
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

(1)Do you often help your parents do chores?Why or why not?
I often help my parents do chores because they both work.They not only work but also take care of me carefully,do some shopping and so on.They are very busy and tired.I am fifteen years old. I should think of them.At home I often do some cleaning and cooking after I finish my homework.My parents often praise me. I also very proud of myself.翻译:(1)你经常在家里帮助父母做些零星家务吗?为什么或者为什么不干?我经常在家里帮助父母做些零星家务,因为他们都在工作。他们不但要工作还要小心地照顾我、买东西等等事情。他们太繁忙了,也很辛苦。我已经十五岁了。我应该为他们着想了。在家里当我做完家庭作业后卫经常帮他们洗碗做饭。我的父母经常夸奖我。我也很感到自豪。(以下的翻译不写了。我怕地方不够,sorry!)
(2)Say something about your last day off.Yesterday we invite Ann to have dinner with us.My mun cooked some delicious Chinese food for her.She liked it very much.We all had a good time!
(3)Where do you often have lunch?Give at least two reasons
I often have lunch at home and cook myself.Because my parents are both working and they can not come back to do ir.Secondly we donot have too much money to buy food at restaurants because their food is expensive.
(4)How do you feel when you see the animals in the zoo?Why?
I feel lucky and nervouse when I see the animals in the zoo.People can go every place all over the world while the animals are only in the zoo.So I feel lucky .But I also feel nervouse because there are less and less kinds of animals in the earth.
(5)In your English study,which ways do you think are more useful?Give two examples.
When I study English I think it is useful to listen to the teacher and recite the words,expressions and grammer.For example ,listening to the teacher carefully can help me with the pronuciation and spelling .The other example is that reciting the grammer can make me undeerstand the sentence easily.
(6)What do you think of those students who go to school by car?
I am not agree with them.Going to school by car needs much money .We can not earn much money but spend too much money on unuseful thing.At the same time walking to school everey day is an excise.It can make us more stronger.
(7)If you meet something unhappy during your travel/shopping,what will you do?
When it happens I just throw it away.I am not worry about it again because it is unuseful .I only think about it carefully why it happens and where is my mistaken .In the future I do not make the same mistaken .
(8)Is it good for teenagers to do the chores?Why or why not
I think it good for teenagers to do the chores.Because before they do the chores they can not understand why it is not easy to do it.They will not make such mistaken as not eating food by their mums.
Also it can take an excise and they can do some cooking themselves.
(9)What do you think is the most important pollution problem?Give some advice
I think the most important pollution problem is the people's idea.I want to give some advice:
1.People should pay attention to it;
2.People should try to change it;
3.People should do something to make more people know it
(10)Say something about an invention
I think the most important invention is the telephone recently.It makes people talk about something easily and transfort infomation quikly.For an example ,before I could talk to my dear grandmother once a year .Now I can telephone to her every day .I thank for the invention .I will make the same invention later.

口语按顺序分为:1.朗读屏幕上给定的一篇短文。 2. 根据中文提示,回答计算机问出的2个问题
3. 话题简述:根据给定的几段中文提示,简述一个话题。(可以近似地看做加长版的即时翻译题



(1)Do you often help your parents do chores?Why or why not?
I often help my parents do chores because they both work.They not only work but also take care of me carefully,do some shopping and so on.They are very busy and tired.I am fifteen years old. I should think of them.At home I often do some cleaning and cooking after I finish my homework.My parents often praise me. I also very proud of myself.翻译:(1)你经常在家里帮助父母做些零星家务吗?为什么或者为什么不干?我经常在家里帮助父母做些零星家务,因为他们都在工作。他们不但要工作还要小心地照顾我、买东西等等事情。他们太繁忙了,也很辛苦。我已经十五岁了。我应该为他们着想了。在家里当我做完家庭作业后卫经常帮他们洗碗做饭。我的父母经常夸奖我。我也很感到自豪。(以下的翻译不写了。我怕地方不够,sorry!)
(2)Say something about your last day off.Yesterday we invite Ann to have dinner with us.My mun cooked some delicious Chinese food for her.She liked it very much.We all had a good time!
(3)Where do you often have lunch?Give at least two reasons
I often have lunch at home and cook myself.Because my parents are both working and they can not come back to do ir.Secondly we donot have too much money to buy food at restaurants because their food is expensive.
(4)How do you feel when you see the animals in the zoo?Why?
I feel lucky and nervouse when I see the animals in the zoo.People can go every place all over the world while the animals are only in the zoo.So I feel lucky .But I also feel nervouse because there are less and less kinds of animals in the earth.
(5)In your English study,which ways do you think are more useful?Give two examples.
When I study English I think it is useful to listen to the teacher and recite the words,expressions and grammer.For example ,listening to the teacher carefully can help me with the pronuciation and spelling .The other example is that reciting the grammer can make me undeerstand the sentence easily.
(6)What do you think of those students who go to school by car?
I am not agree with them.Going to school by car needs much money .We can not earn much money but spend too much money on unuseful thing.At the same time walking to school everey day is an excise.It can make us more stronger.
(7)If you meet something unhappy during your travel/shopping,what will you do?
When it happens I just throw it away.I am not worry about it again because it is unuseful .I only think about it carefully why it happens and where is my mistaken .In the future I do not make the same mistaken .
(8)Is it good for teenagers to do the chores?Why or why not
I think it good for teenagers to do the chores.Because before they do the chores they can not understand why it is not easy to do it.They will not make such mistaken as not eating food by their mums.
Also it can take an excise and they can do some cooking themselves.
(9)What do you think is the most important pollution problem?Give some advice
I think the most important pollution problem is the people's idea.I want to give some advice:
1.People should pay attention to it;
2.People should try to change it;
3.People should do something to make more people know it
(10)Say something about an invention
I think the most important invention is the telephone recently.It makes people talk about something easily and transfort infomation quikly.For an example ,before I could talk to my dear grandmother once a year .Now I can telephone to her every day .I thank for the invention .I will make the same invention later.


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