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Training Program
First, new staff induction training
Training time: Training once a month, every four days (three days of classes, the last day of examinations)
Target audience: every month a new induction training of employees and last month, the staff did not pass the exam
Trainer: Human resources and training director of
Training content:
A "handbook for employees" mainly to introduce the hotel's past and future, rules and regulations, hotel knowledge and an overview of the relationship between the hotel industry and tourism, hotel and other industries of the internal relations and differences between the hotel industry development trends and prospects to introduce the hotel etiquette, politeness, service awareness and interpersonal relations, the hotel fire and safety knowledge and training.
Second, foreign language training
Training time: the whole year training (every Monday, three junior in English, every Thursday, 5 Intermediate English -)
Target audience: Hotel front-line face-off department and second-loving English-speaking staff are required to participate in training
Trainer: Human resources and training director of
Junior classes start from the phonetic to Xu Guozhang English as the main materials to hotel in English secondary, intermediate, mainly in English classes to new concepts in order to tourist hotel in English secondary stress listening and speaking ability.
Training Methods
Audio-visual all-round training, examination once every two months, the examination before the people who give a degree of material incentives (first-place awards 50, the second award 30 yuan, 20 yuan third award)
Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall
Third, holiday get-together activities
Time: the annual Spring Festival, International Labor Day Festival, National Day
HR content of selected activities, and then issued announcements of activities, the internal organization of each department involved in the project. Human Resources Department is responsible for organizing and making arrangements for his speech celebrating the program and invited the general manager, all department managers to participate actively.
Activities: The get-together to celebrate the main, including singing, comedy, games and other activities.
Venue: Multi-function Hall
4, courtesy Etiquette Training
Training time: January and August every year to hold a
Training Content: Selected by the HR training content, focus on improving hotel staff awareness of service and quality.
Target audience: hotel staff
Trainer: Human Resources Training in charge of
Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall
5, the hotel common sense training
Training time: held every year in February
Training content: the origin and development of hotel, the hotel in general and the development trend of the hotel the duties and functions of various departments
Target audience: hotel staff
Trainer: Human Resources in charge of
Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall
6, quarterly appraisal and selection of outstanding employees
Selection time: every year in April, July, October, January
Selection object: Hotel staff are eligible to participate in various departments
Selection form: Each quarter, the department in accordance with requests of staff performance, the selection of this sector 1-2 of outstanding employees, Xieqing the employee and the performance of good deeds. Human Resources departments of the various elections to the recommendation table determined after evaluation of the quality of this quarter, staff, and in each quarter of the hotel staff, when the General Assembly, an honorary certificate and prize money 100.
7, first-aid knowledge training
Training Time: October every year to conduct a
Training content; accident injury emergency rescue treatment and preventive measures. Such as: burns, snake bites, drowning and other first aid measures.
Target audience: hotel staff
Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall
Trainer: Security Department
8, foreman in charge of the quality of management training
Training time: every year in July to
Training content: the working relationship between all levels of hotel, hotel art and methods of leadership
Target audience: Hotel foreman and in charge of various departments
Trainer: Human Resources in charge of
Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall
9, the hotel beauty fitness seminars
Training time: held annually in July
Training content: the hotel staff make-up period of how daily life in the skin, the United States Air learning.
Target audience: hotel staff
Trainer: From the outside to invite professionals in to give 100 - 200 yuan reward.
Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall
10, lectures on Chinese culture
Time: The first-year in January, March, August and October each hold a
Lecture content: up and down five thousand years of Chinese culture and art, Chinese landscape, famous spots to enjoy Sheng major religions knowledge. Training Program
Participants: hotel staff
Lecture teacher: from the outside to invite professionals in this area (100 - 200 yuan reward)

Lecture Venue: Multifunctional Hall
11, military training for all staff

Training Program

First, new staff induction training

Training time: Training once a month, every four days (three days of classes, the last day of examinations)

Target audience: every month a new induction training of employees and last month, the staff did not pass the exam

Trainer: Human resources and training director of

Training content:

A "handbook for employees" mainly to introduce the hotel's past and future, rules and regulations, hotel knowledge and an overview of the relationship between the hotel industry and tourism, hotel and other industries of the internal relations and differences between the hotel industry development trends and prospects to introduce the hotel etiquette, politeness, service awareness and interpersonal relations, the hotel fire and safety knowledge and training.

Second, foreign language training

Training time: the whole year training (every Monday, three junior in English, every Thursday, 5 Intermediate English -)

Target audience: Hotel front-line face-off department and second-loving English-speaking staff are required to participate in training

Trainer: Human resources and training director of


Junior classes start from the phonetic to Xu Guozhang English as the main materials to hotel in English secondary, intermediate, mainly in English classes to new concepts in order to tourist hotel in English secondary stress listening and speaking ability.

Training Methods

Audio-visual all-round training, examination once every two months, the examination before the people who give a degree of material incentives (first-place awards 50, the second award 30 yuan, 20 yuan third award)

Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall

Third, holiday get-together activities

Time: the annual Spring Festival, International Labor Day Festival, National Day


HR content of selected activities, and then issued announcements of activities, the internal organization of each department involved in the project. Human Resources Department is responsible for organizing and making arrangements for his speech celebrating the program and invited the general manager, all department managers to participate actively.

Activities: The get-together to celebrate the main, including singing, comedy, games and other activities.

Venue: Multi-function Hall

4, courtesy Etiquette Training

Training time: January and August every year to hold a

Training Content: Selected by the HR training content, focus on improving hotel staff awareness of service and quality.

Target audience: hotel staff

Trainer: Human Resources Training in charge of

Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall

5, the hotel common sense training

Training time: held every year in February

Training content: the origin and development of hotel, the hotel in general and the development trend of the hotel the duties and functions of various departments

Target audience: hotel staff

Trainer: Human Resources in charge of

Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall

6, quarterly appraisal and selection of outstanding employees

Selection time: every year in April, July, October, January

Selection object: Hotel staff are eligible to participate in various departments

Selection form: Each quarter, the department in accordance with requests of staff performance, the selection of this sector 1-2 of outstanding employees, Xieqing the employee and the performance of good deeds. Human Resources departments of the various elections to the recommendation table determined after evaluation of the quality of this quarter, staff, and in each quarter of the hotel staff, when the General Assembly, an honorary certificate and prize money 100.

7, first-aid knowledge training

Training Time: October every year to conduct a

Training content; accident injury emergency rescue treatment and preventive measures. Such as: burns, snake bites, drowning and other first aid measures.

Target audience: hotel staff

Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall

Trainer: Security Department

8, foreman in charge of the quality of management training

Training time: every year in July to

Training content: the working relationship between all levels of hotel, hotel art and methods of leadership

Target audience: Hotel foreman and in charge of various departments

Trainer: Human Resources in charge of

Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall

9, the hotel beauty fitness seminars

Training time: held annually in July

Training content: the hotel staff make-up period of how daily life in the skin, the United States Air learning.

Target audience: hotel staff

Trainer: From the outside to invite professionals in to give 100 - 200 yuan reward.

Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall

10, lectures on Chinese culture

Time: The first-year in January, March, August and October each hold a

Lecture content: up and down five thousand years of Chinese culture and art, Chinese landscape, famous spots to enjoy Sheng major religions knowledge. Training Program

Participants: hotel staff

Lecture teacher: from the outside to invite professionals in this area (100 - 200 yuan reward)

Lecture Venue: Multifunctional Hall

11, military training for all staff


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