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鸟鸣涧 Bird Stream
人闲桂花落, Idly Osmanthus down, 夜静春山空。 Spring Hill dead of the night air. 月出惊山鸟, Moon frightened blackbirds, 时鸣春涧中。 Jian Ming in the spring time.

鸟鸣涧 王维的诗
Wang Wei Niao Mingjian's Poems

  鸟鸣涧Bird Stream
  人闲桂花落, Idly Osmanthus down,

  夜静春山空。 Spring Hill dead of the night air.

  月出惊山鸟, Moon frightened blackbirds,

  时鸣春涧中。 Jian Ming in the spring time.
  王维(701--761)字摩诘 ,太原祁(今山西 祁县 )人。 Wang Wei (701 - 761) characters Mount interrogate , Taiyuan Qi (now Shanxi Qixian ) people. 出身世代官僚地主之家。 Bureaucratic landlord came home for generations. 其母崔氏奉佛三十余载。 Cui Fengfo mother three more than ten years. 佛经《维摩诘经》,是智者维摩诘居士与弟子讲学之书。 Buddhist "Offerings" is a wise man lay with his disciples teach Vimalakirtinirdesa book. 王维的名和字取于此。 Wang Wei's name and the word take this. 王维后半生之避世与佛教有关。 Wang Wei and the second for The Masquerade related to Buddhism. 《新唐书》本传说王维早慧,“九岁知属辞,与弟缙齐名,资孝友”。 "New Book of Tang," The legend of Wang Wei precocious, "to know an old address, and the younger brother Jin par, owned filial piety." 年十六、七,即往长安、洛阳游历,谋取仕进。 In 16, seven, or to Chang'an, Luoyang tour, seeking officialdom. 此期间写了一些游侠诗。 Ranger during this period wrote some poetry. 719年(开元七年)七月,他赴京兆府试,中解头。 719 years (inception seven years) in July, he went to Beijing trillion government test, the solution first. 他是一位文艺全才,诗、文、书、画都很著名,又精通音乐,善弹琴、琵琶。 He is a versatile art, poetry, literature, calligraphy and painting are known, are also proficient in music, good piano, pipa. 721年(开元九年)中进士,任太乐丞等官,后弃官隐居。 721 (inception nine years), the Scholars, he was too happy Cheng and other officials, after the official position seclusion. 729(开元十七年年),在长安从大荐福寺道光禅师学顿教。 729 (Kaiyuan 17 every year), in Chang in Chang Daoguang great Zen master from Dayton to teach school. 开元十九年,王维的妻子病故。 Kaiyuan 19 years, Wang's wife died. 他从此不再续娶,一直孤居三十年。 He gave added to marry has been isolated home three decades.

  王维一生诗作颇丰,“明月松间照,清泉石上流”、“行到水穷处,坐看云起时”王维的诗常在清灵之中透出几分禅意。 Wang life poems quite good, "Moon Song illuminates, the clear upper stone," "line to the water to the poor, the Clouds from time to time," Wang Wei's poems often revealed a sort of Zen among the Qing Ling. 在他的画中更是着笔清新,笔墨淡出,读他的画,便能自然而然的体悟到雅淡之中透出的独特艺术底蕴。 In his paintings is Zhaobi fresh ink fade out, reading his paintings, can naturally realized that features a pale being, revealed a unique artistic heritage. 苏轼就曾这样说过;“味摩诘之诗,诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画中有诗。"” Su Shi once said so; "Taste of Morocco It's long poem, a painting; observe interrogate the painting, painting in poetry." "

  中国画中讲究诗情画意,王维把画与诗相互融会贯通,其诗平实而简远,其画韵味含蓄而丰富,意境清旷苍秀,在自然之中勾画出属于他自己的一方天地,他用笔随意,墨气沉稳,线条有力而飞扬不张,在他的空间里,形象与笔墨相得益彰,抒发出了他对生活的热爱与感受。 Pay attention to poetic Chinese painting, painting and poetry of Wang Wei to mutual mastery, its plain and simple but poetic, subtle and rich flavor of its paintings, mood Tsang Sau Ching Kuang, being outlined in the natural party of his own world, his pen casual, Mexican gas steady, strong and flying lines are not copies of his space, image and words complement each other, to express the love of his life and feelings.

