
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

The east chestnut of the city of Tang's mountain is a famous and Chinese and Foreign soil special product, with the flavor sweet, a solid 著 call, because of the shape a flat even be called the chestnut.The east chestnut of the best city fries to make with the brown sugar, the chestnut is red medium deeply bright, to send forth the sweet flavor in the air.I also ate the chesnut roasted with sugar of the another place, from seeming see seem to have no too big difference with the chestnut of Tang's mountain, eat the mouth but feel the 栗 quality 疏 loose unavoidably, the flavor is not quite right.The east chestnut of the city fry later on the skin meeting Ho-jen separate, shell very and easily, eat in the mouth the eating is sweet, enjoy in retrospect the everlasting.Along with the technical development of science, the east chestnut of the nearer in the last years city still appeared some other way of doings, being like the chestnut juice and the chestnut 仁s to also get the people's fancy equally.In the country of the chestnut Tang the 遵 of the mountain City turns and moves Anne on taking to still edible the east chestnut of the city of other way of doings, the flavor let person call equally extremely.

Similar to chesnut roasted with sugar, the honey 麻 sugar is also a kind of Tang's mountain a light repast with sweet flavor.In this time of the Chinese New Year, walk and can see various honey 麻 sugar of packing in each big market of Tang's mountain.The honey 麻 sugar seems to be the color more under the irradiation of the light fresh and bright, the honey of the inside gives the person the felling of a kind of stupid stupid desire drop, plusing the black sesame of top of the 麻 sugar to embellish it may be said the aroma is complete.The way of doing of the honey 麻 sugar is also remarkable, needing to pass by to go together with to anticipate, and face, the slice of 擀 , pure noodles puts the slice, chops the piece and fries to make, burn to strach etc. craft.Under the ability work clever artisan of done with meticulous carely, the 麻 sugar color and luster make is fresh, assuming the thin yellow, the slice is thin such as the paper, the likeness blossom, clear and crisp and sweet.The sugar of 麻 make Tang mountain the person is usually edible in this time of Chinese New Year and walk a kind of food of visit the friend indispensability in person, people with the honey 麻 sugar the joy and life that deliver the festival of sweet.

Compare with the taste of come the pawn baked wheat cake with the chesnut roasted with sugar and honey 麻 sugar it may be said varied, the pawn baked wheat cake also belong to the baked wheat cake a kind of, getting because of form,such as tabor,, pawn.The pawn baked wheat cake faces and has to very pay attention to, wanting to match the 酥 with the big oil and scented ointments with over noodles behind, the baked wheat cake that roast to make out thus then can the color and luster is golden, the eating 酥 frailty.The pawn baked wheat cake can wrap the meat, sugar, assorted, bowel of 腊 , ham etc. various farcing heart, each have the different taste.Roast to make the 酥 outside in the pawn baked wheat cake deeply, fresh joss-stick of meat stuffing, the proper of frailty of 酥 does not get fed up with and easy to conservancy, make a kind of dessert that people very like of mountain of Tang.


I am very happy to receive your letter.I has been thinking about the questions you brought up.


In my opinion, you should come back after you finished your study.


One reason is that what you have been studing is pretty needed in china, this makes you job-hunting easy.

Actually, I noticed that in my city lots of companies requiring such elites like you.


Another reason is that, if you come back you can better take care of your parebnts when they need you.
希望可以帮到你, 但写信的话,这样不是很符合英语的习惯!:)


