英语作文 我的班规 带翻译

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Our class rule
There are some rules in our class. Teacher sets the rules so that we can behave well in the class. First, we must not talking when teacher is teaching. Second, we must hand in our homework in time. Then, we also need to keep our classroom clean at all the time. Besides, we must respect our teachers and love our school.

Important Classroom Rules
Classroom rules tell us how things must be done or what is allowed at school.It is important for each of us to obey rules and make our classroom a nice place for learning.My rules are very clear and simple.
I think that the best learning time is the beginning of the day.Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30.My first rule is that everyone is to be in class on time.Second,everything we learn is mainly from class teaching.So in every class we should listen to the instructions and quickly get to work on the activity.Third,if we want to learn better,we should do our homework carefully.Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons.So,it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time.The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work.Cheating will not be allowed.The last rule is important,too.We should keep our classroom as clean as possible.We remember to throw waste things into the waste basket,not on the floor.Do not write on the desks,tables,or chairs.In this way,we will have a good environment for learning.
( If everyone is careful to obey these important rules,we will have learn more and have a better time at school.)

(1) after the bell rang, I'll enter the classroom quietly, quickly, ready for the learning content and learning activities, review the last lesson, clear oneself this section to complete thelearning task, remind yourself immediately. All those who enter the classroom, rant, noise, are regarded as the major mistakes. (2) learning is a top priority for students, can seize theclassroom 45 minutes out of efficiency, related to the academic can progress. As a studentmust study hard, listen attentively in class, ask questions, to actively raise their hands to speak, to actively create a harmonious classroom atmosphere. Tired to sleep, please stand up. All the sleeping, talking, reading books, listen to music, by the teacher criticism areviolations. (3) but does not allow the slapstick laughter, shouting loudly in the classroom,advocate to outdoor activities; import shall not kick the door against the door, not the pasting picture posted with independent learning. Recess activities don't do dangerous game, does not interfere with the normal activities of others. (4) should be self recuperation, makeeffective preparation for the next class, do a minute before class for the teacher in the class.

(1)上课铃响之后,要马上进入教室,迅速安静,准备好本节学习内容和用品,复习一下上节内容,明确自己本节完成的学习任务,提醒自己注意,立即投入.凡进入教室大声吵嚷者,发出噪音者,均视为重大失误. (2)学习是学生的头等大事,能否抓住课堂45分钟出效率,关系到学业是否能长足进步。作为学生必须勤奋学习,上课专心听讲,勇于提出问题,积极举手发言,积极营造和谐课堂气氛。疲倦想睡觉时,请站起来上课。凡睡觉、说话、看课外书、听音乐、受老师批评等均为违纪行为。(3) 课间不允许在教室内嬉笑打闹、大声喧哗,提倡去室外活动;进出不得踢门撞门,不得张贴与学习无关的粘贴画。课间活动不做危险游戏,不妨碍他人的正常活动。 (4)应自我休养,为下堂课作有效的准备,做到课前一分钟静候老师上课。

First, a student must try to be polite. 首先,学生必须讲礼貌。
How to be polite? 怎样讲礼貌呢?
For example, when you meet the teachers, you should say 'hello' or 'good morning' to him immediately. 例如,如果你遇到老师,要立刻对他说你好或早上好。
The teachers will give you a kindly smile after you do it.然后,老师会给你一个友好的微笑。
Second, good results will give a huge lift.第二,好成绩会成为极大的鼓舞
How to get good results? Study hard is the only way to success.怎么得到好成绩?
Good at active learning, you will reap it a lot.善于主动学习,你会收获很多。

英语作文 我的班规 带翻译视频




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