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Carefully manufactured products, with employees, suppliers, and all collaborators share the joy of success and become contributing members of society sunshine enterprises.

The pursuit of excellence, harmony and development; manufacturing value, beautiful, environmentally friendly products, to become the world's best packaging materials enterprises.

材料 国防部高级研究计划局维护一个健壮和演变的材料节目。 我们的方法将强调那些新的材料机会,并且也许改变方式军事的发现经营。 从前,国防部高级研究计划局的工作在材料在高温结构材料导致了这样技术革命象新的 能力为航空器和飞机发动机和积木为世界的微电子学产业。 今天,我们的材料在这份遗产运作修造并且包括:14执行第11页 结构材料: 便宜,超轻量级结构 材料和材料在一个唯一系统 执行设计实现多个 性能目标 功能材料: 材料以一个nonstructural作用 例如先进的材料为半导体、photonics、 磁学和其他电子材料 执行 Mesoscopic机器: 可以为空气或水净化 使用和收获水从环境执行 的材料 聪明的材料和结构: 可能感觉和反应 他们的环境执行 的材料 电力发动和存贮: 材料集中于新颖的 方式引起和存放电力; 即,先进的 提取能量的燃料电池和材料从环境。我们设计了,修造和飞行一微UAV用一个真实地多功能翼。 车是能运载可看见和红外照相机、化工和生物危险探测器和通信包裹。 13英寸翼展, 170克车,命名了“黄蜂”,是承重机翼结构也是供给马达和传感器包裹动力的电池的第一。 在它的少女飞行上8月,黄蜂连续飞行在30哩/时1个小时, 47分钟。 在比较,基础线正常翼车,供给动力由一个常规原电池电池,有30分钟的耐力。一个最后的例子是变体的航空器结构节目,开发技术创造能适应的翼为航空器,使他们在飞行中根本地改变他们的形状。这些技术将允许航空器对根本上和动态地变化它的飞行状态(很象鸟)执行多个,根本地不同的角色。因此,我们开发仿造动物能力适应广泛改变的环境和威胁的一个轻量级选手、活跃地控制系统传感器(“神经”),作动器(“肌肉”)和结构(“皮和骨”)。视觉是变换军用航空器从被驾驶的航空器大昂贵的系统对自治航空器更加小型的系统以多个角色(例如位于的和毁坏的目标)被结合入一个唯一航空器,而不是要求很大数量的个体唯一角色航空器。

Period of Stay






(a) Have you ever been refused entry into or deported from any country, including Singapore? Yes No
(a)你是否曾经被包括新加坡在内的任何国家拒绝入境或者驱逐出境?是 否

(b) Have you ever been convicted in a court of law in any country, including Singapore? Yes No
(b)你是否在包括新加坡在内的任何国家被宣告有罪?是 否

(c) Have you ever been prohibited from entering Singapore? Yes No
(c)你是否曾经被禁止进入新加坡境内? 是 否

(d) Have you ever entered Singapore using a different passport or name? Yes No
(d)你是否曾经用其他的护照或者名字进入新加坡境内?是 否

If any of the answer is “YES”, please furnish details on a separate sheet of paper

IMM 14 Page 2 of 3


I hereby declare that all the particulars furnished by me in this application are true and correct.

I undertake not to misuse controlled drugs or to take part in any political or other activities during my stay in Singapore which would make me an
undesirable or prohibited immigrant under the Immigration Act.

I undertake to comply with the provisions of the Immigration Act and any regulations made thereunder or any statutory modification or re-enactment
thereof for the time being in force in Singapore.

I undertake not to involve in any criminal offences in Singapore.

I undertake not to indulge in any activities which are inconsistent with the purpose for which the immigration passes have been issued

I further undertake not to be engaged in any form of employment, business or occupation whilst in Singapore without the written consent of the
Controller of Immigration.

I am aware that overstaying or working illegally in Singapore is a serious offence and on conviction, the penalties may include mandatory imprisonment
and caning.

I understand that if the Controller of Immigration is satisfied that I or any member of my family breaches this undertaking or becomes an undesirable
or prohibited immigrant, he will cancel my immigration pass and the passes of the members of my family, and we may be required to leave Singapore
within 24 hours of such cancellation.

I understand that this application for and possession of a visa does not guarantee entry into Singapore and permission to entry is entirely discretionary
at the point of entry.

I give my consent for your department to obtain and verify information from or with any source as you deem appropriate for the assessment of my
application for immigration facilities.

居留期由国家来解决第三部-前因*(一)申请人的阵仗被拒绝入境或驱逐出任何国家 包括新加坡? (二)无阵仗被法庭判决有罪,在任何一个国家,包括新加坡? (三)无阵仗被禁止进入新加坡? (四)有你有没有进入新加坡护照或使用不同的名称? 如无任何回答"是", 另请提供详细1914年2页纸入境3第四部--申请人声明我现在宣布我提供的一切都是真实的、正确的应用这一. 我承诺不滥用药物控制或参与任何政治活动或其他在新加坡逗留期间,我将让我下一个不良或禁止入境移民法. 我承诺遵守<移民法规例或任何法定修改或重新制定时的开放时间,在新加坡队. 我承诺不涉及任何刑事罪在新加坡举行. 我承诺不抱任何活动,均与索取的再入境通行证我已经发出承诺不从事任何形式的就业 虽然住在新加坡的业务或未经书面同意控制器入境. 我知道在新加坡逾期居留或非法工作是一项严重罪行,一经定罪, 处罚可能包括强制性入狱笞刑. 我知道如果我确信控制器入境或任何家人或违反这项承诺变成了不良或禁止入境 他将通行证和出入境通行证我国取消了全家成员、 我们可能需要在24小时内离开新加坡等注销. 我知道这对申请签证,并持有并不保证准许入境并进入新加坡是完全的裁量切入点. 我同意你处索取资料或核实你认为适当的任何来源进行评估,我申请出入境设施.


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