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迈克尔杰克逊经典的十五首歌曲:1、比利·简,比利·金(歌曲)《Billie Jean》发行于1983年1月2日,由迈克尔·杰克逊谱写,与昆西·琼斯共同出品。1982年第六张个人专辑《颤栗》中的第二波主打单曲。《Billie Jean》一经推出就在Billboard排行榜上拿下了七周的冠军,在R&B榜拿下了九周的冠军,卖出了100万张单曲唱片。该支歌曲的音乐录像带也是历史上第一个在MTV播出的黑人音乐。
2、黑与白,黑白颠倒(歌曲)《Black or White》是美国流行歌手迈克尔·杰克逊填词与谱曲,并与美国说唱歌手L.T.B.所演唱的歌曲,由迈克尔·杰克逊创作,比尔·波特雷制作,收录在专辑《Dangerous》中,于1991年10月11日由史诗唱片全球发行。歌曲发行首周即成为英国单曲榜冠军,隔周也夺得了美国公告牌百强单曲榜的冠军,并延续了七周。此外还在法国、意大利、日本、德国等其他二十多个国家的单曲榜夺冠。这首歌曲以种族问题为主题,其MV在全球27个国家同时首映。估计总共有5亿人收看,创下了音乐录影收视率的最高纪录。是有史以来同时观看人数最多的音乐录影带。
3、避开(歌曲)《Beat It》是一首反对社会暴力的音乐作品。由Michael Jackson作词、作曲、编曲,与Quincy Jones一并演唱。在其1982年专辑《Thriller》收录的主打歌曲之一。该歌曲入围了摇滚名人堂史上500首经典之作之一,同时入围滚石杂志最佳100首摇滚吉他Solo之一,邓丽君、Metallica、Fall Out Boy、吴克羣等歌手都曾经翻唱过这部作品。
4、颤栗(歌曲)《Thriller》,中文译名为《颤栗者》,是美国著名流行音乐人、被誉为流行音乐之王的迈克尔·杰克逊于1982年发行《颤栗》专辑的主打歌曲之一。 由Rod Temperton作词、作曲、编曲,昆西·琼斯与迈克尔·杰克逊制作。该曲成为《颤栗》专辑的第七支美国公告牌Hot 100单曲,并且在欧洲多国上升到榜首位置。
5、你并不孤单(歌曲)《You Are Not Alone》是由R. Kelly谱写,由R. Kelly和迈克尔·杰克逊制作,作为第二支单曲收录在迈克尔·杰克逊的录音室专辑《HIStory》中,于1995年8月15日由史诗唱片发行。1995年9月2日,《You Are Not Alone》空降美国公告牌百强单曲榜,成为公告牌史上第一首空降冠军单曲。该首歌在全球逾十个国家的音乐榜上都夺得了冠军。
6、拯救世界,治愈世界(歌曲)Heal the World 是由迈克尔·杰克逊编词、编曲并演唱的的公益性歌曲三部曲之一,更被誉为“世界上最动听的歌曲”。Heal the World 是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲。该曲在英国单曲榜的最高排名为第二,在单曲榜75名内共停留了15周,售出40万张获金唱片认证。该曲在世界范围内取得了相当不错的成绩。在欧洲大部分国家打入单曲榜的前10。
7、镜中人(歌曲)《Man In The Mirror》中文是镜中人,是Siedah Garrett为MJ写的一首歌,这也是一首关爱世界的歌曲,但它的思想与迈克尔杰克逊其他此类歌曲《Heal the world》、《We are the world》、《They Don't Care About Us》和《Black Or White》不同。这首歌呼唤的是,人人都要有自省的精神。该歌曲是迈克尔·杰克逊最受好评的歌曲之一,也是最能代表迈克尔-杰克逊传奇人生的歌曲。
8、你给我的感觉(歌曲)“The Way You Make Me Feel”是Michael Jackson发行于1987年11月的专辑《Bad》在美国的第三只单曲。在英国,它的成绩和单曲“Bad”一样排名第3。在美国,它是《Bad》专辑内连续的第3只冠军单曲,相比起《Thriller》和《Off the Wall》各自取得的冠军单曲数量均2首来说,已经更胜了一筹。它在Top 100榜内共呆了18个星期,并亦夺得了R&B榜的冠军。
9、本(歌曲)Ben是Michael Jackson的第一首个人冠军单曲也是他少年时期的唯一冠军曲,Michael用他那年少的还没有变声的嗓音展现了他的演唱功力。这首歌是由Walter Scharf和Donald Black作词谱曲,出自Michael的第二张个人专辑《Ben》。此曲是Michael Jackson在摩城时期最为成功的个人单曲,在其个人演艺生涯当中具有重要的意义。该歌曲在各排行榜上均取得过骄人战绩,曾经列美国榜第1,英国榜第7,单曲排行榜第1,R&B榜第5,美国流行专辑榜第5,英国专辑榜第17。
10、卖弄风情的戴安娜(歌曲)"Dirty Diana"是《Bad》专辑的第5首单曲,同时给这张专辑带来了第5首冠军单曲,Dirty Diana表达的是屈服于欲望,满目地无助和挣扎。整首歌的高潮部分不断地间隔着低沉压抑的哭泣和怨尤的恐惧,既充满了对本能欲望的索求加屈服还有满足欲望之后的自我厌恶和内心挣扎之后的愤怒呐喊。这首歌的MTV被许多MJ迷评为性感三部曲之一。
11、离我远些,别理我,起来(歌曲)“Leave Me Alone”作为《Bad》专辑的第8只单曲发行于1989年2月。在英国,它排名第2,成为专辑中在英国榜上排名第二高的单曲。 后来大多数《Bad》的单曲都因为市场被专辑销售吞噬而排名不佳,事实上,《Bad》已经成为英国有史以来第2最畅销的专辑。
13、危险(歌曲)Dangerous是一首经典舞曲,由Bottrell, Jackson, Riley作词作曲,取自同名专辑《Dangerous 》,在1993年的美国音乐奖上首次现场表演,完美地将乐舞融合到了极致。这张专辑也是“史上卖得最多的新杰克摇摆专辑”,被载入吉尼斯世界纪录。
14、疯狂(歌曲)"Off the Wall" 是Michael Jackson成年之后的第一张个人录音室专辑《Off the Wall》里的一支同名歌曲。这首歌作为专辑的第三支单曲发行于1980年2月。这首歌收到了音乐评论人的广泛好评,成为了这张专辑里四支top10单曲中的第三首——他也是第一位在一张专辑中产生四首top10单曲的歌手。

