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3. 我很痛苦的发现,学术泰斗们经常(把没有达到预期研究结果)怪罪于有限的经济支持,因为与玄乎的研究目的相比,这是个更好辩护自己的托辞。我们在申请研究资金的时候经常夸大其词,结果就是更多的失望,以及对于花费了大量资金的教育只能换回不多的价值产生的错觉。但是教育甚至整个社会都不会从拒绝这些罪过中得到好处。


1. The school from which we come is a foreign language school.
2. He is now on a lecture trip around the middle schools and universities in China.
3.The speech is about the history and school life of Yale university.
4. You can write down the questions in a small piece of paper.

This architectural design looks like a bird nest, many persons felt highly interesting who have seen this design.

This cup of black tea taste very specially, oh, I see, as if honey flavor in it.

The ship from Dalian to Shanghai is going to set sail ten minutes later, sailors are rising sail.

The Spring Festival is coming, Mom would like someone paint the door, thus Dad bought the best lacquer.

1.The building is designed like a bird's nest. Seen a lot of people think this design is very interesting
2.This cup of tea to drink up and is very special. Oh, I know, it seems a kind of honey flavor on the inside
3.The ship bound for Shanghai from Dalian, after 10 minutes is necessary to set sail, and sailors are working up sails.
4.Spring Festival is drawing near. Mom would like to paint the door and look at Jiao Ren, so my father bought the best paint

1.this building was designed as a bird's nest. Many of the people who had seen the building said that this was an interesting design.
2.this cup of black tea tastes special. Oh,I get it. It has somekind of honey taste.
3. the ship from Dalian to Shanghai will be sailed ten minutes later, the sailors are rising the sail.
4. The Spring Festival is comming. Mom wants the door be painted, so father buys some best paints.

1.The architectural design as a bird's nest. Many people think that have design is very interesting.
2.This cup tea drink is very special. Oh, I know, like seed honey taste或(smell) inside.
3.The ship from dalian to Shanghai ten minutes will set sail, the sailors are liters.
4.Spring Festival is coming soon. Mother is the door to paint, so my dad got the best of paint.

1. The building was designed like a bird's nest.a lot of people seen that and thought the design is very interesting.

2.This cup of tea tastes very special. Oh, I know, it seems a kind of honey flavor inside.

3.The ship bound for Shanghai from Dalian will set sail after 10 minutes,
and sailors are working up sails.

4. Spring Festival is drawing near. Mom would like to ask someone to paint the door so my father bought the best paint.


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