  山水画中最注重对意境的表现,他把相应的诗歌以文字为媒介,状物表意,诗情与画意有机结合,从而为世人创造出了更为广阔幽远的艺术空间。 Landscape Painting in the performance of the most focused on the mood, he's poetry in the corresponding text as a medium of Liang expressive, poetic and picturesque combination, thus creating a wider world Youyuan art space.

  “大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”、“千里横黛色,数峰出云间”、“空山新雨后,天气晚来秋”王维的山水诗给渲染出了一幅幅美丽的山水画卷,让人从不同角度感受山水情韵。 "Smoke in the desert straight down the long river of the yen", "Trinidad Wang Dai-color, number of peaks between the clouds," "Space Mountain the new rain, the weather night to fall," Wang Wei's landscape poetry out of a site to render the beautiful landscape volume, people feel the landscape from different angles Rhyme.

  在山水画中,王维可以称得上是一位具有划时代意义的山水画家。 In landscape paintings, Wang can be considered as a landmark of landscape painters. 他作青绿山水似李思训,作水墨山水近吴道子。 He made green landscape like Li Xun, for ink landscape near Wu Daozi. 同时他首创了破墨山水,尽去了以往山水画的浮华之气,仅用水墨渲淡而成,把原先以勾线为主的山水画,向水墨发展推进了一步。 He pioneered the broken ink landscape, best landscape painting of glitz to the air of the past, only ink wash color light is made to the original main line to hook the landscape, a step forward to the development of ink. 明朝董其昌就曾说王维的山水画"是一变勾斫之法为水墨渲染",便可独见他对于山水画的发展所做出的贡献。 Wang Ming Dong Qichang once said the painting "is a variable hook chop ink rendering of the law" can be independent to see him for the development of landscape contribution.

  王维开启了唐代的水墨山水,并对后世文人画有着极为重大的影响。 Wang opened the Tang Dynasty Chinese landscape, and the later paintings have a major influence. 他一生把所有的感情尽情挥洒于山水之间,寄情造意,诗从胸发,画由意出,情景交融,诗画同工,曲意盎然,达到了诗画相融的最高境界。 All the feelings of his life in the landscape between the fullest, always focussed on making meaning, poetry from the chest hair, painted by the Italian out of the scenes, poetry and painting with the work, landscape of music, reaching the highest state of blending poetry and painting.







Bird Stream

Analysis: Tang Wei

Idly Osmanthus down, dead of the night air in spring hill.

Moon frightened blackbirds, Ming Spring Stream of Time.

Analysis】 【
Bird Stream, is a very beautiful scenic places. Stream, is a mountain stream, caught in the Gully between two mountains.
This poem describes a spring night unusually quiet mountain scenes. Poetic effect: no one in the sound of silence
Environment, since the open since the fall of Osmanthus fragrans, Osmanthus landing if you can feel the sound. Dead of the night,
View range of Spring Hill, will follow suit, all empty. Post with the moon, light a revealing, alerted the tree places
The birds, which from time to time in the Spring Stream to tweet several more.
This poem in Spring Hill dead of the night to write. The flowers, moon, birds are moving, the author is used to move
Static lining the way, received "a more secluded mountain birds," the artistic effect.
Write ethereal quiet environment and state of mind, the hero with all his mind to listen to the flowers birds thin to sing the sounds of nature, quiet and indifferent to his heart, but rich elegant Recommenting. Office of the natural quiet to the most impressive in the poet, full of life. Moon silent, and blackbirds flush, which is static phase contrast the art of nirvana. "The Temple, said Tang": "You Cheng specializes in Zen, his poems are co-holy church." "Don Notes and Commentary": "no big deal to leisure, to idlers receive this wonderful leisure fun." "Poetry Yi Jian Lu" : "bird, motivation; Stream, a narrow border too. The first and the 'Spring Hill dead of the night air' before its five-word, and then point out the birds Stream to, will feel there is a picture of empty silence, because birds and more show who reveal the ink from. 1 of machine, non-complex human can be. "