拓展内容:迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson,1958年8月29日-2009年6月25日),出生于美国印第安纳州加里市,美国歌手、词曲创作人、舞蹈家、表演家、慈善家、音乐家、人道主义者、和平主义者、慈善机构创办人。
杰克逊是家族的第七个孩子,他在1964年作为杰克逊五人组的成员和他的兄弟一起在职业音乐舞台上初次登台,1968年乐队与当地的一家唱片公司合作出版了第一张唱片《Big Boy》。1971年12月,发行了个人首支单曲《Got to be there》,标志着其个人独唱生涯的开始。
2009年6月25日,杰克逊辞世,享年50岁。2011年11月7日下午,杰克逊的私人医师莫里 “过失杀人罪”罪名成立,服刑四年监禁。

Music and me

Rock with you
Don't Stop till you get enough
这两首是他从Jackson5 单飞后的第一张专辑里的歌

You are not alone(超好听的慢歌)
Heal the world (很经典的,估计你应该听过)
We are the world(有群星版的,也有他自己唱的,史上最强大的公益歌曲)
Stranger in Moscow
Man in the mirror
Earth song
Liberian girl
Black or white
Remember the time (MV挺不错的)
Dangerous (演唱会上的舞蹈很棒哦!)
Smooth Criminal (在Moonwalk里面有一段故事,舞蹈也很棒!)
Thriller (音乐电影中的经典!)
Beat it
Billie Jean (他是在唱这首歌的时候第一次展示了太空步)
Give in to me
This is it
For all time
Pretty Young Thing
The girl is mine
Human Nature
The way you make me feel
Will you be there(最后有段独白特别感人)
Leave me alone
Goon too soon
Hollywood tonight (去年年底刚推出的)


  我来给你回答。我是MJ超级歌迷和模仿者。希望你能有用!Got To Be There》
  Release Date: January 24, 1972
  US Pop Albums #14, US Black Albums #3, UK Albums #37

  1. Ain't No Sunshine
  2. I Wanna Be Where You Are
  3. Girl Don't Take Your Love From Me
  4. In Our Small Way
  5. Got To Be There
  6. Rockin' Robin
  7. Wings Of My Love
  8. Maria (You Were The Only One)
  9. Love Is Here And Now You're Gone

