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就是因为我们学习英语,我们才会懂得许多英文歌;就是因为学习英语,我们才会知道用英语骂人;就是英语学习英语,许多女学生想要嫁给洋人;就是因为学习英语,我们才能跟那些不会英语的人开玩笑。虽然我们也 只知道一点皮毛而已。
总之,我要谢谢英语老师和同学。谢谢你们和我一起度过我两年的 大学生涯。尽管我的英语总是不能几个,要通过补考才能够通过。


钟穰在4时,所有儿童在唐娜的阶级在礼拜堂高中倾注到走廊,并加入了人民群众的冲出学校,因为它是周五和周末是在这里!唐娜拿起她的手提袋下降到健身房。今晚是足球的做法,晚上和明天有一个大的赛事-准决赛的跨学校的竞争。唐娜得到改变和失控,向足球场。一大群男孩被挂在周围的领域,等待琼斯先生体育教师的到来。他们用脚踢球周围和实行可拍摄的目标。他们有一个真正好的守门员所谓的华伦。他看上去像一根棍子昆虫与红色的头发和雀斑,但他的辉煌在停车的目标。巴里woodhead是该中心前进。他是邪恶在得分的惩罚。唐娜认为他必须有研究影片的欧文。如果只有巴里没有这么大的头脑。当然,他是做大做强和速度比其他所有人,但并没有给他一个理由作出的乐趣其他所有人。唐娜真的痛恨他。 '的目标.. ! 』巴里woodhead发出另一罚球到后面的净。唐娜不喜欢他,但她不得不承认他是一名好player.just然后,一高,沉重的男子在体育试剂盒斯特罗德整个领域。他来到到足球场,并呼吁每一个人。 '琼斯先生是生病了,他说。 '我问赤柱。从现在起,我在负责本队。大家都期待不满。他们知道琼斯先生是一个很好的老师和他总是公平的。他们从未见过先生赤柱前。 '的权利, '他说:赤柱。 '行了,我们会看到您能做什么!小组提出了线准备奉行他们的枪对目标。唐娜站在背后的史蒂夫汉密尔顿和等待她谈谈。然后她听到赤柱高喊挥舞着他的手臂。他的脸上是鲜红色,他吹响了真的生气。 '爱,你!他高喊唐娜。 '明确的起飞!我们不希望任何女童上吊左右,在这里获得的方式!唐娜盯着先生赤柱。史提夫汉密尔顿说, '不过,主席先生…唐娜是在团队。她的光辉! '没有女孩对我的团队! '高喊先生赤柱,甚至高涨。 '但这是不公平的! '没有buts !他的脸上,似乎要爆炸。唐娜站在一起领域,并观看了她的团队在训练中。巴里woodhead smirked和笑了。当然,他很高兴,她摆脱了队!它开始下雨,大家都冷了。由6时30分正在下雨,所以很难说,他们不得不停止。 '再见,看到你在明天的比赛!他们高喊:他们离开。唐娜走,慢慢的家中有雨。她觉得可悲和可怜。它只是被不公平的。她一直扮演着为球队。琼斯先生并不介意。她发挥了在所有比赛中至今…怎么可能她没有生存的足球呢?这是她的生命。

I am a person who enjoy travelling. The development of modern transport provides convenience for my daily travelling. The most important way of transportation for me is the subway.

Cities are usually crowded, so the buses often delay. The fast speed of subway allows me to arrive on time. I do not advocate the use of private cars because too many cars is the reason for traffic jams and accidents.

September 22 is the Car Free Day. People will travel by public transport rather than private cars on that day. People understand the reason for establishment of such a holiday, but few persons will keep doing it in daily life.


When the weather is wonderful, I like to ride a bike to visit friends or visit the countryside. Cycling is an aerobic exercise. Compared to jogging, the energy consumption of cycling is greater. Cycling is not a tiring exercise because you can feel the smooth wind. Most importantly, you can view the scenery, go shopping and have snacks when you stop at the road side. In addition, cycling can also contribute to the national energy saving. Why not go cycling?

I like traveling around, the development of modern vehicle makes daily go-out convenient.Subway is the most important vehicle for me.Big city is crowded which lead to taking bus easily delay.Fast and stable subway could make me arrive the destination on time.I advocate not to drive private car which may lead to traffic jam and accident.September 22ed is No-Car day,all people would take bus instead of private car.We all know why to set this kind of festival,however,few people could take it into daily life.

On good weather days,I prefer to visit friends by bike or go around in environs.Bicycling is a kind of aerobic exercise which could consume more physical capacity than jogging; because the wind is colder and not easy to feel tired when bicycling.The most important is that we could appreciate scenery roadside and shopping and degustation in the store wayside;in addition, bicyling could contribute to energy saving and emissions reducing,why not do it?

I'm a trip lover, the development of morden traffic tools supply more convenience for our daily journey. For me, no traffic tools can be more convenient than subway. The traffic is heavy in big cities, so it's easily stuck in a traffic by bus. Subway with its high speed and stability can take us to our destinations punctually. I haven't got a car, or advocate of using private cars too often. Cause, they will bring out heavy traffic often and many accidents. It's Car Free Day on September 22nd. On that day, instead of driving their private cars, people will take public traffic tools. We all know why we need establish such a day, but very few people can stick to it in our daily life.
In good weather days, we prefer to visit friends or have a trip in the suburbs by bicycle. Riding a bicycle is a kind of aerobic exercise, which consumes more energy comparing with jogging. What's more, there is a cool breeze when riding a bicycle, so we are not easily exhausted. The most important thing is we could enjoy the landscape by the roadsides by bicycle. I could go shopping or taste foods in every store I passed by. Besides, riding bicycle can also make contribution to saving energy and reducing discharge. Why don't we do that?

I like travel to somepalces i never been there.the moden developed

traffic tools provide convenience for daily trip.for me ,the most

important traffic tool is subway.traffic in big city is crowed.it wil

make some delay by bus.i can reach the aim place in time because of

the high speed and stability of subway.though i have no car,i still

recommend not to take private vihicle.because the private vihicle

will make plenty of traffic block and accidents.september 22th is no

car day.on that day,people would not drive private vihicle instead

of by bus.now ,we all get konw why set the festival,but only few

people insist doing it in daily life.

During the good weather days,i prefer to visit friends by bike or

go to faubourg.bicycling is one of aerobics.comparing to jogging,it

take more stamina.you will feel cool when you are bicycling,and also

you will not get tired in short time.the main reason for making a

trip by bike is you can catch the scene near the lane,i can entry

any shop near the road to do shopping or tasting.what's

more,bicycling also can save energy for nation,it's good for us,why

do we not do it.



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  • 18041266392谁能帮我翻译下这篇英语短文?谢谢!!

  • 18041266392谁能帮我翻译一下这篇短文?
    申筠临一棵树 一棵树有三个主要部份部份、根、树枝和树叶。 在地面之下,根传开,以便树能站坚定。 在地面上面,根形成树干,而且树干支援部门。 在树的顶端的附近,树干区分为树枝。 在树的顶端,树叶戒除树枝。 树叶受到日光帮助整个的树生长。

  • 18041266392帮我翻译这篇短文
    申筠临5月29日,星期六,阳光明媚 今天我们有一趟北戴河。我们早上6点坐火车出发3小时后我们到那,一下火车我们开始在沙滩上玩游戏,又在河里游泳的快乐。在那之后,我们有一个餐馆里吃午饭。在下午,我们沿着海滩南戴河,我们在那拍了许多照片。时间过得很快,我们必须离开。当我们安全的到达学校时到了5点半。真...

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