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有一首歌歌词是I am a loser I am a loser 女的唱的歌名叫什么~

是冰雪皇后还是冰雪女皇来着 = = 那个感觉旋律很像


Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everyone has a private world
Where they can be alone
Are you calling me are you trying to get through
Are you reaching out for me and I'm reaching out for you
I'm just so fuckin' depressed
I just can seem to get out this slump
If I could just get over this hump
But I need something to pull me out this dump
I took my bruises took my lumps
Fell down and I got right back up
But I need that spark to get psyched back up
And the right thing for me to pick that mic back up
I don't know how I pry away
And I ended up in this position I'm in
I starting to feel distant again
So I decided just to beat this pain
Up and tried to make an attempt to vent
But I just can't admit
Or come to grips with the fact that
I may be done with rap
I need a new outlet
I know some shits so hard to swallow
But I just can't sit back and wallow
In my own sorrow
But I know one fact
I'll be one tough act to follow
One tough act to follow
One tough act to follow
Here today gone tomorrow
But you have to walk a thousand miles
Walk my shoes just to see
What it's like to be me
All be you let's trade shoes
Just to see what I'd be like to
Feel your pain you feel mine
Go inside each other's mind
Just to see what we find
Looking shit through each other's eyes
But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo
They can all get fucked Just stay true to you sOoOoo
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo
They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you
I think I'm starting to lose my sense of humor
Everything is so tense and gloom
I almost feel like I gotta check the temperature in the room
Just as soon as I walk in
It's like all eyes on me
So I try to avoid any eye contact
Cause if I do that then it opens a door to conversation
Like I want that
I'm not looking for extra attention
I just want to be just like you
Blend in with the rest of the room
Maybe just point me to the closest restroom
I don't need fucking man servin'
Tryin to follow me around and wipe my ass
Laugh at every single joke I crack
And half of them ain't even funny like that
Ahh Marshall you're so funny man, you should be a comedian god damn
Unfortunately I am but I just hide behind the tears of a clown
So why don't you all sit down
Listen to the tale I'm about to tell
Hell we don't have to trade our shoes
And you don't have to walk no thousand miles
Walk my shoes just to see
What it's like to be me
All be you let's trade shoes
Just to see what I'd be like to
Feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each other's mind
Just to see what we find
Looking shit through each other's eyes
But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo
They can all get fucked Just stay true to you sOoOoo
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo
They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you sOoOoo
Nobody asked for life to deal us
With these bullshit hands with doubt
We have to take these cards ourselves
And flip them don't expect no help
Now I could have either just
Sat on my ass and pissed and moaned
But take this situation in which I'm placed in
And get up and get my own
I was never the type of kid
To wait but I know to unpack his bags
Never sat on the porch and hoped and prayed
For a dad to show up who never did
I just wanted to fit in
Every single place
Every school I went
I dreamed of being that cool kid
Even if it meant acting stupid
Aunt Edna always told me
Keep making that face till it gets stuck like that
Meanwhile I'm just standing there
Holding my tongue up trying to talk like this
Till I stuck my tungue on the frozen stop sign poll at 8 years old
I learned my lesson and cause I wasn't tryin to impress my friends no more
But I already told you my whole life story
Not just based on my description
Cause where you see it from where you're sitting
Is probably 110% different
I guess we would have to walk a mile In each other's shoes at least
What size you where
I wear tens
Let's see if you can fit your feet
Walk my shoes just to see
What it's like to be me
All be you let's trade shoes
Just to see what I'd be like to
Feel your pain you feel mine
Go inside each other's mind
Just to see what we find
Looking shit through each other's eyes
But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo
They can all get fucked Just stay true to you sOoOoo
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo
They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you sOoOoo
Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everyone has a private world
Where they can be alone sOoOoo
Are you calling me are you trying to get through OoOo
Are you reaching out for me and I'm reaching out for you sOoOoo Oo Oo
Yea To my babies Stay strong Daddy will be soon
And to the rest of the world god gave you the shoes
That fit you so put em on and wear em
be yourself man be proud of who you are
Even if it sounds corny
Don't ever let no one tell you you ain't beautiful