  Release Date: August 4th, 1972
  US Pop Albums #5, UK Albums #17

  1. Greatest Show On Earth
  2. People Make The World Go 'Round
  3. We've Got A Good Thing Going
  4. Everybody's Somebody's Fool
  5. My Girl
  6. What Goes Around Comes Around
  7. In Our Small Way
  8. Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo-Da-Day
  9. You Can Cry On My Shoulder

  《Music & Me》
  Release Date: April 13, 1973
  US Pop Albums #92, US Black Albums #24

  1. With A Child's Heart
  2. Up Again
  3. All The Things You Are
  4. Happy (Love Theme From "Lady Sings The Blues")
  5. Too Young
  6. Doggin' Around
  7. Johnny Raven
  8. Euphoria
  9. Morning Glow
  10. Music And Me

  《Forever, Michael》
  Release Date: January 16, 1975
  US Pop Albums # 101, US Black Albums #10

  1. We're Almost There
  2. Take Me Back
  3. One Day In Your Life
  4. Cinderella Stay A While
  5. We've Got Forever
  6. Just A Little Bit Of You
  7. You Are There
  8. Dapper-Dan
  9. Dear Michael
  10. I'll Come To You

  《The Best Of Michael Jackson》
  Release Date: August 28, 1975
  US Pop Albums #156, US Black Albums #44

  1. Got To Be There
  2. Ben
  3. With A Child's Heart
  4. Happy (Love Theme From 'The Lady Sings The Blues')
  5. One Day In Your Life
  6. I Wanna Be Where You Are
  7. Rockin' Robin
  8. We're Almost There
  9. Morning Glow
  10. Music And Me

  《Off The Wall》
  Release Date: August 1979
  US Pop Albums #3, US Black Albums #1 (16 Weeks), UK Albums #5

  1. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
  2. Rock With You
  3. Working Day And Night
  4. Get On The Floor
  5. Off The Wall
  6. Girlfriend
  7. She's Out Of My Life
  8. I Can't Help It
  9. It's The Falling In Love
  10. Burn This Disco Out

  《One Day In Your Life》
  Release Date: March 25, 1981
  US Pop Albums #144, US Black Albums #41

  1. One Day In Your Life
  2. Don't Say Goodbye Again
  3. You're My Best Friend, My Love
  4. Take Me Back
  5. We've Got Forever
  6. It's Too Late To Change The Time
  7. You Are There
  8. Dear Michael
  9. I'll Come Home To You
  10. Make Tonight All Mine

  Release Date: December 1, 1982
  US Pop Albums #1 (37 Weeks), US Black Albums #1, UK Albums #1 (8 Weeks)

  1. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
  2. Baby Be Mine
  3. The Girl Is Mine (with Paul McCartney)
  4. Thriller
  5. Beat It
  6. Billie Jean
  7. Human Nature
  8. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
  9. The Lady In My Life

  《Farewell My Summer Love》
  Release Date: May 1984
  US Pop Albums #46, US Black Albums #31

  1. Don't Let It Get You Down
  2. You've Really Got A Hold On Me
  3. Melodie
  4. Touch The One You Love
  5. Girl You're So Together
  6. Farewell My Summer Love
  7. Call On Me
  8. Here I Am (Come And Take Me)
  9. To Make My Father Proud, To Make My Mother Smile

  Release Date: August 31, 1987
  US Pop Albums #1 (6 Weeks), US Black Albums #1 (18 Weeks), UK Albums #1 (5 Weeks)

  1. Bad
  2. The Way You Make Me Feel
  3. Speed Demon
  4. Liberian Girl
  5. Just Good Friends
  6. Another Part Of Me
  7. Man In The Mirror
  8. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
  9. Dirty Diana
  10. Smooth Criminal
  11. Leave Me Alone

  Release Date: November 26, 1991
  US Pop Albums #1 (6 Weeks), US Black Albums (4 Weeks), UK Albums #1

  1. Jam
  2. Why You Wanna Trip On Me
  3. In The Closet
  4. She Drives Me Wild
  5. Remember The Time
  6. Can't Let Her Get Away
  7. Heal The World
  8. Black Or White
  9. Who Is It
  10. Keep The Faith
  11. Give In To Me
  12. Will You Be There
  13. Gone Too Soon
  14. Dangerous

  《HIStory: Past, Present, and Future Book I 》
  Release Date: June 20, 1995
  US Pop Albums #1 (2 Weeks), US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #1 (2 Weeks), UK Albums #1

