错过一天就错过一生 -- 《One Day 》我最爱的爱情片之一

来自:    更新日期:早些时候
~ 有看过《一天》这部电影的你们,肯定被男主女主总在不同时间,不同地点错过一段美好爱情而抓狂,并痛恨他们为什么就不能痛快一点,总是遇到错的时间而不能在一起,就连最后在一起,也是如此短暂。也许生活就是这样无情,残忍。


我想大家都还记得1993年7月15日星期四的那晚吧! 那天,当Emma精心打扮出门后,电话就响起,Emma犹豫了一下,一反常态,Emma直接进了电梯去赴约而不是回去接电话。Dexter那天晚上给Emma打了N个电话,都说男人在受伤的时候,才会寻求他最爱的女人,希望他最爱的女人能陪在他的身边,这是最最最大的慰藉,也是最最最好的疗伤药。也就在那晚,Emma开始了新生活,那晚留宿于Ian家。Dexter最后绝望时邀请到Naomi到他家,总算寻求了些身心的慰藉。

小说为什么起名叫一天,我想我是明白了。真的,错过一天就错过一生。Emma和有Dexter就是这样,那天真的是很揪心, Dexter的黑暗无助,Emma的彷徨无助。两个就这样,错过了在一起的最佳时间。


The phone rings.  ‘. . . leave your message after the beep and I‘ll get back to you.’

电话响: “….请在Beep一声后留下你的信息,我会进快回复你。"

“Hi there, Emma, it‘s Dexter here. What was I going to say? Well I was going to say I‘m at this train station near home and I‘ve just come from Mum‘s and . . . and I wondered what you were doing tonight. I have tickets for the  Jurassic Park premiere!Actually we‘ve missed that I think, but maybe the party afterwards? Me and you? Princess Di will be there. Sorry, I‘m waffling, in case you‘re there. Pick up the phone, Emma. Pick up pick up pick up pick up. No? Okay, well I‘ve just remembered, you have your date tonight, don‘t you? Your hot date. Well – have fun, call me when you get in, if  you get in. Let me know what happens.Seriously, call me, soon as you can, Em. ” 

“你好! 艾玛,我是德克斯特。我要说什么呢? 嗯,我想说的是,我在家附近的一个火车站,我刚从妈妈家回来……我想知道你今晚要做什么。我有《侏罗纪公园》首映的票! 事实上,我想我们已经错过了时间,但之后的派对呢? 你和我? 戴安娜王妃也会出席。抱歉,我在胡扯,如果你在,接电话,艾玛。快接,快接,快接。没有? 好吧,我刚想起来,你今晚有约会,对吧? 你的帅哥约会。好吧! 玩得开心,如果你回家了,给我打电话。告诉我发生了什么。说真的,尽快给我打电话,艾码。"

 “ I‘ve just done something so, so bad.‘ He should hang up, but he doesn‘t want to. He wants to see Emma Morley so that he might confess his sins, but she‘s on a date. He pulls his mouth into a grin and says I‘ll call you tomorrow. I want to know everything! Heartbreaker you.”

“我刚刚做了件非常非常糟的事“  他应该挂电话,但他不想挂。他想去见艾玛·莫利这样他就能坦白自己的罪过了,但她在约会。他咧着嘴笑了笑,说: “我明天给你打电话。我想知道一切! 你这让人心碎的人。"

“Hi Em, me again. I know you’re out on the town withLaughing Boy, but I just wanted to say that when you get in, assuming you’re alone, I’ve decided not to go the premiere after all. I am home all night, if you want to come round. I mean, I’d like that. I’ll pay for your taxi, you could stay over. So. Anytime you come in, just give me a call, then get in a cab. That’s all. Hope to see you later. Love and all that. Bye, Em. Bye.”


“Me again! Just checking in. Bit drunk now actually. Bit sentimental. You’re a great thing, Emma Morley.Be nice to see you. Call when you get in. What else did I want to say? Nothing, except that you are a great, great thing. So. When you get in. Call me. Give me a call.”

