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Desperately needing your help.Thank you!

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QiJuan algae scenic spot a specialised shu shu ping village and township, LongMenHeCun between 307 national highway, Transportation is convenient, the seat for provincial historical and cultural village, wooded river, the picturesque natural scenery and history, unique humanistic resources. QiShi a door is ShouYang qing, a prominent five jinshi, iii, QiJuan algae four academician official to RenGe university, military minister, shizhong, xian, teach light, three emperors as "development". The scenic area by China's urban planning and design for planning and design, with a total planned area of 4,500 mu, with a total investment of approximately 2.8 million scenic spot. "The first scholar" for the concept, sightseeing, leisure, entertainment, meeting functions, such as study of entrance area, the natural scenery area, QiShi cultural exhibits, QiShi native heart, commercial ancient graveyard and leisure, keeping blocks, traditional conference reception area, including seven regional QiShi residence, QiJuan algae memorial, Jiao up chicken floor, the academician avenue, building, interest, shipai ling class performance hall, etc QiShi culture with characteristics of landscape architecture and the theme QiShi scholar culture display prominent family history, JinRu culture. Comprehensive development of scenic natural and human resources, adjust measures to local conditions, PeiJing meticulously, landscape and ecological park, traditional flavor and modern display, let visitors feel QiShi cultural charm, return to natural appeal, relaxed experience, will become a leisure vacation the ideal place.





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