  Disc 1
  1. Billie Jean
  2. The Way You Make Me Feel
  3. Black Or White
  4. Rock With You
  5. She's Out Of My Life
  6. Bad
  7. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
  8. Man In The Mirror
  9. Thriller
  10. Beat It
  11. The Girl Is Mine
  12. Remember The Time
  13. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
  14. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
  15. Heal The World

  Disc 2
  1. Scream
  2. They Don't Care About Us
  3. Stranger In Moscow
  4. This Time Around
  5. Earth Song
  6. D.S.
  7. Money
  8. Come Together
  9. You Are Not Alone
  10. Childhood
  11. Tabloid Junkie
  12. 2 Bad
  13. HIStory
  14. Little Susie
  15. Smile

  《Blood On The Dance Floor: HIStory In The Mix》
  Release Date: May 20, 1997
  US Pop Albums #24, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #12, UK Albums #1 (2 weeks)

  1. Blood On The Dance Floor
  2. Morphine
  3. Superfly Sister
  4. Ghosts
  5. Is This Scary
  6. Scream Louder (Flyte Tyme Remix)
  7. Money (Fly Island Radio Edit)
  8. 2 Bad (Refugee Camp Mix)
  9. Stranger In Moscow (Tee's In-House CLub Mix)
  10. This Time Around (D.M. Radio Mix)
  11. Earth Song (Hani's Club Experience)
  12. You Are Not Alone (Classic Club Mix)
  13. HIStory (Tony Moran's HIStory Lesson)

  Release Date: October 30, 2001
  US Pop Albums #1, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #1 (4 Weeks), UK Albums #1

  1. Unbreakable
  2. Heartbreaker
  3. Invincible
  4. Break Of Dawn
  5. Heaven Can Wait
  6. You Rock My World
  7. Butterflies
  8. Speechless
  9. 2000 Watts
  10. You Are My Life
  11. Privacy
  12. Don't Walk Away
  13. Cry
  14. The Lost Children
  15. Whatever Happens
  16. Threatened

  《Greatest Hits - HIStory Volume I 》
  Release Date: November 15, 2001
  US Pop Albums #85, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums N/A, UK Albums #15

  1. Billie Jean
  2. The Way You Make Me Feel
  3. Black Or White
  4. Rock With You
  5. She's Out Of My Life
  6. Bad
  7. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
  8. Man In The Mirror
  9. Thriller
  10. Beat It
  11. The Girl Is Mine
  12. Remember The Time
  13. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
  14. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
  15. Heal The World

  《Number Ones》
  Release Date: November 18, 2003
  US Pop Albums #13, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #6, UK Albums #1

  1. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
  2. Rock With You
  3. Billie Jean
  4. Beat It
  5. Thriller
  6. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
  7. Bad
  8. Smooth Criminal
  9. The Way You Make Me Feel
  10. Man In The Mirror
  11. Dirty Diana
  12. Black Or White
  13. You Are Not Alone
  14. Earth Song
  15. You Rock My World
  16. Break Of Dawn
  17. One More Chance
  18. Ben (Live)

  《The Ultimate Collection》
  Release Date: November 16, 2004 (USA)

  Disc 1
  1. I Want You Back
  2. ABC
  3. I'll Be There
  4. Got To Be There
  5. I Wanna Be Where You Are
  6. Ben
  7. Dancing Machine
  8. Enjoy Yourself
  9. Ease On Down The Road
  10. You Can't Win
  11. Shake A Body
  12. Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
  13. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
  14. Rock With You
  15. Off The Wall
  16. She's Out Of My Life
  17. Sunset Driver
  18. Lovely One
  19. This Place Hotel

  Disc 2
  1. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
  2. The Girl Is Mine
  3. Thriller
  4. Beat It
  5. Billie Jean
  6. P. Y. T. (Pretty Young Thing)
  7. Someone In The Dark
  8. State Of Shock
  9. Scared Of The Moon
  10. We Are The World
  11. We Are Here To Change The World

  Disc 3
  1. Bad
  2. The Way You Make Me Feel
  3. Man In The Mirror
  4. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
  5. Dirty Diana
  6. Smooth Criminal
  7. Cheater
  8. Dangerous
  9. Monkey Business
  10. Jam
  11. Remember The Time
  12. Black Or White
  13. Who Is It
  14. Someone Put Your Hand Out

