
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1. Along time,people are more and more curious about the issue that whether there exists extraterrestrial lifes.
2. From ancient times, humans on the Moon from superstition to detect other galaxies which have been working with the living conditions for life to explore whether the planet is suitable for living.
3. With the development of technology,the human exploration of the process has bee nmoving forward.
4.At the same time,human beings are hoping to find another "Earth" fitting for human habitation.
5 From the Soviet Union's satellite first launched in 1957, humans have officially declared into the space.
6.1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong left the first human footprints on the lunar surface.

A: It is quite complicated for current entrance control system, is there any faster way?
B: use face detection system, safe and fast

A: Is there any other wy to handle so may document, system, email?
B: Standardize the operation pastform, fully automated it

A: managers report face to face, is there any method that is more objectie?
B: One stop management platform

A: Printing efficiency is low, need to walk few times and printer always malfunctions, is there any easier way?
B: real time printing, make printing easier

A: Current procedure is too complicated for new comers to understand, any easier way?
B: Simplify the procedure

A: The efficiency of the training center is low, environment is bad, anyway to make the training better?

A: Presentation is not so clear, looks simple, is there any more presentable one?
B: E-presentation, full of content and update promptly

A: Meeting room resource is scare,projector and phone is in bad condition. Is there any better environment for meeting?
B: Video conference, linked globally

A day os full with innovation is just passed.
In future, do we keep innovative?

It is wanhu in Ming Dynasty in China who was the first in the world to fly to the sky. He lived in late of 14th century as a carpenter in the begininng, used to work for A General named Banbei. He worked hard, favored by Banbei. Later Banbei was killed for offending some imperial power, leaving a book of rocket fabrication to Wanhu. Wanhu made various kinds of fire arrows according to the book and had the idea to fly with the fire arrows. Some day he decided to make a trial fly from a point in a moutain. Wanhu sit in a chair tied tightly by others. With a big kite in each hand, 47 fire arrows with the biggest pushing force that time were lighted tied under the chair after a good preparation. Wanhu rushed from the mountain top with the chair while the fire sprayed from the fire arrows. However, the pushing force vanished before the smokes were gone from the 47 arrows. Wanhu rolled down the mountain with the chair. Although Wanhu died in failure, he left helpful instructions to the followers as the first great practicer in manned space flight in the history of mankind. Today Wanhu has been recognized in the world as the pioneer in fire arrows drived fly. Undoubtedly, he contributed greatly for the following develpment in aerospace industry.



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