
来自:有友    更新日期:早些时候
~ 、崇高的理想就象生长在高山上的鲜花。如果要搞下它,勤奋才能是攀登的绳索。
Now that you have identified a road, why go and ask how long it will take?
Don't be inferior, you are no more foolish than others. Don't be complacent. Others are no more foolish than you.
Eat what others can't bear, endure what others can't bear, pay more than others, and enjoy more than others.
The future of a seed is no better than that of a deciduous leaf if it lacks the air to break the earth and fight against the wind and snow.
With confidence, perseverance and courage, nothing can be done.
Success is to simplify complex problems and then do them hard.
Nothing is as powerful as habit.
All victories are insignificant compared with the victories of conquering oneself. All failures are insignificant compared with the failure of losing oneself.
Work hard and you will succeed!
If you want to get it, you will get it. All you need to do is take action.
Life always bruises us all over, but in the end, those injured places will become our strongest places.
I feel that what I do and what I don't do is in fact only in the middle of an idea.
Experience is extracted from pain.
Poverty fosters masculinity.
Challenge competition, pressure and time.
Only perseverance can achieve final success.
Thoughts, like drills, must concentrate on one point to drill down for strength.
On the soft beach, it is easy to leave foot cherry tantalum, and it is also easy to be wiped out by the tide.
A wise man has long aspirations, but a weak man has long aspirations.
Don't let the boat of pursuit dock in the harbor of fantasy, but raise the sail of struggle and sail to the sea of real life.
A person must be injured before he can be silent and attentive. Whether it is a mental or physical trauma, it is good for growth.
There's nothing you can't do, only something you don't want to do.
Only by living in the two realms of busy and leisure can we be proud of ourselves, enjoy the pleasure of life and achieve the meaning of life.
Create life with your own hands and realize your dream with hard sweat.
The sun illuminates the way of life and the moon illuminates the way of the soul.
On the neck of young people, there is nothing like the brilliant jewel of career.
Life always bruises us all over, but in the end, those injured places will become our strongest places.
Success is a concept. Success is a thought. Success is a habit. Success is a mentality.
The cultivation of good habits lies in not being tempted by bad habits.
The road to success is full of thorns, and only through hard struggle can we succeed.
Do it as long as you are sure you are right. Some people say it's not good to do it, others say it's not good to do it, and don't evade critici *** .
Even if the bamboo roots are buried in the ground and no one can see them, they will never stop exploring and strive to emerge new shoots.
Those who let the end of life enclose them are unable to move forward half a step.
Life needs patience and waiting. Toil in waiting, get what you want in waiting, achieve in waiting, and be happy in waiting!
Don't sigh at the setbacks, just think of them as preparations you have to go through before you can accomplish great things.
A ladder is never used to rest its feet. It just keeps people's feet on for a period of time so that another foot can climb up again.
If you stand back before victory, you will only embrace failure; if you persist in difficulties, you will often achieve new success.
It is an everlasting truth that every effort is rewarded. Since ancient times, few people have been able to break through it. However, if someone can go beyond its limits and give without asking for return, he will surely get more.
If the seedlings refuse to prune because they are afraid of pain, they will never become mature.
We must take what we have in exchange for what we don't have.
Life is too short to give up tomorrow today.
He who knows the truth adapts himself to the world, and he who does not know the reason insists on adapting the world to himself.
The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory.
Don't lose yourself in your busy life. Enjoy life while you are studying. It will make your mood blossom like a flower.
Success is not how much you get, but how much you throw away.
As long as it's better, don't ask for the best! Struggle is the father of success.
Life should learn to precipitate, precipitate experience, precipitate mood, precipitate themselves.
No matter how hard it is now, we should also be a dancer of life.
Show off needs the audience, and show off just makes us lose the audience.
If you have a selfless love, you will have everything.
What are we afraid of? When we come to this world, we have no intention of going back alive!
The will of a soldier should be as firm as a reef, and the character of a soldier should be as gentle as the wind.
Without fantasy, without giving up a little chance, without stopping working hard for a day.
In order to prove yourself to others and the world, we strive hard, and once you really achieve results, we will understand that people do not need to prove anything to others, as long as you can surpass yourself.
Happiness is like perfume, sprinkle on others will also infect themselves.
On the soft beach, it is easy to leave foot cherry tantalum, and it is also easy to be wiped out by the tide.
Stupid people always regret for yesterday and pray for tomorrow. Unfortunately, today's efforts are less.
Although the past can not be changed, the future can.
Learning to make progress next time is an effective rule to make ourselves bigger. So don't let yourself sleep in the hotbed of success.
Zhigao Mountain is short and the road stretches from below.
There is no failure in the college entrance examination. The profound thinking, unforgettable experience and feelings it brings to everyone are rare wealth. The process of striving for our ideals is far more meaningful than the unknown results.
Look at a person's mind, look at his eyes; look at a person's status, look at his opponents; look at a person's bottom card, look at his friends.
Slow down when you are tired. Wrong, think of the last. It's bitter to know satisfaction. Only when you hurt yourself can you understand how strong you are.
For those who have no ambition, the journey seems far; for those who have no money, the town seems far away.
Learning to make progress next time is an effective rule to make ourselves bigger. So don't let yourself sleep in the hotbed of success.
Success is the crystallization of hard work. Only hard work can lead to success.
As for what will happen in the future, we need to go down to know that there is still a long way to go, and the sky will always shine.
What others can do, they can do it themselves.
Time and opportunity can always be found for what you want to do, and excuses can always be found for what you don't want to do.


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