和导演! 谢谢!
   小时候看西游记,那真是万人空巷.长大了懂事了之后反尔不爱看了,因为妖精们长的太吓人. 新版西游记解救了我.作为女生,我喜欢一切美的东西.新版中女人们的花服美容,很是赏心悦目. 尤其白翩翩和蛇精女儿国王,造型太美了.这当然成为喜欢新版的理由之一. 妖精麻,既然化成人形那肯定是极美的,要不怎么勾引人哪?

《西游记后传》观音菩萨的扮演者是 傅羽佳




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    褚溥性演员 唐僧……徐少华、汪粤、迟重瑞 孙悟空……六小龄童(章金莱)猪八戒………马德华 沙僧………闫怀礼 小白龙………王伯昭 神仙系列 玉帝………章玉善 王母娘娘………万馥香 如来佛祖………朱龙广 太白金星………王忠信 太上老君………郑榕 太乙天尊………朱秉谦 灵吉菩萨………任凤坡 弥勒佛………铁...

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    褚溥性第二名:无天 无天在整部剧中表现都不错,无论武力还是智力,他有自己的立场,还有自己的故事。无天最后失败了,不过与其说无天败给了定数,不如说无天是败给了自己。第三名:燃灯古佛 在后传中,燃灯上古佛的地位要高于如来,即便是无天也非常希望得到燃灯的支持。燃灯圆寂之后,还一直在指引着孙...

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    褚溥性姓名: 傅羽嘉 年龄: 1971-07-01 身高: 166 (cm)毕业院校: 上海戏剧学院 出演的电视剧:《大江东去》《水落石出》(第一部)《西游记后传 》《生死柬》《运河人家》评论:真奇怪她的如此默默无闻和不出名,看到时下走红的赵薇、章子怡、徐静蕾等等,我觉得都无一人能她比。好象其它人的看后...

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    褚溥性太岁摇铃唤风沙(对应观音菩萨的坐骑金毛犼赛太岁,用的那个铃铛可以唤风沙)玉兔抛绣高台搭(对应嫦娥养的玉兔精下凡抛绣球给唐三藏打算招三藏做驸马)红霓垂 九重紫云飞,久归 未归 欲回 恨回,凡胎恰登对 天命难违(依旧是歌词延伸,讲的是思乡跟肉眼凡胎以及西行路上遇见的一些人事物)比丘走白鹿...

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    褚溥性3.降伏红孩儿 唐僧一行人来到了火焰山,受到了红孩儿的攻击。孙悟空与红孩儿展开智斗,最终成功降伏了红孩儿,保护了唐僧的安全。4.大闹天宫 孙悟空因不满天庭的安排,大闹天宫,与天兵天将展开了激烈的战斗。在观音菩萨的帮助下,孙悟空最终被压在五行山下,等待着唐僧的到来。5.三借芭蕉扇 唐僧一行人...

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