”又是我!只是想查查。事实上,我现在有点醉了,有些伤感。你是那么的好,艾玛·莫利。很高兴能认识你。你到家了就给我打电话。我还想说些什么 ? 没什么,除了你是一个那么,那么好的人。所以。要是你回来了,给我电话。给我打电话。”


“Guess Who? Half-eleven now. Where are you, Dirty stop out? Oh well. Calle me anytime, I ‘m here. I am not going anywhere. Bye, Bye.”

“猜猜是谁 ?  现在 11 点半了。你在哪儿呢?在哪个臭小子那 ?  哦,好的。 随时打电话给我,我就在这里。我哪儿也不去。再见 , 再见。”

  “…Pick up, pick up, pickup. Nearly midnight now. At the stroke of midnight I will turn into a, what, Idon’t know, an idiot probably. So anyway, if you get this….”

“……接电话,接电话,接电话。近零晨了,在零晨钟声敲响的时候,我可能会变成一个,什么,我不知道,一个白痴。总之,如果你收到 …"

我想以上是 Dexter 给 Emma 的最后一条留言了。他找不到Emma后,在电话里拨通了前任的电话,以下是与前任的电话对话,从中,我们也可以看到,他在游戏人间的时间,其实想的念的都是Emma,只是他自己一直不承认而已。

‘Hello? Hello?’ 喂 ?喂?

‘You’re there!’ 你在!

‘Hello, Dexter.’ 你好, Dexter.

‘I didn’t wake you, did  I?’ 我没有吵醒你吧,有吗?

‘Just got in. Are you  alright, Dexter?’ 我刚到家, Dexter 你还好吗?

‘Oh, I’m fine.’ 嗯 !我还好。

‘Because you sound pretty  wasted.’ 因为你听起来好像很颓废。

‘Oh I’m just having a  party. Just me. A little private party.’ 哦,我正在举行一个聚会,只有我,一个私人聚会。

’Turn the music down, will  you?’ 把音乐调低些,行么?

‘Actually I just wondered…hold on, I’ll turn the music down. … if you wanted to come round. There‘s   champagne, there’s music, there might even be some drugs. Hello? Hello, are you there?’ 事实上,我在想,等一下,我去把音乐调低下 … 如果你想过来,我这里有香槟,还有音乐,甚至还可能有些兴奋剂。喂?喂?你还在吗?

‘I thought we decided this  wasn’t a good idea.’ 我想我们已经决定我们在一起是个坏主意?

‘Did we? Because I think  it’s a great idea.’ “我们 有吗?因为我想个好主意。

‘You can’t just phone up  out of the blue and expect me to---’ 你不能因为心情不好而希望我做 …

‘Oh come on, Naomi,  please? I need you.’ 噢,行了, Naomi, 求你了?我需要你。

‘No!’ 不

‘You could be here in half  an hour.’ 你来我这只需要半个小时。

‘No! it’s pouring with  rain.’ 不,外面下好大的雨。

‘I didn’t mean walk. Get a  cab, I’ll pay.’ 我不是让你走过来,打个的,我会付费。

‘I said no!’ 我说了不。

‘I really need to see  someone, Naomi.’ Naomi, 我真的很需要见到人。

‘So call Emma!’ 那 你打电话给 Emma 啊!

“Emma’s out. And not thatkind of company. You know what I mean. That fact is, if I don’t touch anotherhuman being tonight I think I actually might die.’  ‘I know you are here, I can hear you breathing.’

Emma 外出了。而我不需要她那种的陪伴。你明白我是什么意思,事实上,如果今天晚上我不能抱着一个人,我想我可能会死。 我知道你在那里,我可以听到你的呼吸声。

‘Okay.’ 好吧。

‘Okay?’ 好的?

‘I will be there in half  an hour. Stop drinking. Wait for me.’ 等着我。别再喝了。我半个小时就到。

‘Naomi ? Naomi, do  you realize?’ Naomi? Naomi, 你知道吗?

‘What?’ 什么?

‘Do you realize that you  are saving my life?’ 你知道你今天晚上挽救了我的生命吗?

错过一天就错过一生 -- 《One Day 》我最爱的爱情片之一视频




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