Big bang-《Loser》歌曲链接:http://y.qq.com/#type=song&mid=002HuRZ4120Ght
sei n 草卡嫩 高b曾一
某对n 样阿七
靠无r 搜给 闹n
V头力 桑草不您 毛造力
到老wun 丝类gi
靠无r 搜给 男 I’M A
搜r几gi sei桑瓜 男
奥无r林 造 奥b扫
后r喽要到n 内给n
撒狼 大V n 包r扫
一叫 斤几 欧类
造 西干 搜给
到 一桑恩 某 的给扫
会忙参 撒狼 耨类
闹那 那那
可造 gi r的俩斤 得喽
嘎bou n 搜给 耨拉那嫩
丝r喷 比诶喽
男 毛r力 沃包俩扫
一贼 大西 斗拉嘎r类
奥力r 造 贼杂力喽
奥n贼不逃n嘎 男
哈呢r bou大 当尔
逃 巴拉bou给 对
苏m水gi走擦 hi m giao沃
搜呢r 包几慢
可 努古斗
那r 咋巴 组几r 安内 I’M A
sei n 草卡嫩 高b曾一
某对n 样阿七
靠无r 搜给 闹n
V头力 桑草不您 毛造力
到老wun 丝类gi
靠无r 搜给 男 I’M A
要咋的r瓜也 内 西r苏
哈路巴么r 撒狼哈够
黑 的秒n 西曾
cei gi m几几 某 他r
那也 一gi造gin gi be m
哈那 得没 某den 高西
忙嘎叫包林 几个m
毛m粗r 组r 某了到n
那也 V好慢 几r组
一贼n 阿木老n 嘎萌斗
贼米斗 奥b嫩 ki pun
那 表狼 个忒
后n咋 一内
那 大西 斗拉嘎r类
也造内 贼杂力喽
奥n贼不逃n嘎 男
撒拉m的类 西扫呢r
度聊沃慢 黑
无嫩 高走擦 几kiao沃
可 阿木头 那r
阿拉组几r 安内 I’M A
sei n 草卡嫩 高b曾一
某对n 样阿七
靠无r 搜给 闹n
V头力 桑草不您 毛造力
到老wun 丝类gi
靠无r 搜给 男
怕兰 造 哈呢了r
沃n忙哈几 男
卡个m 内聊耨扣 西泡叫
一gi类 个忒
帮黄一 个那秒n
不低 胡会 奥b嫩 cei喽
度 nun 卡么r 苏 一gi r
sei n 草卡嫩 高b曾一
某对n 样阿七
靠无r 搜给 闹n
V头力 桑草不您 毛造力
到老wun 丝类gi
靠无r 搜给 男 I’M A

loser 孤单一人 逞强的胆小鬼
品行恶劣的坏蛋 镜中的你
就是个 loser 孤单一人 只剩下伤口的笨蛋
肮脏的垃圾 镜中的我 I'm a
说实话 世界和我从未相配过
对于一直孤身一人的我来说 所谓的爱情
早已被忘却许久 在那段时间
无法再听下去了 充满希望的歌
不管是你还是我 都被牵着鼻子走
我已经来到了远处 I'm coming home
现在我要重返到 我小时候的原地
比起仰望天空 会更多的看大地
把手伸了出来 却没有任可人 握住我的手
I'm a loser
孤身一人 逞强的胆小鬼
品行恶劣的坏蛋 镜中的你
just a loser
肮脏的垃圾 镜中的我 i'm a
珍爱一个夜晚 放太阳升起时就厌烦
无法承担责任的 我那自私的快乐
因为一个问题 让现在的一切变得糟糕
不知停止的 我那危险的奔跑
I'm coming home
尝试着微笑 但却没有任何人懂我
I'm a loser
孤单一人 逞强的胆小鬼
品行恶劣的坏蛋 镜中的你
就是个loser 孤单一人
肮脏的垃圾 镜中的我
i want to say good bye
如果在这条路的尽头 不再彷徨
loser孤单一人 逞强的胆小鬼
品行恶劣的坏蛋 镜中的你
就是个loser 孤单一人
肮脏的垃圾 镜中的我
i'm a loser
i'm a loser
i'm a loser
i'm a loser

一人 ただ孤独な虚势
どうせ クソなハンパ者
Just a loser 一人 荒んでくメロディ
创痕 镜の中のI’m a

正直 世间とは折り合わないさ
爱なんてものは 忘れたいんだ
时は流れ 逆らえず
これ以上 闻いてられないラヴソング
游ばされてる 悲しきピエロ
歩き疲れて I’m coming home
また戻りたい 心の故郷
あぁ いつからか Yeah
空より地面のほうを见つめ Oh
ツラくても差し出されない救いの手 I’m a
Loser 一人 ただ孤独な虚势
どうせ クソなハンパ者
Just a loser 一人 荒んでくメロディ
创痕镜の中のI’m a
ワンナイトラヴ 谁かと朝帰り
爱情はない またくり返し
欲望だけの My life の为に
すべてを台无しにした 今の自分
冲动は止められない エクスタシー
スリルも昂りもない 冷めた気分
崖っぷちに一人 So l’m going home
戻りたい希望さえ もう最後
あぁ いつからか Yeah
周りの视线 気にし始め Oh
涙は枯れた もう
笑いたいのに谁も気付かないって I’m a
Loser 一人 ただ孤独な虚势
どうせ クソなハンパ者
Just a loser 一人 荒んでくメロディ
创痕 镜の中の
オレを见下ろす あの空
肩の荷を降ろして I want to say good bye
Loser 一人 ただ孤独な虚势
Just a loser 一人 荒んでくメロディ
创痕 镜の中のI’m a
l’m a loser
l’m a loser
I’m a loser

BigBang的loser,BigBang的if you也很好听噢




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