初二英语 翻译句子

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

I do not need to wear uniforms or tie
I insisted on a diary in English
Last month, the time seems to go faster than usual
Who are you going to discuss this problem(question)?
Every day I carried only a maximum of one hour of time hobby


1.她会一直唱下去,除非有人叫她停止。(She will always sing, unless someone told her to stop.)
2.要是我没有给你打电话,你明天就过来。(If I didn't call you, you will come tomorrow.)
3.他工作和我们同样努力。(He worked hard and we also.)
4.是什么使他生病?(What caused his illness?)
5.他们的回答完全一样。(Their answers are exactly the same.)
6.咱们坐前排,以便看得清楚点儿。(Let's sit in front, in order to see clearly.)
7.用心学本领,总能学到手。(Learn by heart, always can learn.)
8.他走得很快,以免迟到。(He walked so fast, lest being late.)
9.如果你能保持整洁,我们可以让你使用这个房间。(If you can keep clean, we can let you use this room.)
10.天气太热,我们想去游泳。(The weather was too hot, we want to go swimming.)
11.她是那么好的老师,每个学生都喜欢她。(She was so good teacher, every student likes her.)
12.他跑得如此快,以致无人追得上他。(he ran so fast that no catch up with him.)
13.他是一个如此诙谐的人,以致于你不能不笑。(He is such a witty person, so you can't help laughing.)
14.他很生气,以致于把花瓶都摔到地上了。(He was very angry, and that the vase fell to the ground.)
15.遇到困难请告诉我。(difficulties please tell me.)

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she will continue singing until she is stopped.
you can come here tomorrow if i don't call you.
he works as hard as we do.
what makes him sick?
there answers are totally same with each other.
we need to sit in the front row in order to see clearer.
we can acquire the skills if we learn by heart.
he walks quickly in order not to be late.
we will allow you to use the room if you can keep it clean.
it is hot so that we want to swim.
she is such a good teacher that every student likes her.
he runs so quickly that nobody could catch him.
he is such a humorous person that you can't help laugh.
he is so angry that he throws the vase onto the ground.
please tell me when you come across difficulties.

1 she will always sing, unless someone told her to stop.
2 if I didn't call you, you will come tomorrow.
3. He works hard and we also.
4 what caused his illness?
5 they answered.
6. Let's sit in front, in order to see clearly.
7. Learn by heart, always can learn.
And he went quickly, lest being late.
9 if you keep it clean and tidy. We can let you use this room.
10. The weather was too hot, we want to go swimming.
11. She was so good teacher, every student likes her.
12 he ran so fast that no catch up with him.
13. He is such a witty person, so you can't help laughing.
14. He was very angry, and that the vase fell to the ground.
15 difficulties please tell me.

初二英语 翻译句子视频




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