一字螺丝批 slot type screwdriver
一点透视 one-point perspective


二合一黏合剂 epoxy resin adhesive
二合胶;混合胶 epoxy glue
二维的;平面的 two-dimensional
二进制 binary
二极管;整流子 diode
二号螺丝攻 second tap
二路开关 two-way switch
十进制的;公制的 metric
人工制品 artefact
人造板 man-made board
人体工程学 ergonomics; human engineering
人体尺寸 human dimension
人体测量学 anthropometry; anthropometrics
刀片 blade
刀身 blade
刀具 tool
刀具溜座 carriage
刀柱 tool post
刀架 tool rest
刀架底座 tool rest bracket
刀座帷;床鞍 apron
刀座鞍;溜板座 saddle
力 force
力三角形 triangle of force
力平行四边形 parallelogram of force
力多边形;多边形力学 polygon of force
力的分解 force resolution
力架;亮漆 lacquer
力矩 moment
力偶 couple
力矩定律 law of moment
力-距离图表 force-distance graph
力图 force diagram
力线 line of force
力点 effort
十字榫 cross halving joint
十字螺丝 Philip's head screw
十字螺丝批 Philip's type screwdriver
丁字尺;T 尺 tee square


三爪夹头 three-jaw chuck
三角尺 set square
三角形结构系杆 triangulation tie
三角锉 triangular file
三维的;立体的 three-dimensional
三氯甲烷;哥罗芳 chloroform
三聚氰胺;蜜胺 melamine
三点透视 three-point perspective
上油漆 painting
上釉 enamelling
凡立水 varnish
叉形顶尖 fork centre
口罩 mask
士力;虫漆 shellac
士巴拿;扳手 spanner
大芯夹板;宽条芯夹板 blockboard; solid corestock-laminated board
大量制造 mass production
子口刨;槽口刨;边刨 rebate plane
小型平槽刨 miniature router plane
小型线料弯曲器 small wire bender
小型弯折机 mini bender
小型电路断路器;跳菲 miniature circuit breaker (MCB)
小齿轮 pinion
山樟 San Cheong
工件 workpiece
工字梁 I beam
工作面 working surface
工作图;制作图 working drawing
工作台 bench; working table
工具 tool
工具贮存室 tool storage
工具槽 well
工具钢 tool steel
工场 workshop
工场安全 workshop safety
工程字书写技巧 lettering
工程系统 engineering system
工程绘图 engineering drawing
工业酒精;火酒 methylated spirit
弓形手钻;手摇曲柄钻 brace
弓形手钻嘴 brace bit
弓锯 bow saw; hacksaw
弓锯片 hacksaw blade
弓锯床 hacksawing machine