Osmanthus on this poem in quite some differences of opinion. One explanation is that there are flowers, osmanthus flowers, fall flowers, seasonal flowers of different types, here is the spring bloom when written in a. Another view of art and literature do not have to copy the life of legendary painting of Wang Wei, "Yuan An lying snow map", in the snow still green banana, real life things can also appear in the literary and artistic creation is allowed. However, this poem is the title of Friends Rensuo Ju Wang's "Huangfu Yue Yun Kai miscellaneous title 5" one. Five first to write a poem every landscape, close to the landscape painting, but different from ordinary painting, therefore, to explain some of the mountain in real time to properly xuan pue.

Laurel lush foliage, and small petals. The flowers, especially at night, is not easy to perceive. Therefore, the beginning of the "people busy," the word can not be easily seen. "Idly" shows there is no staff around the annoyance, shows the poet's quiet inside. Have this as a premise, subtle osmanthus fall from the branches before she was conscious of it. Poet can find this "fall", or the flowers alone caused the skirt on the touch, or with sound, or with petals Piaozhui a trace given by the fragrance. In short, the "down" effect on the human element can be very subtle. When this subtle factors, can escape from around the world are obviously feeling out of time, poets could not help also for the quiet of the night and displayed by the quiet of the deserted and particularly amazed the. Here, the poet's mind and spring mountain atmosphere, is fit but interact with each other.

In this spring in the mountains, Wan Lai are intoxicated that night shades, the silence of the night. Therefore, when the moon rises, to the darkened lonely valley, bringing bright and clear Silverlit time brought a blackbird awoke up. Bird scared, of course, because they have used to silence the valley, it seems even the moon also has a new stimulus. However, the bright moonlight, so that the valley immediately before and after the scene change can imagine. The so-called "Yuemingxingxi, Ukraine magpies fly south" (Cao Cao "Duange Xing") can be for us to think of. But Wang Wei Tang period in which is different from the era of turmoil and chaos of war Jian, even the birds can not avoid a sense of panic. Wang's "Moonrise frightened blackbirds," is the background of social stability and unity of the Tang Dynasty, although frightened birds, but never a "juke Sanza, no branches 可依." They do not fly Spring Stream, and even did not take off, only occasionally wow between forests. "Ming Spring Stream of Time", which is not so much "shock", as saying that the moon was new. Thus, if the control of Cao Cao's "Duange Xing," Wang Wei that we are in the poem, can not only see the Spring Hill back from the moon, fallen flowers, the decorative birds as a charming environment, but also feel the Tang Dynasty era of peace and stability in the social atmosphere.

Wang Wei in his landscape poems, like the creation of the quiet mood, the poem as well. But the poem is written by withering, moon, birds, the dynamic of the scene, even if the poems seem vigorous without Kuji, at the same time through dynamic, more prominently display the Spring Stream's quiet. Moving the scenery instead of static results can be achieved, which is contradictory because both things are always interdependent. Under certain conditions, moving has been able to happen, or can be for people's attention is to quiet as the prerequisite. "Tonamiyama more quiet," which is included with this art of dialectics.

Explanatory Note
Busy: Quiet. Empty: empty.
Shi Jing:
Silent spring, Osmanthus unwittingly litter. Silence so that spring night the mountain people to feel empty. The moon came out, even by moonlight disturb the birds. Tweet issued from time to time in the mountain streams in response.
This poem Spring Hill all the static. "Static" is the poet felt a strong sense of. Why? Is due to "busy people", that is, people quiet. Were quiet due to calm the mind, so aware of the fall osmanthus.
The flowers, moon, birds, these "action" scene, to bring out the Spring Stream quiet.

鸟鸣涧 Bird Stream
人闲桂花落, Idly Osmanthus down,夜静春山空。 Spring Hill dead of the night air.月出惊山鸟, Moon frightened blackbirds,时鸣春涧中。 Jian Ming in the spring time.


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