
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

I no longer understand her. She's not the girl I came to love. The girl I loved was the person during high school. I believe, I will consider whether to love her again after I have come to truly understand her.

How about the weather? Cloudy.

Where will you go?
I will go to school.

Do you often go to cinema?
No, I dont.

Jan gets up at 6 every day.

The floor is dirty, I need to turn it out.

6、What's your job? I'm a postman.

7、Look at Mary. She's very well.

aliens have 3 eyes, a pair of big black eyes plus a ruby red eyes on the forehead.the ears on the head are very long. they have a strong body build, and the arms are astonishingly powerful.but their legs are very short,so they walk very slowly. they eat all types of metal, and have a incredubily huge appetite. one Effel tower can be swallowed just in one meal. they will look tired during daytime, but have endless energy at night. they do not sleep. when the sun rises, they will howl like a wolf

The alien has three eyes, a jet black big eye and forehead middle ruby common round eye. On steadily long ear. The body is especially strong, the arm has the astonishing strength. But the leg is very short, therefore the running speed is very slow. they eat food each metal, has the ultra common sense appetite, may eat an Egyptian Feir iron tower. They will appear very exhausted in the daytime, actually has the exhausted energy in the night, will not have sleep's custom. The sun comes out when will look like the wolf to roar generally.

Alien with three eyes, a pair of dark eyes and forehead between the eyes of ruby general circle. Head with long ears. Particularly physically strong, has amazing arm strength. But the legs were very short, so walking is slow.They eat a variety of metals, has a weird appetite, can eat a meal the Eiffel Tower. During the day where they will look very tired at night but have not used up the energy, no sleep habits. The sun will come out roaring like a wolf in general.

ET have there eyes that is a ruby and round eye between a pair of black eyes. And long ears are on the top of the head.their bodies are very strong, with prodigious powerful arms. but legs are short, so they walk so slowly.


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    慎汤莘1. any national person, regardless of the men and women, should oppose the war, because the war will destroy the country.2. the people said that Nobel is one devotes to cause of peace's person and a rich compassion person.3. he does not know makes a mistake, because ...

  • 14745167482谁帮我把这些中文翻译成英文?要求用人工翻译,不要用在线翻译,谢谢、
    慎汤莘对...有害:is harmful to 吃药:to take madicine 感到困倦:to feel weary 感到可怕:to feel terrified 做早操:to do morning exercises 饭前洗手:to wash hands before you eat 刷牙:to brush teeth 在阳光下:in the sun 看报纸:to read newspapers 戒烟:to quit smoking 把...出示给....

  • 14745167482谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文
    慎汤莘You and me have been trapped in this battle. It is all destined earlier. But there is still no winner. You've beaten 2018, 2009, but you are always not able to defeat me.

  • 14745167482谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文谢谢: 为什么封我的号啊 如果你不马上解除冻...
    慎汤莘Why do you blank my ID off??I will indict you at the court if you wouldn't unchain it in a minute!!

  • 14745167482谁能帮我把这一句翻译成中文?
    慎汤莘You are the enemy of yourself, you are the only one can defeat you. You are the God of yourself, you are the only one can release you.

  • 14745167482谁能帮我把这图片上的三段英文翻译成中文?谢谢了,
    慎汤莘当女服务员回来时,老太太已经走了,女服务员正在奇怪,忽然看到餐巾上写了几行字,下面有4张100元面额的钞票。读者上面的话语,泪水模糊 了她的双眼。纸巾上写道;“你不欠我什么,我也遇到过这样的事。有人曾帮助过我,就像我帮助你一样。假如你真的要报答我,你就这么做:不要让这条爱之链在 ...

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    慎汤莘in this technologically advanced society, access to internet brings great convenience to our daily lives, which includes learning english. we can easily look up information and vocabuaries in English through access to the internet. Some websites even provide english channels for learning....

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    慎汤莘I put both of them together 4 Then I turn them over 5 I push the card inside forward 6 Look! Why doesn't the head match the tail?牌 cards; playing cards 红桃6 heart 6 黑桃、红桃、方块、梅花 spade, heart, diamond, club A Ace J Jack Q Queen K King 人工翻译 ...

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    慎汤莘1.Sorry.My English hearing is worse.2.Would you please say again?3.Why did you want to go to U.S.A. to study ? What do you go to U.S.A. to learn?I study languages, English is a common language of the world, the talents whose development need of China can ...

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    慎汤莘Give me a chance, and you’ll have a big surprise.“拥有完美肌肤的秘诀”The secret for perfect skin.转译法 国酒茅台,相伴辉煌。Good and vigorous spirit.运动休闲,我行我速。Go my own way.我有我的品质。What we do, we do well.仿译法 爱您一辈子(绿世界化妆品)Love me ...

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