不平衡 imbalance
不含铁金属;非铁金属 non-ferrous metal
不贯穿孔;闭孔;盲孔 blind hole
不贯穿鸠尾榫 lapped dovetail joint
不对称 asymmetry
不锈钢 stainless steel
不稳定平衡 unstable equilibrium
中心 centre
中心线 centre line
中心冲 centre punch
中心钻 centre drill
中心钻嘴 centre bit
中央处理器 central processing unit (CPU)
中性 neutral
中性平衡;随遇平衡 neutral equilibrium
中性轴 neutral axis
中密度纤维板 medium density fibre board (MDF)
中粗锉纹 second cut
中碳钢 medium carbon steel
中线 neutral wire
互补金属氧化物半导体 complementary metal oxide semiconductors (CMOS)
介子;垫片 washer
介指铁 ring mandrel
介电常数;电容率 permittivity
介稳态的;亚稳态的 metastable
内力 internal force
内卡尺 inside calipers
内能 internal energy
内涵性质 intensive properties
内圆弯凿 scribing gouge
内锁式配件 interlocking fitting
内燃机 internal combustion engine
内螺纹制造法 tapping
内螺丝 internal thread
内弯边 concave edge
六角金属枝 hexagonal bar
六角匙 Allen key
六角头螺丝 hexagonal head screw
公制的;十进制的 metric
公差 tolerance
冗余构件 redundant member
分力 component force
分子 molecule
分子力 molecular force
分切;分割;切断 parting off
分贝 decibel
分析 analysis
分析及批判学 analytical and critical studies
分析器 analyzer
分流器 shunt
分界面;界面;接口 interface
分厘卡 micrometer
分规 divider
分割车刀架 parting tool holder
分解 decomposition
分压器 potential divider; voltage divider
隔离开关 isolating switch
切削工具 cutting tool
切削液 cutting fluid
切削深度 depth of cut
切屑;碎屑 chip
切线锯法 tangential sawing
切辊纹;滚纹 knurling
切断;分切;分割 parting off
切断工具 parting tool
勾;勾脚 hook
勾刀;胶片刀 plastic cutter
化胶水 tensol
反向偏压 reverse biased
反相放大器 inverting amplifier
反相器 inverter
反射 reflection
反电动势 back e.m.f.
反馈;回输 feedback
天拿水;稀释剂 thinner
天梯牙;齿条 gear rack
天然木材 natural timber
天然干燥法 air seasoning
孔隙率 porosity
尺寸 dimension
尺寸线 dimension line
尺身 blade
引力;重力 gravitational force
心形凸轮 heart-shaped cam
心材 heartwood
心轴 mandrel
心销 core pin
手工具 hand tool
手工锯 junior hacksaw
手削法 paring
手持虎钳 hand vice
手柄 handle
手套 gloves
手扫漆 brushing lacquer
手推车 barrow
手提式竖线锯 portable jigsaw
手提电动工具 portable power tool
手提电钻 electric hand drill
手进给 hand feed
手摇曲柄钻;弓形手钻 brace
手摇钻 hand drill
手锉 hand file
手锯;板锯 handsaw
手锥 bradawl
手辘轧机 hand rolling machine
支柱;支撑物 strut
支架;支座 support
支点 fulcrum; pivot
文字 text
方向 direction
方向针 pointing needle
方枝 square bar
方波形 square waveform
方波产生器 squarer
方型牙板 rectangular die
方格纸;网格纸 grid paper
方通 square tube
方块图 block diagram
方锉 square file
方头钻嘴 square shank bit
方螺帽 square nut
方边凿;直边凿 firmer chisel
木 wood
木工 woodwork
木工工作间 woodwork area
木工工作台 woodworker's bench
木工车床 wood turning lathe; woodworking lathe
木工铅笔 carpenter's pencil
木工刨床 thicknessing and planning machine
木牙螺丝;木螺钉 wood screw
木材 timber
木材车削 wood turning
木材车削工具 wood turning tools
木屑压合板;万花板 chipboard
木条接榫 corner strip joint
木圆头槌 doming mallet
木模;模型 patterns
木线 wood strip
木胶粉 ureaformal dehyde resin glue
木锉 rasp
木螺钉;木牙螺丝 wood screw
木槌 mallet
止推轴承 thrust bearing
止推垫圈 thrust washer
比例 proportion
比例尺 scale
比例常数 proportionality constant
比例极限 proportional limit
比较器 comparator
比热容量 specific heat capacity
水平投影面 horizontal plane
水平仪;平水尺 spirit level
水气掣;漏电断路掣 earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB)
水晶胶;聚酯树脂 polyester resin
水晶胶的铸造成形 resin casting
水磨砂纸 silicon carbide paper
火叉 firing fork
火水;煤油 kerosene
火牛;变压器 transformer
火石轮 grinder
火花电蚀法;放电极加工 electrical discharge machining
火酒;工业酒精 methylated spirit
火钳 tongs
火线;活线 live wire
火砖 fire brick
爪扣;爪形离合器;犬齿式离合器 dog clutch
牙板;丝模 die
牙板扳手;丝模扳手 die holder (stock)
牙板螺帽 die nuts
牛皮胶;动物胶 animal glue
牛油纸 tracing paper
牛顿运动定律 Newton's laws of motion
犬齿式离合器;爪扣;爪形离合器 dog clutch


