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论文题目: 浅谈降低企业成本的途径

摘 要abstact

to cut down the costs is one of the most effextive manners among all kinds of measures increasing Enterprises' profits. it is necessary to consider deeply to cut down the costs in market-oriented economy. only through a series of tactics can the targets be reached for, what's more maximize the value of enterprises.
关键词: 企业成本,降低成本,有效途径

key words: business cost, cutting down costs, effective manners

Along with the modern science and technology progress, the market competition is day by day intense. Our country beer profession is facing the new challenge. Facing the so stern situation, the accurate boundary decides our country beer profession the development present situation, the discussion promotes our country beer profession profit ability the theory, the method and the way, has the extremely vital practical significance to our country beer profession development. This article first has carried on the outline to the modern enterprise's profit ability, discussed the profit ability meaning and in enterprise's status, and simply introduced the profit ability reckoning method. How next discussed has appraised the enterprise time profit ability as well as the appraisal items to specially noted, finally unified the beer wine business the profession characteristic, and take the Qingdao beer as the example, the elaboration entire beer profession profit, and how to enhanced our country beer wine business profit ability to propose the new opinion.

Property management has a history of over 100 years abroad, in China, from Shenzhen started to now, only 20 years later.In 1978, to the general public is concerned, the epitome of urban residential quarters, becomes living serviceseconomic integration of the functions of the small community, but the property management has become a new industry sunrise industries.Along with the economic development and constantly improve the living standards of people, the vast majority of the property management requirements will rise higher and higher.Property management and development must be the people's growing material and cultural needs to adapt.Practice has proved thatproperty owners and property management agencies entrusted with the management and autonomy for the professional management of multi-storey buildings and residential quarters contribute to the establishment of harmony among all property.But at the same time, our traditional property management system and the legal structure of the housing market hindered the implementation of property management.A sound legal system will help standardize the management of the property management industry, to safeguard the rights of property owners.promote real estate markets, and promote the building of urban communities.The property management market economy plays an important role, not only regional property maintenance and upkeep, security, sanitation,Green landscaping, vehicles and other public services, but also affect the quality of people's work and life, and death modernization.It involves many aspects of property management, including real estate production, circulation and consumption of a large number of players, both ownersdevelopers and property management businesses equal civil relationsRelevant government departments are also involved in the administrative supervision of the property management business relations.In a complex relationship, through legislation to clear the main parties - the government, the owners of the property use.Property Management Enterprises, the developer's status, rights and obligations, property management laws to prevent disputes from arising.

Property management has a history of over 100 years abroad, in China, from Shenzhen started to now, only 20 years later.In 1978, to the general public is concerned, the epitome of urban residential quarters, becomes living serviceseconomic integration of the functions of the small community, but the property management has become a new industry sunrise industries.Along with the economic development and constantly improve the living standards of people, the vast majority of the property management requirements will rise higher and higher.Property management and development must be the people's growing material and cultural needs to adapt.Practice has proved thatproperty owners and property management agencies entrusted with the management and autonomy for the professional management of multi-storey buildings and residential quarters contribute to the establishment of harmony among all property.But at the same time, our traditional property management system and the legal structure of the housing market hindered the implementation of property management.A sound legal system will help standardize the management of the property management industry, to safeguard the rights of property owners.promote real estate markets, and promote the building of urban communities.The property management market economy plays an important role, not only regional property maintenance and upkeep, security, sanitation,Green landscaping, vehicles and other public services, but also affect the quality of people's work and life, and death modernization.It involves many aspects of property management, including real estate production, circulation and consumption of a large number of players, both ownersdevelopers and property management businesses equal civil relationsRelevant government departments are also involved in the administrative supervision of the property management business relations.In a complex relationship, through legislation to clear the main parties - the government, the owners of the property use.Property Management Enterprises, the developer's status, rights and obligations, property management laws to prevent disputes from arising.



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