  Disc 4
  1. You Are Not Alone
  2. Stranger In Moscow
  3. Childhood (Theme From "Free Willy 2")
  4. On The Line
  5. Blood On The Dance Floor
  6. Fall Again
  7. In The Back
  8. Unbreakable
  9. You Rock My World
  10. Butterflies
  11. Beautiful Girl
  12. The Way You Love Me
  13. We've Had Enough

  Disc 5: Bucharest Live DVD
  1. Jam
  2. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
  3. Human Nature
  4. Smooth Criminal
  5. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
  6. She's Out Of My Life
  7. I Want You Back
  8. I'll Be There
  9. Thriller
  10. Billie Jean
  11. Working Day And Night
  12. Beat It
  13. Will You Be There
  14. Black Or White
  15. Heal The World
  16. Man In The Mirror

  《The Essential Michael Jackson》
  Realease Date: July 19.2005
  UK RnB Albums #2, UK Albums #1

  Disc 1

  1. I Want You Back
  2. ABC
  3. The Love You Save
  4. Got To Be There
  5. Rockin'Robin
  6. Ben
  7. Enjoy Yourself
  8. Blame On The Boogie
  9. Shake Your Body(Down To The Ground)
  10.Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
  11.Rock With You
  12.Off The Wall
  13.She's Out Of My Life
  14.Can You Feel It
  15.The Girl Is Mine
  16.Billie Jean
  17.Beat It
  18.Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
  19.Human Nature
  20.P.Y.T(Pretty Young Thing)

  Disc 2

  1. Bad
  2. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
  3. Leave Me Alone
  4. The Way You Make Me Feel
  5. Man In The Mirror
  6. Dirty Diana
  7. Another Part Of Me
  8. Smooth Criminal
  9. Black Or White
  10.Heal The World
  11.Remember The Time
  12.In The Closet
  13.Who Is It
  14.Will You Be There
  16.You Are Not Alone
  17.You Rock My World



  1978年: 《新绿野仙踪》 (Scarecrow)
  1986年: 《EO船长》 (Captain EO)
  1988年: 《月球漫步》 (Moonwalker)
  1997年: 《鬼怪》 (Ghosts) (注:Ghosts不是影片,是音乐录影!)
  2002年: 《黑衣人2》 (Agent M)
  2004年: 《漂流女孩与荒岛姑娘》 (Agent M.J.)

  我推荐一下经典 不得不看的两部:

  1988年: 《月球漫步》 (Moonwalker)
  1997年: 《鬼怪》 (Ghosts)


《Got To Be There》
Release Date: January 24, 1972
US Pop Albums #14, US Black Albums #3, UK Albums #37

1. Ain't No Sunshine
2. I Wanna Be Where You Are
3. Girl Don't Take Your Love From Me
4. In Our Small Way
5. Got To Be There
6. Rockin' Robin
7. Wings Of My Love
8. Maria (You Were The Only One)
9. Love Is Here And Now You're Gone

Release Date: August 4th, 1972
US Pop Albums #5, UK Albums #17

1. Greatest Show On Earth
2. People Make The World Go 'Round
3. We've Got A Good Thing Going
4. Everybody's Somebody's Fool
5. My Girl
6. What Goes Around Comes Around
7. In Our Small Way
8. Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo-Da-Day
9. You Can Cry On My Shoulder

《Music & Me》
Release Date: April 13, 1973
US Pop Albums #92, US Black Albums #24

1. With A Child's Heart
2. Up Again
3. All The Things You Are
4. Happy (Love Theme From "Lady Sings The Blues")
5. Too Young
6. Doggin' Around
7. Johnny Raven
8. Euphoria
9. Morning Glow
10. Music And Me

《Forever, Michael》
Release Date: January 16, 1975
US Pop Albums # 101, US Black Albums #10

1. We're Almost There
2. Take Me Back
3. One Day In Your Life
4. Cinderella Stay A While
5. We've Got Forever
6. Just A Little Bit Of You
7. You Are There
8. Dapper-Dan
9. Dear Michael
10. I'll Come To You

《The Best Of Michael Jackson》
Release Date: August 28, 1975
US Pop Albums #156, US Black Albums #44

1. Got To Be There
2. Ben
3. With A Child's Heart
4. Happy (Love Theme From 'The Lady Sings The Blues')
5. One Day In Your Life
6. I Wanna Be Where You Are
7. Rockin' Robin
8. We're Almost There
9. Morning Glow
10. Music And Me

《Off The Wall》
Release Date: August 1979
US Pop Albums #3, US Black Albums #1 (16 Weeks), UK Albums #5

1. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
2. Rock With You
3. Working Day And Night
4. Get On The Floor
5. Off The Wall
6. Girlfriend
7. She's Out Of My Life
8. I Can't Help It
9. It's The Falling In Love
10. Burn This Disco Out

《One Day In Your Life》
Release Date: March 25, 1981
US Pop Albums #144, US Black Albums #41

1. One Day In Your Life
2. Don't Say Goodbye Again
3. You're My Best Friend, My Love
4. Take Me Back
5. We've Got Forever
6. It's Too Late To Change The Time
7. You Are There
8. Dear Michael
9. I'll Come Home To You
10. Make Tonight All Mine

Release Date: December 1, 1982
US Pop Albums #1 (37 Weeks), US Black Albums #1, UK Albums #1 (8 Weeks)

1. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
2. Baby Be Mine
3. The Girl Is Mine (with Paul McCartney)
4. Thriller
5. Beat It
6. Billie Jean
7. Human Nature
8. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
9. The Lady In My Life

《Farewell My Summer Love》
Release Date: May 1984
US Pop Albums #46, US Black Albums #31

1. Don't Let It Get You Down
2. You've Really Got A Hold On Me
3. Melodie
4. Touch The One You Love
5. Girl You're So Together
6. Farewell My Summer Love
7. Call On Me
8. Here I Am (Come And Take Me)
9. To Make My Father Proud, To Make My Mother Smile

Release Date: August 31, 1987
US Pop Albums #1 (6 Weeks), US Black Albums #1 (18 Weeks), UK Albums #1 (5 Weeks)

1. Bad
2. The Way You Make Me Feel
3. Speed Demon
4. Liberian Girl
5. Just Good Friends
6. Another Part Of Me
7. Man In The Mirror
8. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
9. Dirty Diana
10. Smooth Criminal
11. Leave Me Alone

Release Date: November 26, 1991
US Pop Albums #1 (6 Weeks), US Black Albums (4 Weeks), UK Albums #1

1. Jam
2. Why You Wanna Trip On Me
3. In The Closet
4. She Drives Me Wild
5. Remember The Time
6. Can't Let Her Get Away
7. Heal The World
8. Black Or White
9. Who Is It
10. Keep The Faith
11. Give In To Me
12. Will You Be There
13. Gone Too Soon
14. Dangerous

《HIStory: Past, Present, and Future Book I 》
Release Date: June 20, 1995
US Pop Albums #1 (2 Weeks), US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #1 (2 Weeks), UK Albums #1

Disc 1
1. Billie Jean
2. The Way You Make Me Feel
3. Black Or White
4. Rock With You
5. She's Out Of My Life
6. Bad
7. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
8. Man In The Mirror
9. Thriller
10. Beat It
11. The Girl Is Mine
12. Remember The Time
13. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
14. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
15. Heal The World

Disc 2
1. Scream
2. They Don't Care About Us
3. Stranger In Moscow
4. This Time Around
5. Earth Song
6. D.S.
7. Money
8. Come Together
9. You Are Not Alone
10. Childhood
11. Tabloid Junkie
12. 2 Bad
13. HIStory
14. Little Susie
15. Smile

《Blood On The Dance Floor: HIStory In The Mix》
Release Date: May 20, 1997
US Pop Albums #24, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #12, UK Albums #1 (2 weeks)

1. Blood On The Dance Floor
2. Morphine
3. Superfly Sister
4. Ghosts
5. Is This Scary
6. Scream Louder (Flyte Tyme Remix)
7. Money (Fly Island Radio Edit)
8. 2 Bad (Refugee Camp Mix)
9. Stranger In Moscow (Tee's In-House CLub Mix)
10. This Time Around (D.M. Radio Mix)
11. Earth Song (Hani's Club Experience)
12. You Are Not Alone (Classic Club Mix)
13. HIStory (Tony Moran's HIStory Lesson)

Release Date: October 30, 2001
US Pop Albums #1, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #1 (4 Weeks), UK Albums #1

1. Unbreakable
2. Heartbreaker
3. Invincible
4. Break Of Dawn
5. Heaven Can Wait
6. You Rock My World
7. Butterflies
8. Speechless
9. 2000 Watts
10. You Are My Life
11. Privacy
12. Don't Walk Away
13. Cry
14. The Lost Children
15. Whatever Happens
16. Threatened

《Greatest Hits - HIStory Volume I 》
Release Date: November 15, 2001
US Pop Albums #85, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums N/A, UK Albums #15