丙烯;丁二烯苯乙烯 acrylonitrile-butadiene-stryrene (ABS)
主轴;心轴 spindle
主题 motif
令(纸张的计数单位) ream
凹座 recess
凹模 hollowing block
凸缘 flange
凸缘联轴节 flange coupling
凸轮 cam
凸轮式配件 cam-action fitting
凸轮传动 cam drive
凸头螺丝 raised head screw
加成作业;添加法 addition process
加油 oiling
加速器 accelerator
功能;用途 function
功率因子 power factor
功率放大器 power amplifier
功率板 power amplifier board
功率晶体管 power transistor
包氏记号法 Bow's notation
「包浩思」;「包豪斯」〈设计风格) Bauhaus
半永固法;半永久接合 semi-permanent joining
半接榫 halving joint
半闭式槽榫 stopped housing joint
半圆(木)锉 half-round rasp
半圆车刀 turning gouge
半圆锉 half-round file
半圆头铆钉 snap rivet
半导体 semiconductor
卡路里;卡(热量单位) calorie
卡纸 card paper
卡尺;测径器 calipers
去角;倒角 chamfer
可切削性 machinability
可行性 feasibility
可逆过程 reversible process
可压缩性 compressibility
可变电阻 variable resistor
四分仪 quadrant
四爪夹头 four-jaw independent chuck
四圆心法(绘图) four-centre method
外卡尺 outside calipers
外形塑造 shaping
外形线;轮廓线 outline
外推法 extrapolation
外圆弯凿 firmer gouge
外螺纹 external thread
外螺纹制造法 threading
外弯边 convex edge
外观 appearance
失真 distortion
尼龙;聚醯胺 nylon; polyamide (PA)
尼龙墨水针笔 technical felt-tip pen
左右调校杆 lateral adjusting level
市售尺寸;标准尺寸 stock size
市电频率;电源频率 mains frequency
平(木)锉 flat rasp
平水尺;水平仪 spirit level
平行投影 parallel projection
平行车削 parallel turning
平行虎钳 parallel vice
平行钉法 parallel nailing
平底弯刨 flat faced spokeshave
平底钻嘴 forstner bit
平板结构 slab construction
平流扼流圈;滤波扼流器 smoothing choke
平流电容器;滤波电容器 smoothing capacitor
平流电路;滤汳电路 smoothing circuit
平面板;正台 surface plate
平面图;俯视图 plan
平面锤 flatter
平移 translation
平搭榫 corner halving joint
平嘴钳 flat nose pliers
平槽刨 router plane
平衡 balance; equilibrium
平衡力 equilibrant
平衡条件 equilibrium condition
平衡电桥 balanced bridge
平头弧刀 square nose gouge
幼纹 smooth cut
打凹成形 hollowing
打凸成形 raising
打槽机 routing machine
打线;打槽 routing
打磨 fitting; polishing
打磨机 polisher
本生灯 Bunsen burner
本征半导体 intrinsic semiconductor
正反器;触发器;复振器 flip-flop
正反馈;正回输 positive feedback
正火 normalizing
正向偏置 forward bias
正投影 orthographic projection
正投影图 orthographic drawing
正弦波形 sinusoidal waveform
正面投影 front projection
正视图 elevation; front elevation
正极;阳极 anode
正齿轮 spur gear
正台;平面板 surface plate
永久性接合 permanent joining
瓦通纸;瓦楞纸板 corrugated board
生长层 cambium layer
生产图 production drawing
生胶浆 rubber cement
生钢;铸钢 cast steel
生铁;铸铁 cast iron
用途;功能 function
白杨木 poplar
白胶浆 PVA glue; white glue
皮沙垫 leather sandbag
皮革 leather
皮革黏合剂 leather glue
皮鞋 leather shoes
目录 contents
矢量;向量 vector
石灰岩 limestone
石英晶体振荡器 quartz crystal oscillator
石棉 asbestos; asbestus
石膏 Plaster of Paris
示波器 oscilloscope
立体图 pictorial drawing


