英美文学名词解释(explain in English)

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英语名词解释(explain in English)~

NO1. pseudo-passive:A pseudo-passive sentence is passive in form but active in meaning 形式上是被动了 实际表示主动的意思

NO2. double genitive :双重所有格

NO3.possessive determiner:物主限定词 比如 MY YOUR HER 这些的

NO4.epistemic modality:认知型情态

NO5.non-gradable adjective:非等级形容词

NO6.partial negation:部分否定

NO7.situational reference:情境指称

NO8.clausal substitution :分句性替代 指用分句替代词so和not表示的替代现象

NO9.bound morpheme:粘附词素 是指没有完整意义不能独立使用的词素(楼主打错了这个词语 应该是morpheme.

NO10.principle of proximity

累了 我也长了些知识 同样谢谢楼主HOHO 都比较标准 不过有悬赏分更好 西西


Transcendentalism 超验主义,先验论

The Lost Generation 跨掉的一代

Morality play 道德剧(西方中世纪末一种灌输善恶等观念的宗教戏剧,又称"寓意剧")

Feminism 男女平等主义,争取女权运动,(或者生理上说的"女性化")

Imagism 意象主义(一种英美诗歌流派,主张使用自由体写作,表达一瞬间的直觉和思想)

1. Transcendentalism: A literary and philosophical movement, asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition.
2. The Lost Generation: The term was first used by Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), one of the leaders of this group. It included the young English and American expatriates as well as men and women caught in the war and cut off from the old values and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad. It means this generation had lost the beautiful sense of the calm idyllic past.
3. Morality play: It is also called morality, an allegorical drama popular in Europe especially during the 15th and 16th centuries, in which the characters personify moral qualities (such as charity or vice) or abstractions (as death or youth) and in which moral lessons are taught.
4. Feminism: Feminism refers to movements aimed at establishing and defending equal political, economic and social rights and opportunities for women.
5. Imagism: A literary movement launched by British and American poets early in the 20th century in reaction against Victorian sentimentalism that advocated the use of free verse, common speech patterns and clear concrete images.

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