
来自:    更新日期:早些时候



1. comercials through TV programes and radio

2. leaflets distribution; put ads on the billboards at bus stations, in the TV programs delivered in lifts, on the scrolls or on the buses.

3. negociation with enterpreters for more customers.

4.keep good public relations with potencial customers. By making use of certain ceremonies, we can invite a lot of big people in business circles for experience sharing who can also be an attraction to enterprise customers.

5. proper account. Such an attraction can absorb more customers and strengthen the competitive ability.

6.Make use of charts in search engines and beautify our trainning center's public website.

7.Make good use of media such as TV programs, newspapers and magazines which we can compete for its sponsors to increase our company's exposure. The well-known TV programs in China, for example, are...,..., and ....;While in...,...is popular.

8.set our training center a good image and trainning teachers nice postions names. Beautify our center's environment and promote our center's priciples to give a nice public image.

(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

1. Through the family TV and radio advertising to do

2. Leaflets in public places such as Gongjiaozhanpai, lift the mouth of Focus TV, banners, bus body advertising

In which the mouth of the audience in the elevator TV this method is limited to few people in the country

3. And business consultations in order to win customers

4. Do a good job public relations, organization of training Festival, a large number of eminent persons invited to businesses and to share some experiences in order to attract customers business.

5. The training discount, form a psychological gap, enhance the attractiveness to customers and market competitiveness of

6. Through the search engine visibility of the bid ranked the same time, beautify the official website

7. Improve public relations, while by becoming sponsors of the way, on television columns and newspapers and magazines to increase awareness in China's relatively well-known sections are XX, XX, XX; in the XX state, has ... ...

8. For companies to packaging, to the training of teachers in post titles for packaging, to beautify the school environment, to promote the company's philosophy in order to establish a good corporate image

哎~~~ 换点积分不容易!!!


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  • 17230544240请英语达人帮个忙,翻译几段话。。在线等,急!

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