交流电流 alternating current (a.c.)
交流电压 a.c. voltage
交联结构 cross-linked structure
仿饰金 gilding metal
伏特 volt
光力架 clear lacquer
光拉软钢 bright drawn mild steel (B.D.M.S.)
光敏电阻 light dependent resistor (LDR)
光测弹性学 photoelasticity
光刨;滑刨 smoothing plane
光电效应 photoelectric effect
光泽 lustre
全闭式槽榫 closed housing joint
共面力 coplanar force
共聚合作用 co-polymerization
共聚物 copolymer
共价键 covalent bond
共振;共鸣;谐振 resonance
印刷电路板 printed circuit board (PCB)
同素异形 allotropy
同轴电缆 coaxial cable
同温 equality of temperature
向量;矢量 vector
向量和 vector sum
合力 resultant force
合口扁钳 close mouth tongs
合成色;等和色 secondary colour
合成品 composite
合成粅料 composite material
合金 alloy
合金工具钢 alloy tool steel
合钉;定位销 dowel
回火 tempering
回复力 restoring force
回复力偶 restoring couple
回弹 resilience
回输;反馈 feedback
地线 earth wire
多刃切削刀具 multi-point cutter
多孔塑料;泡沫塑料;海绵状塑料 foam plastics
多方榫接合 pinned joint
多媒体 multi-media
多晶性 polycrystallinity
多谐振动器;多谐振荡器 multivibrator
多边形力学;力多边形 polygon of force
字母冲 letter punch
字板 letter stencil
安全 safety
安全守则 safety rule
安全系数 safety factor
安全措施 safety precaution
安全眼罩 safety goggle
安全设备 safety equipment
安全药箱 safety box
安培 ampere
安培计;电流表 ammeter
尖脚 spur
年轮 annual ring
成本 cost
成形 forming
扣件;击固件 fastener
扣钉 clout nail; cramp
托架 bracket
收缩 shrinkage
曲柄 crank
曲柄轴 crank shaft
曲线规;云板;云尺 French curve
有效的 efficient
有效电流 effective current
灰;灰末 ash
百折胶;百折胶;聚丙烯 polypropylene (PP)
竹 bamboo
羊角锤 claw hammer
老化 ageing
肋条 rib
肌理;质感;质地 texture
自由度 degree of freedom
自动控制 automatic control
自动进给 auto-feed
自然干燥法 natural seasoning
自感量 self-inductance
自感应 self-induction
色彩;颜色 colour
色调 tone
色环 colour wheel
行星齿轮;周转齿轮 epicyclic gear


肘节开关 toggle-switch
串激电动机;串绕电动机 series-wound motor
位能;势能 potential energy
位梯度;势梯度 potential gradient
位移 displacement
位错 dislocation
伸长度 elongation
作工硬化 work hardening
作功 work done
作图线 construction line
低密聚乙烯 low density polyethylene (LDPE)
低通滤波器 low-pass filter
低电压 low voltage
低碳钢 low carbon steel
布置 layout
免油轴承 oil-less bearing
冷加工;冷作工 cold working
冷加工硬化 cold work hardening
冷色 cool colour
冷轧压 cold rolling
冷却系统 cooling system
冷却效应 cooling effect
冷却液流量 coolant rate
冷凝胶;环氧树脂 epoxy resin
利口;「披」口;铁屑 burr
刨平 planing
刨花板;碎料板 particle board
吹风机 air blower
吹气模塑;吹模塑 blow moulding
吹管 blow pipe
含铁金属 ferrous metal
含水量 moisture content
坑凿 cross-cut chisel
均方根值 root mean square value
均角投影图;等角投影图 isometric drawing
均速圆周运动 uniform circular motion
夹;夹钳 clamp
夹 cramp
夹卡 mounting board
夹具 fixture; jig
夹具及固定装置 jig and fixture
夹板;胶合板 plywood
夹持工具 clamping device; holding tool
夹背锯;榫锯 tenon saw
夹头 chuck
夹头开启匙;夹头扳手 chuck key
夹迭黏合成形 lamination
尾座 tailstock
床身;床道 lathe bed
床鞍;刀座帷 apron
形心;面心 centroid
形状 shape
形变 deformation
「快把」板;硬质纤维板 hardboard
快速移位 rapid traverse
抗扭强度 torsional strength
抗屈强度 bending strength; yield strength
抗性分量;无功分量 reactive component
抗拉强度 tensile strength
抗氧化剂 anti-oxidant
抗剪强度 shearing strength
抗磁性物料 diamagnetic material
抗挠性 stiffness
抗压强度 compressive strength
抗断强度 breaking strength
技术员;技师 technician
扶架 steady
扭力 torsion
扭矩;转矩 torque
扭转 torsion
扭转角 angle of torsion
把手 hand grip
扼流圈 choke
扳手 spanner; wrench
投影 projection
投影面 projection plane
投影线 projection line
攻丝 tap
材料 material
材料单;材料表 material list
杜拉铝 duralumin
杉木 spruce
步进电动机 stepper motor
步冲轮廓法 nibbling
每分钟转数 revolution per minute (r.p.m.)
系统组件 system component
角托架 angle bracket
角位移 angular displacement
角板;直角板 angle plate
角度 angle
角榫 corner angle joint; corner joint
角铁 angle iron
谷巴凡立水 cobal varnish
车刀架 tool holder
车床 lathe
车床工具 lathe tools
车床中心钻咀 lathe centre bit
车床操作法 lathe operation
车削;车旋 lathe turning; turning
车削工具 turning tools
防火胶板 Formica
防锈 rust prevention
防声耳筒;护耳器 ear-protector
防松螺帽 lock nut
防护装置;保护罩;保护网 guard; safety guard