1. Billie Jean
2. The Way You Make Me Feel
3. Black Or White
4. Rock With You
5. She's Out Of My Life
6. Bad
7. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
8. Man In The Mirror
9. Thriller
10. Beat It
11. The Girl Is Mine
12. Remember The Time
13. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
14. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
15. Heal The World

《Number Ones》
Release Date: November 18, 2003
US Pop Albums #13, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #6, UK Albums #1

1. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
2. Rock With You
3. Billie Jean
4. Beat It
5. Thriller
6. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
7. Bad
8. Smooth Criminal
9. The Way You Make Me Feel
10. Man In The Mirror
11. Dirty Diana
12. Black Or White
13. You Are Not Alone
14. Earth Song
15. You Rock My World
16. Break Of Dawn
17. One More Chance
18. Ben (Live)

《The Ultimate Collection》
Release Date: November 16, 2004 (USA)

Disc 1
1. I Want You Back
2. ABC
3. I'll Be There
4. Got To Be There
5. I Wanna Be Where You Are
6. Ben
7. Dancing Machine
8. Enjoy Yourself
9. Ease On Down The Road
10. You Can't Win
11. Shake A Body
12. Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
13. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
14. Rock With You
15. Off The Wall
16. She's Out Of My Life
17. Sunset Driver
18. Lovely One
19. This Place Hotel

Disc 2
1. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
2. The Girl Is Mine
3. Thriller
4. Beat It
5. Billie Jean
6. P. Y. T. (Pretty Young Thing)
7. Someone In The Dark
8. State Of Shock
9. Scared Of The Moon
10. We Are The World
11. We Are Here To Change The World

Disc 3
1. Bad
2. The Way You Make Me Feel
3. Man In The Mirror
4. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
5. Dirty Diana
6. Smooth Criminal
7. Cheater
8. Dangerous
9. Monkey Business
10. Jam
11. Remember The Time
12. Black Or White
13. Who Is It
14. Someone Put Your Hand Out

Disc 4
1. You Are Not Alone
2. Stranger In Moscow
3. Childhood (Theme From "Free Willy 2")
4. On The Line
5. Blood On The Dance Floor
6. Fall Again
7. In The Back
8. Unbreakable
9. You Rock My World
10. Butterflies
11. Beautiful Girl
12. The Way You Love Me
13. We've Had Enough

Disc 5: Bucharest Live DVD
1. Jam
2. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
3. Human Nature
4. Smooth Criminal
5. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
6. She's Out Of My Life
7. I Want You Back
8. I'll Be There
9. Thriller
10. Billie Jean
11. Working Day And Night
12. Beat It
13. Will You Be There
14. Black Or White
15. Heal The World
16. Man In The Mirror

《The Essential Michael Jackson》
Realease Date: July 19.2005
UK RnB Albums #2, UK Albums #1

Disc 1

1. I Want You Back
2. ABC
3. The Love You Save
4. Got To Be There
5. Rockin'Robin
6. Ben
7. Enjoy Yourself
8. Blame On The Boogie
9. Shake Your Body(Down To The Ground)
10.Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
11.Rock With You
12.Off The Wall
13.She's Out Of My Life
14.Can You Feel It
15.The Girl Is Mine
16.Billie Jean
17.Beat It
18.Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
19.Human Nature
20.P.Y.T(Pretty Young Thing)

Disc 2

1. Bad
2. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
3. Leave Me Alone
4. The Way You Make Me Feel
5. Man In The Mirror
6. Dirty Diana
7. Another Part Of Me
8. Smooth Criminal
9. Black Or White
10.Heal The World
11.Remember The Time
12.In The Closet
13.Who Is It
14.Will You Be There
16.You Are Not Alone
17.You Rock My World



1978年: 《新绿野仙踪》 (Scarecrow)
1986年: 《EO船长》 (Captain EO)
1988年: 《月球漫步》 (Moonwalker)
1997年: 《鬼怪》 (Ghosts) (注:Ghosts不是影片,是音乐录影!)
2002年: 《黑衣人2》 (Agent M)
2004年: 《漂流女孩与荒岛姑娘》 (Agent M.J.)

