
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Spring is green and warm, it is to hope, Spring is each person yearning season. Every year, spring is a beginning. Summer is red, is the test, Summer is the season of irritable. Every year, the hot summer, and brought in, Summer is a ball of fire. Autumn is yellow, be gain,
Autumn is cool season. Every year, autumn harvest the fruit, The fall, it is the ideal of farmer uncle season. Winter is white, it is cold, Winter is cold season. Every year, with thick quilt winter is the earth cover.


2100 from ten of us share far away. We now science and technology are developed. To 2100 must be more developed. People then must all live very happy. Happy than now. I hope hurry by 2100. I want to see 2100 technological developments.

I like spring best,because it is warm.I can plant trees and fly kites.Do you like spring?
I don't like summer,because it's very hot.But my brother likes summer best,because he can swim in the sea.What about you ?
In fall ,it's always sunny and cool.I can pick apples. They are so delicious in the autumn. I love to watch the leaves fall.
What's the weather like in winter?It's cold .When it snows,I can ski.Ican make a snowman.

Hi,my name is linwei.Today is spring day.Is will be cool.And sunny.Today is spring day what are you going to do?

I like spring ,bceause I can fly kites ,It's very

v mf


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