
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Do you often because a little small and slam the door? If you because of the generation gap between you and relatively cold say? But behind the scenes often there is a sad and upset, they will give you silently, with tears in love. Please think it over, what right have you to slam the door, what qualifications do you have cold relatively.
Since we appear in the parents' life, they will not return to dedicate all their love and care to us, we often say \"filial piety\" is the requirement of as children we must be grateful to your parents. Thanksgiving is a person of morality, is a kind of philosophy. Everyone should have a grateful heart, grateful to have our people, appreciate those who raise our, thank you help us to mature.
So, please, while we are young, while we still have a chance, cherish and grateful they well, Thanksgiving their parents, don't let life regret.

With the acceleration of urbanization, urban rail transport enters a golden era of rapid development. As the first choice for most Shanghainese, urban rail transport significantly reduces the travle distance and time and plays an impotrant role in our daily life.
Similar to other enterprises, Shanghai Metro is also made up of front-line individuals at the basic level, who, due to the nature of their work, need further improvement in terms of academic background, working ability, service attitude and sense of service. Therefore, a performance-based management plan specific to the feactures of their work is to be formulated.
基层一线员工:front-line employees at the basic level

In my opinion, reading reference books is very important. This can not only increase my knowledge, my sentiment can also be cultivated. However, most of the students prefer to play internet but not reading some books when they are free. Playing computer not only will affect our eyes, it also contains many spams. Because of this, I suggest students should decrease the amount of playing computer. The teachers ought to encourage their pupils start to read some books and explain to them the importance of reading.

Morover, we can collect some news that we are interested from the newspapers. 55%(55 percent) of people dislike reading newspapers because they feel that the newspapers have no music, not vivid, even the information were spread slowly. It seems to me that reading newspaper properly can benefits us.

In my opinion, reading some spring is very important, not only can increase knowledge, also can edify sentiment. However, there are few students choose in my spare time reading. Many students surf the Internet. Internet not only for the eyes have hurt, also have a lot of junk messages, Suggestions or classmates. The teacher should also encourage students to read, for students to clear the importance of reading.

But, if reading newspapers, can obtain information with the personal interest. 55 percent of people don't like to read newspaper, because they feel, not enough information and vivid, audio project speed can also be slow. In my opinion, the appropriate reading some papers is very good.

In my opinion, read some of the extra-curricular book is very important, not only to increase knowledge, but also cultivate their sentiments. However, few students have chosen the reading in their spare time. Instead, there are many students online. Internet will not only hurt the eyes, there are a lot of garbage information, we recommend fewer students online. Teachers should encourage students to read, make it clear to students the importance of reading.
Moreover, if read the newspapers, you can personal interests with access to information. 55% of people do not like to read a newspaper because they feel that newspapers did not audio-visual, less vivid, relatively slow speed of information topics. In my view, the appropriate reading newspapers is very good.


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  • 19755296968急!高分!请人工帮我把下面几句中文翻译成英文,很快采纳,谢谢拉
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