
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

where to put my feet 是做wonder的宾语
It takes sb some time to do sth。 做某事花费某人多长时间 是固定句型
metal footrest 金属搁脚板

注:had better是一固定词组,表示"最好",用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。常用had better do sth.
at once 表示立刻、马上。


The Long March
The Red Army fears not the trials of the Long March,
Holding light ten thousand crags and torrents.
The Five Ridges wind like gentle ripples,
And the majestic Wumeng roll by, globules of clay.
Warm the steep cliffs lapped by the water of Jinsha,
Cold the iron chains spanning the Dadu River.
The most happiest thing is passing the extended snow on Ming Mountain
all the soldiers and checks finally bare to laugh.

Red Army fears expedition difficult lakes to only lightly. Five Ridges wind like Teng small waves, Wumeng majestic walk Ni Wan. Warm Sands Water cliffs, big iron chain Watahashi horizontal cold. More hi Minshan miles of snow, the joy of the three services do after.

The Long March

The Red Army fears not the trials of the Long March,Holding light ten thousand crags and torrents.The Five Ridges wind like gentle ripples,And the majestic Wumeng roll by, globules of clay.Warm the steep cliffs lapped by the water of Jinsha,Cold the iron chains spanning the Dadu River.Min Mountain's thousand li of snow joyously crossed,The three Armies march on, each face glowing 补充:毛泽东诗词英文版大全,下面有链接~


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