
来自:    更新日期:早些时候


The company has all the shareholders in accordance with laws and regulations, and the agreement, articles of association, and registered capital requirement pay promise not to smoke escape capital contribution, the company to all shareholders' contribution of the assets of the full responsibility for the safety and integrity.
2. 本公司已提供全部验资资料,并已将截至验资报告日止的所有对审验结论产生重要影响的事项如实告知注册会计师,无违法、舞弊行为。本公司及全体股东对所提供验资资料的真实性、合法性和完整性负责。
The company has been providing all capital verification material, and already downgraded capital verification report on the date of approval conclusion all have an important impact on matters of certified public accountants, truthfully inform no illegal, fraud. The company and all the shareholders to supply of capital verification material authenticity, legitimacy and integrity responsible.
Our company shareholder in the capital contribution to its former contribution of non-monetary properties ownership, there is no property dispute, has not set guarantee, had handled property rights transfer procedure, and already handed over to the company.
The company has the equity transfer matters related to make appropriate accounting treatment.
Our company guarantees the equity transfer before each shareholder has according to the agreement, articles of association of the requirement pay original registered capital, no smoke escape capital contribution behavior. Prophase contribution of non-monetary assets already dealt with relevant property rights transfer.
The company has to perform the relevant equity transfer of the legal procedures, there is no infringement of the rights of the shareholders situation.
The company undertakes the verification business USES complying prescribed capital verification report.

这个句子结构很简单 你自己把它复杂化了

Rather than。。。, instead
这两个词常常一起用 我认为可以算一个句型
意思就是 与其。。。不如。。。



I do not have the money, is I do not have the money, does not have the money equally with most people, but I have a warm family, a complete family, but also has healthy me, although I am very thin. Small time I have the ideal, is studies well, hoped really now has achieved, but by passed through late, my 23 years old, but I have completed an ideal, that was I has grown up, must thank all people in here me, cares about and has helped human, good said these many, tomorrow must go to work!

I have no money, yes I have no money, and most people don't have much money, but I have a warm home, a complete family, and a healthy, although I very thin. I have little time, is the ideal study well, wish now done, but in the night, I 23 years old, but I still finished an ideal that I grew up here, I want to thank all the people, care and help people, good said so much, having to work tomorrow!

I don't have money, yes, I had no money, and most people had no money, but I have a warm home, a complete home, there is a healthy me, though I am skinny. Little time I have ideals, that is, study hard, I really want to do that, but be made in a late, I am 23 years old, but I completed an ideal, and that is what I grew up, where I want to thank all the people, care for and helped people so much good, and tomorrow, but also to go to work!




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