我推荐一下经典 不得不看的两部:

1988年: 《月球漫步》 (Moonwalker)
1997年: 《鬼怪》 (Ghosts)

他有音乐电影的啊/GHOST/ 还有个是外太空的音乐电影半个小的 我有碟 不记得什么了 有的。

歌曲经典:you are not alone, Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean, Bad , Dangerous, Earth Song, Smooth Criminal这是最最最经典的歌曲了。至于MV吗也就是这些歌曲对应的MV,电影 :1978年: 《新绿野仙踪》 (Scarecrow),1986年: 《EO船长》 (Captain EO),1988年: 《月球漫步》 (Moonwalker) ,2002年: 《黑衣人2》 (Agent M),2004年: 《漂流女孩与荒岛姑娘》 (Agent M.J.)
MJ本色演出 ,就是这些了。


  • 17182368434迈克杰克逊的全部歌曲。
    莘蓉砖迈克杰克逊的全部歌曲。  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 该不该让孩子很早学习人情世故?卡星叶小雨 2011-06-20 · TA获得超过708个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:202 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:90.8万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 MJ发行的所有个人专辑详细信息一览表: 《Got To Be There》 ...

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    莘蓉砖现整理迈克杰克逊一生的专辑和歌曲如下: 英文名称:OFF THE WALL 中文名称:墙外 发行时间:1979年 专辑简介:此专辑为MICHAEL JACKSON成年后正式发行的第一张个人专辑。 英文名称:THRILLER 中文名称:颤栗 发行时间:1982年 专辑简介:此专辑为MICHAEL JACKSON成年后正式发行的第二张个人专辑,此专辑影响巨大,奠定了MICHAEL歌...

  • 17182368434迈克杰克逊全部歌曲名称
    莘蓉砖专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第二张个人专辑,此专辑影响巨大,奠定了MICHAEL歌王的地位,BILLIE JEAN连续数十周排行榜首,是有史以来最成功的歌曲。01 WANNA BE STARTIN' SOMETHIN'02 BABY BE MINE 03 THE GIRL IS MINE 04 THRILLER 05 BEAT IT 06 BILLIE JEAN 07 HUMAN ...

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    莘蓉砖如果你是要歌名的中文翻译还是可以的,但也太多了点:你并不孤独,拯救世界,镜中的男人,地球之歌,儿童时代,飞逝,历史,你给我的感觉,让我独处,哭泣,失踪小孩,无论发生什么 ,不要走开,无法言喻,你是我的生命,你震感了我的世界,无敌天下,蝴蝶,天堂可待,斜纹……...

  • 17182368434求迈克杰克逊的全部歌名
    莘蓉砖另外他还是90年代最畅销的艺人,在此期间共售出1亿2300万张唱片,其中有9500万张是在零售店中售出[记录4];《Dangerous》专辑是90年代最畅销的男性艺人独唱专辑:总共零售出2700万张,而全球的发货量超过了3000万张[记录5]!90年代最畅销的摇滚范畴歌曲当属“Black Or White”,它的单曲碟在全球共卖出了500万张[记录...

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  • 17182368434推荐迈克尔 杰克逊的好听经典的歌。。。
    莘蓉砖《you are not alone》(你不会孤单)绝对值得听下,是抒情曲风的典范之作。就连腾讯的悼念迈克专题,都把这歌放背景音乐。《Beat it》(敲打它)我相信你也知道,"just beat it"(加斯毙咧)这样熟悉的旋律。曾经邓丽君都翻唱过。《dangerous》(危险)是舞曲里最强劲,最有气势的。虽然歌词有些...

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    莘蓉砖give it to me销魂 dirty diana销魂 In the closet (MV是他最sexy的 但却很可爱 歌也超赞)Remember the time 太多了 可以百度或谷歌搜他专辑来听 听他的的歌 不懂英文的人不好理解 你可以找歌词翻译 百度一搜很方便的 MJ的许多歌含义很深刻 浅尝辄止地听 听不出 我都是听很多遍才领悟 ...

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    莘蓉砖smoosh criminal Dangerous beat it Scream billie jean (杰克逊第一名曲) JAM black or white bad 《man in the mirror》 以上是一些歌名现在开始我们长长的旅行!!! 先从jackson5说起.这是他和他兄弟的五人组合.推荐:《ABC》《I want you back》《ben》《blame it on the boogie》《dancing m...

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    莘蓉砖下面是杰克逊最经典的三十首歌。。。按自己喜欢的挑吧 1.Billie Jean 杰克逊没有最经典的一首歌,因为他每首歌都堪称经典里的经典。但这首歌被公认为20世纪最伟大的歌曲,其实,只是用这首歌来概括杰克逊的伟大,又如何能完整地诠释杰克逊的音乐? 首次看到这首歌的MV时,那充满节奏感的音乐,带上...

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