注射成形法;喷射铸造法 injection moulding
并激电动机;并绕电动机 shunt-wound motor
奶酪胶 casein glue
乳胶漆 emulsion paint
亚加力;压克力;聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂 acrylics; polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)
亚稳态的;介稳态的 metastable
来回摆动 oscillating
两点透视 two-point perspective
刻度;划线 ruling
刺冲 dot punch
刮刀 scraper
刮擦 scraping
制动鼓 drum brake
制动碟 disc brake
制动器 brake
受迫振动 forced vibration
受迫振荡 forced oscillation
和谐 harmony
周转齿轮;行星齿轮 epicyclic gear
固定夹;台夹 bench holdfast
固定负载 dead load
定子 stator
定位销;合钉 dowel
定位螺丝 set screw
定距轮 stitch marker
屈片机 folding machine
屈曲 bending
屈服点;降服点 yield point
屈圈法 loop forming
屈卷法 scrolling
屈接缝 folded lap seam
屈喉机 tube bender
屈折 folding
屈折线 folding line
屈压接缝 folded & grooved seam
延性 ductility
延性的 ductile
弦锯法 plain sawing
弧口凿;圆凿 gouge
往复式运动 reciprocatory motion
拉力 tensile force
拉力计;张力计 tensiometer; tensometer
拉钉 blind rivet; pop rivet
拉钉接合 blind riveting; pop riveting
拉钉钳 blind riveting pliers; pop riveting pliers
拉张 tension
拉张应力 tensile stress
拉张应变 tensile strain
拉细 drawing-down
拉制法 drawing
拉线 wire drawing
「披」口;利口;铁屑 burr
拔钳 nippers
抛光 buffing
抛光机 buffing machine
放大;扩大 enlargement
放大尺 pantograph
放大倍数 amplification factor
放大器 amplifier
放电极加工;火花电蚀法 electrical discharge machining
易用万能尺 line setter
易碎 fragile
〈绘画的〉明暗运用;描影 shading
枝;杆 rod
杯形顶尖 cup centre
杯头螺丝 hexagonal socket head cap screw
板锯 panel saw
松木 pine
松节水 turpentine
法式磨光 French polishing
法拉〈电容量单位〉 farad
油石;磨刀石 oil stone
油漆;涂料 paint
泡沫塑料;多孔塑料;海绵状塑料 foam plastics
物理特性 physical property
物理属性 physical attribute
物理量 physical quantity
盲孔;闭孔;不贯穿孔 blind hole
直尺 ruler; straight rule
直角叉榫 corner bridle joint
直角尺 try square
直角板;角板 angle plate
直角杠杆 bell crank lever
直身钻嘴 straight shank drill
直车刀架 straight tool holder
直流发电机 d.c. generator
直流电流 direct current (d.c.)
直流电动机;直流马达 d.c. motor
直纹锯 rip saw
直线切削 linear interpolation
直线运动 rectilinear motion
直边凿;方边凿 firmer chisel
直铁剪 straight snips
硅 silicon
空行程 idle stroke
空气动力学 aerodynamics
空间 space
空载 no load
花纹凿 embossing stamp
花梨木 rosewood
花样;图案 pattern
虎克定律 Hooke's Law
虎钳 vice
虎钳护罩 vice clamp
初步意念 proposed solution
表面 surface
表面展开图 surface development
表面张力 surface tension
表面处理 surface finishing; surface treatment
表面硬化 case hardening
表面硬化钢 case-hardened steel
表达方式 presentation
表达技巧;传意技巧 communication technique
表观膨胀;视膨胀 apparent expansion
金工 metalwork
金工工作间 metalwork area
金工角尺 engineering square
金工车床 metalwork lathe
金工虎钳 engineer's vice
金工锯床 power hacksaw
金属包头;金属箍 ferrule
金属配件 metal fittings
金属线 wire
金属压展机 hand rolling mill
金属擦光剂;磨光剂 metal polish
金属薄片 sheet metal
金属键 metallic bond
长方通 rectangular tube
长刨 trying plane
长螺旋钻咀 long auger bit
长镗孔 long boring
闸极 gate
阻抗 impedance
附件 attachment
附录 appendices
青铜 bronze
非反相放大器 non-inverting amplifier
非本征半导体 extrinsic semicon
自己找吧 没有的我也帮不了你了 ^_^ 机械工具 Mechanic's Tools

spanner 扳子 (美作:wrench)

double-ended spanner 双头扳子

adjustable spanner, monkey wrench 活扳子,活络扳手

box spanner 管钳子 (美作:socket wrench)

calipers 卡规

pincers, tongs 夹钳

shears 剪子

wire cutters 剪线钳

multipurpose pliers, universal pliers 万能手钳

adjustable pliers 可调手钳

punch 冲子

drill 钻

chuck 卡盘

scraper 三角刮刀

reamer 扩孔钻

calliper gauge 孔径规

hacksaw 钢锯

rivet 铆钉

nut 螺母

locknut 自锁螺母,防松螺母

bolt 螺栓

pin, peg, dowel 销钉

washer 垫圈

staple U形钉

grease gun 注油枪

oil can 油壶

jack 工作服


抛光 polishing

安装 to assemble

扳手 wrench

半机械化 semi-mechanization; semi-mechanized

半自动滚刀磨床 semi-automatic hob grinder

半自动化 semi-automation; semi-automatic

备件 spare parts

边刨床 side planer

变速箱 transmission gear

柄轴 arbor

部件 units; assembly parts

插床 slotting machine

拆卸 to disassemble

超高速内圆磨床 ultra-high-speed internal grinder

车床 lathe; turning lathe

车刀 lathe tool

车轮车床 car wheel lathe

车削 turning

车轴 axle

衬套 bushing


电动工具枪Electric Tool Gun,螺丝头Screw Head,螺丝刀Screw Driver,台钳Bench Clamp,半圆挫Half Round File,半圆铲Half Round Scraper,大力钳Heavy Tong,螺母Nut,外钣手Outside Spanner,内钣手Inside Spanner,喉钳Throat Tong,拉尺Tape Measure,钳子Pliers,螺丝刀Screw Driver,电钻Electric Drill,冲击钻Hammer Drill,扳手Wrench,尖嘴钳子Nose Pliers,夹板Splint,蟹叉Crab Fork,内六角扳手Allen Wrench,喉夹Throat Clamp,圆挫刀 Round File,扁形挫刀Flat File,长角铁Long Angle Iron,中角铁 Middle Angle Iron,小角铁Small Angle Iron,紧固片Fitting Fastening




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